Monday, 6 February 2006

Categories in Blogger =Hack @O'Reiley

Categories in Blogger: "BLOGGING HACK
Contributed by: menglis3
[03/22/05 | Discuss (7) | Link to this hack]

My blog is my Electric Monk. That's one of the reasons I chose Blogger, because of its close relationship with google. I save any usefull tidbits I come across into my blog, and then the google bot comes by and indexes them for me. This enables me to search just my stuff (using the google box on the front page). However, when I started using bloxsom (so as to use features like categories) I found the google bot wasn't visiting anymore. So, I decided to try to implement categories on my blogger blog. Options included using Blogger's ATOM API but I quickly determined that this would still require a lot of coding on my behalf to ensure a consistent look and feel across the site. After a bit of googling, I found some helpfull advice, which has provided a very good starting point. In summary, I now have a master blog, plus a blog for each category I want. I post entries on the category blogs (such as My Stuff - Code). In the Settings --> Email tab for my category blogs, I use the BlogSend Address to automatically mail the post to a gmail alias address. This is forwarded via a gmail filter to the Mail-to-Blogger Address for the master blog.

See also: More detail here.

1. Go Daddy's ads are tasteless, which is their professed intent. They're also clueless and immature. I've already taken my business elsewhere ( Although Go Daddy was somewhat more economical, I'm embarrassed to have been a customer.

6. I like the ad. I like GoDaddy's top notch service. Their technical support should be a model for Dell, Verizon, and every other major corporations that make one go through an endless tunnel of automated selections on the phone that dont work.

Posted at 4:49PM on Feb 3rd 2006 by Eric

16. It took them 14ish attempts to come up with something that would get approved and in all that time they never thought of coming up with anything good. Except Candice there was nothing here to see or laugh at.

Posted at 6:46PM on Feb 3rd 2006 by Dave

There were a few quality quotes throughout, with the overall description of the situation as being "in limbo," and that the company had wanted to know what they had to do to make an ad that would be accepted, but never seemed to get anywhere with that. The company says that it has spent $1.2 million in production costs - through its internal production group - to create the 14 ads that have been rejected so far, and it's definitely good they weren't using a big ad firm, because your domain prices would have already gone up by now. For those who were present at the event, some clips were shown with ads that had previously been rejected. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see them, but did catch Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game" playing in one of them. We've been told that a copy of all the rejected spots is on the way to us here at AJ, and we will be sure to have it online as soon as it's available.
[update!] Well, GoDaddy has released the full complement of ads that have been declined by ABC, and they're all available here for your viewing pleasure. Commentary and screens after the jump.

Continue reading GoDaddy Press Conference: Super Bowl Ad #14 in limbo


PETA goes "wild" against milk

Warning: The videos on the site are on the edge of being Not Safe For Work but are, without a doubt, gross.

Milk is the latest target in the sites of PETA. The organization is out to warn all of us that not only is milk bad for us (they actually say beer is healthier. I now have to run and tell my wife) but that it is, of course, cruel of us to exploit cows for it. They've launched a website MilkGoneWild that makes that point but uses a parody of the "Girls Gone Wild" videos as a tool. The TV spots (one of which is "banned' - who do they think they are, GoDaddy?) show hot chicks at a party with big glasses or bottles of milk who are prompted to lift their shirts and reveal - and here's where it gets gross - udders. That's right, two big sacks with about three udders each. There's an additional video narrated by Alec Baldwin that's dryer and more educational, but the addition of Baldwin keeps the gross factor about the same.

[via MediaOrchard]


Series 60 tips and tricks

4. These aren't secret, but they're some of the best features of S60, and not as obvious to newbies as perhaps they should be:

1. Managing your running applications. A foreign concept to Windows Mobile users, S60 thankfully includes a task manager to view, choose, and close running applications. Just hold down the application key for a second (the one with the two-dots-spinning icon) to bring up a menu of open apps. Choose one to switch to it, or press the "C" (clear) key to Exit that application to free memory.

2. Related to the above... Know the difference between "Exit"ing an application and switching to something else. If you're in an app and choose the "Exit" softkey (or use the task-manager shortcut above) that will actually shut down that application, and take you to whatever you were doing before. But if you press the red end (hang-up) key to jump to the home screen, (or switch to another application,) the app stays running in the background.

3. Full text editing. To select text, just hold down the text (pencil) key and move the cursor. A "Copy" option appears - press it to copy the selected text to the clipboard (just like a PC). Then go to where you want to paste the text - even another application - and hold the text key for a second. A "Paste" option appears.

Posted at 6:33PM on Feb 6th 2006 by Rich

7. a few great applications: CtrlFreak(controlling your pc via bluetooth), TotalIR (IR remote control for... everything) . A great website (though a little messy) for apps and games: I really like my Nokia 6600, it gets a little slow sometimes, but a format once every 6 months cures that. Can't wait to get a N93 in a couple of months.

Posted at 7:09PM on Feb 6th 2006 by gtox

10. Here is a tip:
as you will no longer be able to run any 'homebrew' apps and games on them due to the new "Symbian signed" DRM, erm I mean, security feature.

Posted at 8:05PM on Feb 6th 2006 by dick

Nvidia's 'voice' || Apnea OSA abstracts

Nvidia's Perez: "They act as our 'voice'" - Consumerist: "The Consumerist feels that it would be more useful to our readers—the same people you’re both marketing to and occasionally giving free products—to talk this through in public, since the public are the very people who are affected by your relations.

So from what we gather, Nvidia does not hire actors to create trusted personas on internet forums. This is a very good thing, and we are glad to hear you clarify that this is not the case.

Instead, Nvidia takes existing trusted users from the web community and gives them free Nvidia hardware in exchange for PR duties.

This brings us to ‘disclosure.’

By giving away free hardware to fans who are not required to disclose the gift—and why should they, as they are not employees or members of the press?—you’ve created a precarious situation for the communities in which these fans are involved.

Without knowing who gets free hardware from Nvidia as a reward and who is simply a fan of the product based on its own merit, it makes it difficult for us to trust the greater Nvidia fan community at large. The very program you’ve instigated to take advantage of goodwill itself poisons the trust we might otherwise have in your fan community.

So speaking of disclosure, an anonymous Consumerist reader writes:

I spoke on the phone with Stephanie at AEG after this story broke in an effort to investigate the situation. She flat-out told me that AEG actively seeks influential members of message boards to approach for membership in their marketing program. These members are required to sign a NDA about the program’s very existence. The recent news I was told by a member of this program is that NVIDIA is now offering them 30” widescreen LCDs. This suggests just how much $$$ is being poured into this new outreach effort.

These people are indeed viral marketers, but NVIDIA also expects them to provide the company feedb"
find all of these remarks disparaging Nvidia to be in rather poor taste. Nvidia cards are quite simply, the best cards on the market. Infact, just the other day I was playing with my GeForce 7800 series and I realized that it was capable of transparency supersampling. You won't believe how good it looks until you see it for yourself! I have a friend who likes ATI and he's always coming over to my house just to look at the transparency supersampling. Often times he likes to remark on the high dynamic range lighting effects as well...

But wait, theres more, using subsurface scattering you can render skin textures off of your favorite 3d games to an unparalleled degree...

*typing this on his thirty inch monitor*

by mrscolex on 02/06/0

Lest Fon be seen as entirely new and unique exclusive of the three firms mentioned before that tried this model using cheap computers and software instead of commodity gateways and firmware—Joltage, SOHONetworks, and Sputnik—remember that LessNetworks and Radiuz have been offering community authentication for a while. LessNetworks has been kicking around for a couple of years, a for-profit outgrowth of the Austin Wireless City Project that offers a gateway page, community features, and user accounts for free access for a small management fee; they donate their services to nonprofits and others, too. Radiuz is free WPA Enterprise authentication, which combines secure logins and unique WPA encryption keys with RADIUS features found in virtually all consumer and enterprise gateways. Radiuz started up a year ago.

Update: I must be naive, but thought of this as a relatively small story. I am now seeing separate accounts in practically every major newspaper and publication in the world—I suppose Skype (eBay) and Google will do that to a company. Read what Doc Searls has to say about it, and also David Weinberger, who is part of Fon’s US advisory council.

Update: Fortune’s article mentions that the Fon founder brought on board to that US advisory council a whole array of digerati and A-List technology bloggers.

"It’s a small world, but I wouldn’t want to have to paint it."


That Google is involved, which has its own VPN client that will tie users to their advertising services when they log in, suggests to me that a very large amount of revenue could be put in play by the FON project. I think, therefore, that the system will face a challenge when a tide of Linuses realize that there is revenue of which even Bills aren't getting any share.

If the Wi-Fi network is serving as a secure entry for Google, allowing Google to collect even more personal information and tie its advertising to network access, especially to facilitate deeply localized ad placement, FON's real revenue model will have very little to do with access fees paid by Aliens.

Instead, FON seems poised to be the last mile carrier that is subsidized by Google, Skype and others. It's infrastructure, because it would be mostly donated, is cheap enough to make a viable economic foundation for an alternative network.

But that only creates a question of whether the user wants to trade personal information to Google in exchange for access or if they want to pay a "traditional carrier" for access.

Google, Skype, Sequoia and Index Fund FON: MobileCrunch Wonders Why

Posted by Oliver | Discussion: Comment this story

fon-776293.jpgGoogle, Skype , Sequoia and Index Ventures have teamed up to invest $21.7 in FON, the upstart broadband sharing movement founded by serial entrepreneur Martin Varsavsky.

Based upon the premise that people can share and share alike with their broadband connections, thus creating a global free WiFi access zone. The idea is that WiFi subscribers can join FON and by

Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2006 Jan 26;[epub ahead of print].

Antioxidant vitamin C improves endothelial function in obstructive sleep apnea.


Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiology and Angiology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany

Rationale : Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Objective : To test the hypothesis that endothelial dysfunction in patients with OSA is linked to oxidative stress. Methods : In the present study, we measured flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery by ultrasound in 10 otherwise healthy, untreated OSA patients and 10 age-and sex-matched controls without sleep-disordered breathing before and after i.v. injection of the antioxidant vitamin C. The investigator performing the FMD measurements was blinded to the status of the patients. Results : When compared to controls, baseline FMD was significantly reduced in the OSA patients. After i.v. injection of 0.5 g vitamin C vasoreactivity remained unchanged in the control subjects. In the OSA patients, ascorbate led to an increase in FMD to a level now comparable to that observed in the control group. Conclusion : The reduced endothelial-dependent vasodilation in untreated OSA patients acutely improves by the free radical scavenger vitamin C. These results are in favour of oxidative stress being responsible for the endothelial dysfunction in OSA. Antioxidant strategies should be explored for the treatment of OSA-related cardiovascular disease.


Hum Psychopharmacol 2006 Jan 30;[epub ahead of print].

Mirtazapine naturalistic depression study (in Sweden)-MINDS(S): clinical efficacy and safety.


Department of Psychiatry, Sahlgrenska University Hospital/Molndal, Goteborg University, Sweden

OBJECTIVE: To study how implementation of a naturalistic trial design for mirtazapine treatment in major depressive disorder for six (up to 12) months could be used and evaluated by means of clinical efficacy and safety. METHOD: An open-labelled, prospective, multicenter, non-comparative trial was conducted during a 2-year period in patients with major depression according to DSM-IV treated in psychiatric departments and primary care in Sweden. Minimal inclusion and exclusion criteria were used in order to diminish the potential patient selection bias. Maximum flexibility of the dosage of mirtazapine was allowed, and clinical assessments included MADRS, CGI, vital signs and spontaneous reporting of adverse events. RESULTS: 192 patients were found eligible and enrolled in the study. A significant improvement in depressive symptoms according to MADRS and CGI was observed including particularly marked sleep improvement early in the treatment. Slight increases in body weight and BMI were observed. The investigational drug was well tolerated overall. CONCLUSION: The clinical efficacy and safety of mirtazapine found in this naturalistic setting is in line with previously reported data on mirtazapine in traditional controlled clinical trials. The results confirm that the naturalistic study design facilitated conduct of the trial. The authors suggest that this type of study design should also be applied to other antidepressant drugs that are frequently prescribed in the general population. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

BACKGROUND:: Fatigue is a common symptom of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but little is known about the specific nature of COPD-related fatigue and its impact on daily life. OBJECTIVES:: To (a) describe characteristics of fatigue in people with COPD and (b) test a theoretically and empirically supported model of the relationships among subjective fatigue, dyspnea, functional performance, anxious and depressed moods, and sleep quality in people with COPD. METHODS:: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with 130 people with moderate to severe COPD. Measures included the following: a Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) for frequency, intensity, and distress of fatigue and dyspnea; Fatigue Assessment Instrument (FAI); Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire (CRQ); Profile of Mood States (POMS); Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI); Functional Performance Inventory (FPI); and spirometry. Path analysis was used to examine the relationships among variables. RESULTS:: Participants reported moderate amounts of fatigue, which was described as situation-specific, had considerable consequences, and was responsive to rest and sleep. Dyspnea was slightly greater than fatigue, as measured by the NRSs (p <.001), and there was a strong relationship between fatigue and dyspnea (r =.74, p < .001). Dyspnea, depressed mood, and sleep quality accounted for 42% of the variance in subjective fatigue. Fatigue, dyspnea, airflow obstruction, and anxious mood accounted for 36% of the variance in functional performance. CONCLUSIONS:: Fatigue is an important problem that affects performance of daily activities in people with COPD. The relationships or interactions that exist among fatigue and other symptoms are complex.


To investigate whether cardiac dysfunction or abnormal measurements on cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) are present in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and what factors are responsible for exercise limitation in these patients. We enrolled 20 patients with moderate or severe OSAS in the OSA group and 20 subjects without OSAS in the control group. All subjects underwent a sleep study and cardiac evaluation by radionuclide scanning and CPET. There was no difference in left ventricular ejection fraction (VEF) between the two groups, but the OSA group had a lower right VEF. Patients in the OSA group had a lower [Formula: see text] , [Formula: see text] and workpeak than the control group. The OSA group had a higher breathing reserve and a greater decrease in anaerobic threshold (AT) and oxygen pulse. In conclusion, patients with moderate to severe OSAS had abnormal CPET results. These abnormalities may be due to cardiac disease, pulmonary vascular disease, or possible lack of fitness.

Sleep Breath 2006 Feb 1;1-7[epub ahead of print].

Heart rate regularity analysis obtained from pulse oximetric recordings in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea.


Servicio de Neumologia, Hospital Clinico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela, C/ Choupana s/n, 15706, Santiago de Compostela, Spain,

Approximate entropy (ApEn) is a technique that can be used to quantify the irregularity or variability of time series. We prospectively evaluated the validity of ApEn of heart rate data obtained from pulse oximetric recordings as a diagnostic test for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in patients clinically suspected of suffering this disease. A sample of 187 referred outpatients (147 men and 40 women), with a mean age of 57.9+/-12.8 years and a body mass index of 29.5+/-5.5 kg/m(2), clinically suspected of having OSA were studied using nocturnal pulse oximetric recording performed simultaneously with complete polysomnography. A diagnosis of OSA was confirmed in 111 (59.3%). Patients with OSA presented significantly higher ApEn levels than those without OSA (1.334+/-0.189 vs 1.167+/-0.182). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was diagnosed for 42 patients. Among these patients, 22 (52.4%) were diagnosed with OSA. COPD patients with OSA showed significantly higher ApEn levels than COPD patients without OSA (1.337+/-0.193 vs 1.184+/-0.173; p=0.01). ApEn correlated significantly with apnea-hypopnea index (r=0.38; p=0.000). There was no significant correlation between ApEn and either age or body mass index. No significant changes were observed in ApEn throughout the night in OSA patients. Using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, we obtained a diagnostic sensitivity of 71.2%, specificity of 78.9%, positive predictive value of 81.3%, and negative predictive value of 66% at a threshold of 1.272. We conclude that ApEn analysis of heart rate data obtained from pulse oximetric recordings could be a useful tool in the study of OSA.

FDA and orphan drugs - one of the other "monopoly makers"

The FDA-regulated industries have many non-patent tools at their disposal to achieve and/or ensure market exclusivity for their products. One of the least well known of the FDA "monopoly makers" is the Orphan Drug Act of 1983. Under the Act, the...[...continue reading...]

========================= cretins:

Steganography with Flickr

steganographyI've recently purchased a Pro account over on Flickr. Since I'm moving to a new place in a few weeks, paranoia has set in over possibly losing all of my digital photos due to a dropped computer, lost backup DVDs and CDs, or simply stolen equipment. What's great about Flickr is the sorting capabilities and, most importantly, unlimited storage. Surely they must have something in place to avoid taking too much advantage of that unlimitedness? Actually, it seems they don't.

Steganography is a way of embedding just about any kind of file or data within another "cover" file, though not noticably altering the cover file's content. Usually this embedded content is encrypted with a passphrase of some sort, only extractable via special programs. So should you embed a file within a JPEG image, for example, the casual observer would only see the image and perhaps only notice something odd due to the image's file size.

4. Hiding a file in image obviously changes the image, some steg app's just change the least significant bit of each byte in the data part of the image file. so any image has some random data hidden in it(which might not be usefull). This also means that you can only hide 1k in a image that is 8k in size(without compression etc).

Wont it be easier just to encrypt the data and upload it(may add a image header to it, so that the site doesnt complain). Obviously it wont look like an image but noone will be able to get to the data.

Just my 5c ZAR (excl vat)

Posted at 11:37AM on Aug 21st 2005 by Gert Burger ------

6. As steganography is very difficult to detect, I would suspect that there is not a single image hosting site that looks for it.

Gert Berger is somewhat correct when he's talking about using the LSB, but several steg programs out there will alter more than one LSB, all while keeping a histogram of the image exactly the same and only filling around 30-40% of the container file -- VERY tough to detect (if not impossible).

Niels Provos wrote stegdetect which determines if an image has something embedded in it from certain tools, but that I'm aware of, no one has written anything that detects general steganography.

You said that you'd rather see the service not abused like this. What's wrong with it? That's almost like saying you'd rather not see email abused by sending encrypted emails. Images are images, and some may happen to contain other info, but as long as it's an image, why would Flickr care?

Posted at 12:37PM on Aug 21st 2005 by Dave

13. So basically you're showing us how to use a photo storage service to store private data. I think this is immoral and is probably against the terms of service.

Flikr could probably detect the changes anyway. When you do stego on Jpegs you do it by altering the coefficients on the waveforms. The problem is these coefficients usually conform to a gaussian distribution and by packing so much data in to the jpeg you're going to screw up that distribution.

To hide truly undetectable data in there is going to be difficult and the channel capacity wont be all too great. It's a clever idea but I'm against it. If you want storage, buy a web-hosting package and FTP it up to it there.

Posted at 2:36PM on Aug 21st 2005 by Andrew

19. Over at we've been doing photo sharing for a few years longer than Flickr, and had this problem for a while. We ended up writing some filters which score suspicious-looking jpeg files (things like image dimensions vs filesize for one).

It wasn't uncommon for us to get a 200x200 jpeg which was about 10M in size, and find RAR headers in it. Given the volume of photos submitted it's a bit hard to scan everything but we score it and it works 99% of the time.

Of course, there's the pillocks who'll upload a photo called "winxp-sp2-cr4ck3d.r01.jpg", and oddly enough they're pretty easy to spot ;)

Posted at 4:40PM on Aug 21st 2005 by Joel Rowbottom 0 sta

Mike Curtis Interviews the Man behind the RED Camera

A must read for you Intermediate and Pro users. We have mentioned the RED camera before (here & here). Mike Curtis has an exclusive interview with the man behind the RED camera, Jim Jannard (also the founder of Oakley Sunglasses.) What Jannard is promising with this camera is really hard to believe. The specs are simply too good to be true. No digital camera has either delivered or even promised such power or such versatility. They plan to not only market it to big budget productions but also to the indie. You add what you want, why was no one else providing this? Almost like a computer. This simply sounds too good to be true. Among all the things mentioned, the talk about lenses got me the most excited. Here is what Jannard has to say about lenses:

"We see a hole in the market for lenses. It is true that Cooke, Zeiss and others make great lenses for 35mm film cameras. Our camera will accommodate them. But there needs to be a less expensive alternative. If we hope to attract customers other than the highest budget professional, our camera needs to be priced right and there needs to be lenses available that won't break the bank. We are trying to anticipate as many angles as possible. I'm going to be really depressed if we only sell 1000 cameras. So we need to provide complete solutions to include as many users as possible."

Wow, wow, wow. Mike does a great job of being persistent. More details on the camera will be released at NAB which is turning out to be the most exciting EVER (add Simpson Comic book guy accent there).


Scholars for 9/11 Truth [my job was in WTC7 , bub]

Scholars for 9/11 Truth

9/11: Have we been lied to?
by S9/11T associates

The 9/11 Commission Report: A 571-Page Lie
by David Ray Griffin, Ph.D.

Flights 11, 175, 77, and 93: The 9/11 Commission's Incredible Tales
by David Ray Griffin, Ph.D.

Explosive Testimony: Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories
by David Ray Griffin, Ph.D.

on 9-12-2005 at 03:00 AM Post Number: 1850634 (post id: 1872527) - printer friendly

So how many of the Professor's points have been addressed in this topic thus far?

Has this one been addressed yet?:

Top ~ 34 floors of South Tower topple over.

What happens to the block and its angular momentum?

We observe that approximately 34 upper floors begin to rotate as a block, to the south and east. They begin to topple over, as favored by the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The torque due to gravity on this block is enormous, as is its angular momentum. But then – and this I’m still puzzling over – this block turned mostly to powder in mid-air! How can we understand this strange behavior, without explosives? Remarkable, amazing – and demanding scrutiny since the US government-funded reports failed to analyze this phenomenon. But, of course, the Final NIST 9-11 report “does not actually include the structural behavior of the tower after the conditions for collapse initiation were reached.” (NIST, 2005, p. 80, fn. 1; emphasis added.)

The First Obvious Physics Problem: Disappearance of Angular Momentum.

First I'll explain the problem, then I'll address a response I expect to receive and show why it's irrelevant before it's even posted.

Upon the initiation of collapse, the towers both exhibited angular momentum in their caps, as seen in the above pic. By this point in the collapse, there has been no vertical collapse. The only movement has been outwards - as the cap was tilting outwards. The tilting lasted for about 2.5 seconds, meaning there was about 2.5 seconds of angular momentum alone. Massive momentum, because that cap was massive. A lot of weight.

So here's the problem: the momentum then disappeared. We all know the cap didn't just fall off the top, as the whole building collapsed from top to bottom into a pile of dust and shards of steel. So where did the momentum go?

Physics provides two possible scenarios for the loss of momentum here:

A) There was an unbalancing force, as per Newton's First Law of Motion. In this case it would necessarily be equal and opposite, as the momentum was totally compromised. No more tilt after 2.5 seconds.

B) The fulcrum was destroyed, thus taking away the pivot from which the cap was tilting.

B is what happened. This is verifiable in several ways: firstly, there was nothing to counter the massive amount of angular momentum, ie, no Superman, and secondly, at the same moment the angular momentum was lost, the vertical collapse began.

And once the vertical collapse began, we all know how symmetrical the rest of the collapse was. In both towers
11-11-2005 at 06:37 PM Post Number: 1800510 (post id: 1822403) - printer friendly
I see you are one of those People and I really do not have the Time to Argue with you. You belive what you want to belive, and Ignore every reasearch made, that denys the Offical Story of the 9-11.

Its Your Choice.

Just know, that US Goverment is HIDING 6,899 photographs and over 300 hours of video recordings.

Why if they do not have ANYTHING to HIDE?
plus the blueprints, tons of 'security cam' confiscated footage....

et fuel is combusted at temperatures typically greater than 2,600 F.

Note: Brigham Young University physics professor Steven E. Jones is the fusion physics researcher/teacher that mailed the claimed cold fusion article back in the 80's & 90's. The claim couldn't be proven. Sent the day after the original development was announced by B. Stanley Pons of the University of Utah, and Martin Fleishman of Southampton University in England. on March 23, 1989.

[edit on 11-11-2005 by ZPE StarPilot]

They were designed to take the impact of a plane just not one the size of a 767 and one full of fuel.

The Towers were designed and built very well for their time. They were created to withstand the impact of 707. Its hard to design the building for a impact of a large 767 when that plane had not even been invented yet. Also they never thought they would have to be dealing with a plane full of fuel. The scenario the builders invisoned of a plane impact was of one heading for a landing at a NYC airport and getting some how lost in adverse weather at night. In that scenario the plane would not be full with jet fuel like in the 9-11 attacks. Planning for a accidental hit on the Towers of a plane talking off from a NYC airport was never planned for because it would never happen in their minds.

The builders couldn't invisoned a terrorist attack with a plane the size of the 767 since a commerical plane of that size wasnt even flying at the time . All the force of impact would have to do is weaken the structure enough to allow the fire that raged to to the rest.

quote: Originally posted by Master Wu

And here is one more question you should ask yourself. Why DIDN'T the towers collapse sideways or in a 'leaning' manner (or even partially sideways or partially leaning)? Maybe coincidentally one tower would fall that way, but TWO? O.K. the odds are already millions to 1 that both would fall that way

I dont have to ask myself since I know the answer. Because I know how it was designed and how forces like inertia and gravity work, as you clearly dont. First, the building is not solid; it is 95 percent air and, hence, can implode onto itself. Second, there is no lateral load, even the impact of a speeding aircraft, which is sufficient to move the center of gravity one hundred feet to the side such that it is not within the base footprint of the structure. Third, given the near free-fall collapse, there was insufficient time for portions to attain significant lateral velocity. To summarize all of these points, a 500,000 t structure designed like the WTC has too much inertia to fall in any direction other than nearly straight down.

posted on 12-11-2005 at 04:34 PM Post Number: 1801860 (post id: 1823753) - printer friendly
I too like the skeptics wondered, 'well how did they sneak those bombs in'?
hmm, looks like we may have the answer:

A lucky break that the head of an IT network forced to help power down the WTC 2 has come forward to say that for 36 hours the WTC 2 was rendered helpless and anyone could come through. This, for the first time in decades.

And then what about William Rodriguez' testimony, why would a 20 year employee of the WTC lie about explosives going off in the subbasement? Why would so many FBI agents, Firefighter authorities and fighters themselves they believe explosives were used to bring down the WTC?

It seems to me that even just to prove these 'theories' inaccurate , the penel would have tried to clear all this up. The WTC 7 anomaly, the controlled demolition theory, etc.

!oops! -->
This is not the first time this rumor has been passed around. Scott Forbes' existence has yet to be established.

I like how both blogs reference a story that is from April 19th 2004, and try to pass it off as news.

No one has been able to confirm the truth of this story who's only source is Scott Forbes. Unless you believe the author of George Washington's blog who says that he has met the man.

Even 9-11 review has called the Forbes story a hoax.

FEMA claims in their conclusion:

The fire-performance of steel trusses with spray-applied fire protection, and with end restraint conditions similar to those present in the two towers, is not well understood, but is likely critical to the building collapse.

In a Nutshell, FEMA is claiming trusses that supported the floors were not solidly attached to their end supports, the exterior wall and the interior core structure. Just heat from the alleged burning fuel caused the trusses to expand falling off their supports resulting in the 'collapse' of the North Tower. Many have seen warehouses with their steel trusses supporting the roof. These trusses may or may not be attached to their supporting walls. HOWEVER, the North Tower is a 110 story skyscraper not a warehouse!

The design concept of tubular framing (the so-called tube within a tube architecture) has been employed in the construction of many of the world's tallest buildings. These include the John Hancock Center (1105 ft), the Standard Oil of Indiana Building (1125 ft), the World Trade Center Towers (1350 ft), and the Sears Tower (1450 ft). In fact, most modern skyscrapers use this design, a design which uses a specially reinforced perimeter wall to resist all lateral loading and some of the gravity loading, and a heavily reinforced central core to resist the bulk of the gravity loading. The lateral loading (horizontal force) on the building, is mainly due to the wind while the gravity loading (downward force) is due to the weight of the building (i.e., due to gravity).

In the tube within a tube architecture, it is of vital importance that the horizontal forces on one wall be transfered to the other walls, so that the entire structure will bend to the minimum extent possible. It is also of vital importance that these horizontal forces be transfered to the central core so that the entire structure bends uniformly as one unit.

This is achieved by the use of a composite flooring system, which is designed to act (in essence) as one super-large beam. The idea is to connect the steel joists supporting the concrete slab, to the slab,

The combined steel joist-concrete slab, has sufficient strength to transfer the lateral loading to the core and the other walls, so that the building bends as little as possible, but when it does bend, it bends as a unit.

The Sixty State Street Building (Bosten) has solid steel beams spanning the gap (of up to 40 feet) between the central core and perimeter wall.

TO TOPPLE THE TOWER cutter charges would be placed: 1) on the exterior columns, 2) at the intersection of the floor assembly to the wall, and 3) on the inner core support columns and cross beams. Video analysis indicates that one floor was taken out simultaneously with the whole core structure being blasted to pieces.

I have plenty of pictures and diagrams to go with all this, i just don't know how to post them. Any help would be appreciated.

It had a redundant design that allows for loss of one primary structural member, such as a column. However, when multiple members fail, the shifting loads eventually overstress the adjacent members and the collapse occurs like a row of dominoes falling down.

Maybe this will help you understand how the floors in the towers were created. Those floors had a 1,300 t design capacitythey could not support the roughly 45,000 t of ten floors (or more) above crashing down on these angle clips. This started the domino effect that caused the buildings to collapse within ten seconds.

This might be a bit much for you to take in though

What is it that you wouldn't call extreme?

WTC7 is the building entirely covered with smoke. How can you say that the entire building burning is not extreme damage?

I like that you brought origins into this discussion. It just show that, similar to creation "evidence
Anyway WMD are another thread.
So how does a 12 inch wide H beam shear width wise, they look cut to me

That smoke isn't coming from Building 7, it's the concrete dust that came the collapse of one of the two WTC towers.

Here's another example of such a dust cloud, from the South Tower's collapse:

Building 7 in your photo only shows some black burn marks and a place here and there where it was impacted by debris, apparently. The actual fires in the building were not so bad:

And so, as I said, all that stuff you see coming from the side of the building is concrete dust, etc. from the collapsing of one of the WTC towers.

WTC2 collapsed first, followed by WTC1. You can see the piece of debris that has hit the top of the Winter Garden and also some damage to SE corner of WFC3. This debris and damage could only have come from the collapse of WTC1, since WTC2 is too far away. Therefore at the time of this photograph, both towers had already collapsed. The only possible way that the cloud could be from a collapse would be if the debris fell and hit those buildings before the dust cloud reached them, which seems unlikely, but not impossible.

However, the photo of the smoke coming out of WTC7 proves nothing, and is actually pathetic when compared to other buildings that have been absolutely gutted by fire until they are virtual skeletons and yet not collapsed.

It's a well-known fact that there were diesel fuel tanks underneath the loading dock in WTC7 that had pipes and day-tanks on various floors.

* Two tanks, maximum capacity 11,600 gallons each. Found intact after the collapse. 20,000 gallons total was recovered from these by the EPA.
* Two tanks, maximum capacity 6.000 gallons each. Found ruptured, but not exploded, after the collapse. At the time of the FEMA report, the tanks had yet to be extracted and examined.

If fire did reach any of the two 6,000 gallon tanks, or they were still pumping fuel up into the building through the generator feed pipes, this would create a huge amount of smoke, disproportionate to the size and intensity of the fire. Diesel makes lots of very dark, very thick smoke when it burns. The volume and thickness of smoke is not necessarily indicative of a raging inferno, as the lack of any awe-inspiring WTC7 fire pictures and the lack of any smoke coming out of the side of the building in the above photo will attest to.

Diesel doesn't explode unless it's a vapor and hot - that's why diesel engines have a "preheat" plug to get the cylinder warm enough to run, and that's exactly why diesel is used in tanks such as those in WTC7 and other buildings. So any claims of exploding diesel tanks is bogus, further supported by the fact that FEMA never mentioned any exploded tanks in their report. 24,000 gallons of petroleum on the other hand would be a disaster waiting to happen.

A look at other buildings in the complex, which sustained enormous damage and were gutted by fire without collapsing will further lead the critical thinker to surmise that there is no reasonable explanation for the symmetrical collapse of WTC7.

That being said, the smoke will be enough to convince the masses, and that is all FEMA/NIST need/want. Throw in something about the effects of diesel fuel chemical constituents on steel and the casual investigator will be convinced. That's why it puzzles me why NIST is taking so long to publish their WTC7 whitewash. It has already been shown how easily the public are convinced of what they already want to believe.

Believing that WTC1 & 2 collapsed on their own I can understand to a certain degree, but anyone who thinks WTC7 collapsed on its own is in hard-core denial.

[edit on 2005-11-14 by wecomeinpeace]
The following 21 short videos with audio are all of very shocked people who witnessed and felt the bombs, even got blown off their feet by them :
quote: Firefighters and press in the area were told to "get back" from WTC 7 because they were going to "pull-it". "Pulling" a building means taking it down with strategically placed demolition charges at the inner support columns so that the building falls in on its own "footprint" as to not damage the other structures in the vicinity. It was a classic bottom-up implosion. You can actually see the demolition charges running up the top 6 floors.(click the same underlined _javascript link on the site)
Building 7 played host to then Mayor Rudy Giuliani's Office of Emergency Management command center, with the 23rd floor built in 1998 as a "bunker" with bullet and bomb-resistant windows, its own water and air supply, the ability to withstand 160mph winds, and a full commanding view of the entire WTC complex. Interestingly, on 9/11 Giuliani didn't bother to put the center to use (even though that's what it was built for) and decided to instead set up a makeshift command center down the street. Seven also served as the command center for the security of the entire WTC complex, which was headed by the President's brother, Marvin Bush, whose contract ended "coincidentally" on 9/11. WTC7's other tentants included the IRS, CIA, Secret Service, FBI, Department of Defense, and the SEC. It has been reported that several banks involved in sending money to the 9/11 hijackers had their offices there, and important files pertaining to the Enron investigation were stored there as well.

The IRS is the Internal Revenue Service, the tax people. How many damning tax files from how many corporations were destroyed?
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) : the collapse of Building 7 destroyed thousands of SEC case files, on companies such as WorldCom.

01. - All the talk about explosions in the WTC towers.

02. -
""...secondary explosions and then the subsequent collapses....""
03. -
""...The explosion blew me right over..."" and then he goes on telling about many explosions in both towers.
04. -
""...At ten thirty I tried to get out of the building, but as soon as I get out, I heard a second explosion, and another rumble, and more smoke, and more dust, and then a firemarshall came in and said if there was a third explosion, this building might not last...""
05. -
""...there was a secondary device going of, and another explosion, and the chief, he thinks there were actually other devices that were planted in the building...""
06. -
""...It just went Booom, like a bomb went off [...] and we made it to the mezzanine, and another explosion...WHOOOM..right in front of me,whoooom...""
07. -
""...I was standing beside 1 World Trade Center and then I heard rumbling and we all started running, the glass that blew out and threw me on to the sidewalk, I couldn't see for 20 seconds, and then...""
08. -
"" we made our way to the stairway,..there was a heavy duty explosion...""
09. -
""...When I was 5 blocks away, I heard explosions, 3 thuds, and turned around to see the building we just got out kind of tipped over and folded in itself...""
10. -
""...We finally get to the lobby, ...and when we got to the lobby, there was this big explosion....""
11. -
""... I saw one of the towers blow ... and I saw from street level, I saw it exploded up, a giant rolling ball, a flame ...""
12. -
""...45 minutes into the taping that we were doing, there was, an explosion, it was way up where the fire was..and the whole building at that point bellied out, in flames, and everybody ran...""
13. -
""...All the sudden, it started like, it sounded like gunfire, you know, pang.pang.pang.pang.pang.pang, and then it was, it was sudden,,,three BIG explosions!...""
14. -
""... We went down from the 23rd floor...We made it to the eighth...BIG explosion...flew us back into the eigth floor...""
15. -
""...The explosion blew and knocked everybody over...""
16. -
""...We just heard another explosion [...] it's to unsafe to go in there...""

17. - (CNN censored the word explosion out!)
""... there was just a huge ... [censored] and enormous pieces of debris is falling - one right after the other...""
18. - (The uncensored real-time part!)
""... [...] and every few minutes you'll hear it like a small sort of a a rumbling sound, almost like an explosion sound and another chunk of it will come flying down into the street...""
19. -
Full interview with Rose Arce; CNN Producer on 911, broadcasted about 4 hours after the demolition af WTC-1. Again the word explosion censored out. CNN obviously got ordered to get those damning remarks out asap, the same day already.
The Administration was really rallying at topspeed to surpress all, unsafe for them, evidence.

20. -
""... And the bottom of that building was going out...""
21. -
""...It was just this incredible force of wind and debris that came actually UP the stairs, knocked my helmet off, knocked me to the ground...""

Are, at least in the readers mind now, some or most of these videos in fact very convincing, that these people who were actually there and then, heard and experienced loud, big, huge explosions?
And that these were no jetfuel explosions in shafts just after impact, but most of them explosions with high velocity pressure blast fronts which knocked them off their feet, when they were long after impact trying to get out or were just out.
Any pressure from collapsing "pancaking" building floors would escape immediately up, where the least compression resistance was, there where huge open spaces were created by those broken floors. And eventual downward pressure would not behave like high velocity pressure blast fronts, compressed air from pancaking floors will behave very different from explosively compressed air.

Still any doubts left?

[edit on 14/11/05 by LaBTop
on 14-11-2005 at 10:06 PM Post Number: 1806320 (post id: 1828213) - printer friendly
Excellent Posts!

Heres some more on that Prof's paper...

Some extremely interesting reads going on in this thread.

Here is an interesting story i found about an unscathed credit card from one of the passengers found at ground zero.

Im curious, what do you guys think would happen if the American people found out that their own government was behind 9-11 and not muslims? Interesting to speculate about....

Full Video: Explosions Before Both WTC Collapses and before WTC7 Collapse - You Will Believe - Above Top Secret Conspiracy Community

Full Video: Explosions Before Both WTC Collapses and before WTC7 Collapse - You Will Believe - Above Top Secret Conspiracy Community: "ne of the great things about this video is that it doesn't try to 'hard sell' you any ideas, if you know what I mean. The information, for the most part, is presented as is and left for you to make your own conclusions. The footage is played unedited and raw first before going back again and pointing things out. A recording of CBS news with Dan Rather interviewing a FEMA official on Sept 12 is played:

Rather: 'Tom Kennedy...Kennedy a rescue worker with the National Urban Search & Rescue which is part of FEMA.'

Kennedy: 'We're of the first teams that was deployed to support the city of New York for this disaster. We arrived on late Monday night, and went into action on Tuesday morning. And not until today [Wed Sept 12] did we get full opportunity to work the entire site.'

Google for 'FEMA + Tripod II' for more info on FEMA arriving on Sept 10th for a disaster scenario drill of planes crashing into the WTC towers. Next morning, whaddyaknow...

This footage has been seen before on the major news networks, but it was always edited down to remove the parts with the explosion sounds before the collapses, or the sound was removed completely. Turn up your speakers, switch on your subwoofer.

[edit on 2005-12-8 by wecomeinpeace]"
quote: Originally posted by wecomeinpeace
zer69 has graciously mirrored the file at the link below. If you are REALLY having problems you can download it directly from there (prolly want to use a download manager/accelerator). But please, out of respect for zer69, his bandwidth, and his generosity, please only use the direct link if you have exhausted all other options to kickstart the torrent.

Here is the link:

Thanks again, zer69.

BTW, love the avatar. LMFAO!

[edit on 2005-12-8 by wecomeinpeace]
on 10-12-2005 at 06:14 AM Post Number: 1852433 (post id: 1874326) - printer friendly
I believe this is the 911 smoking gun.......

I watched the entire thing.

And they say eyewitness accounts are credible.

Out of EVERY 911 documentary ever made I would place this one at the top of the list.

I applaud you for finding the docu WCIP,
quote: You have voted wecomeinpeace for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

[edit on 10/12/05 by Hunting Veritas]
DJ, we've been discussing the science behind the things that video covers for some time here on ATS. We've covered much more than that video, and in much greater detail. If you look through some of these threads you'll come across the information that should clarify the things that are confusing you. Here's a thread with lots of info, 15 pages long so far (not that long considering the amount of info in it, especially compared to other 9/11 threads around here, or click here and scroll down for a post illustrating 3 more basic problems that I've posted).

But it seems to me that no matter what is brought forth against the official story, you're not going to be able to accept it, judging from I've quoted of you above. You may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, as many, many Americans did after 9/11, all across the country. No doubt that your relationship to the WTC has somewhat magnified the trauma you have experienced, as compared to someone that had never visited the WTC from, say, Arizona, but emotional distress from trauma usually doesn't last more than a few months. If you want, I can U2U more information to you, if you think you may be suffering from PTSD.

But the relevance here is that such a condition, whether severe enough to actually be considered a disorder or not, will affect your judgment. Just something to keep in mind, not meant as a personal attack, etc., while browsing this part of ATS, as you'll notice the majority of posters here will generally agree that 9/11 was an inside job (See WCIP's poll here, and scroll down to the "Latest tally"). Rather than this being the result of anyone being motivating or otherwise psychologically needing the events to have been brought upon us by our own government (I would see this as much more troublesome than the threat of any outside terrorist cell), I think the majority of those here, myself included, have come to such conclusions based on the science that's been presented all through this part of ATS.

Media Big Shots at NBC and New York Times 'Hush Hush And Evasive' About Why WTC Janitor Story Never Appeared, A Story That Blows The Official 9/11Account Sky High
Although 14 eye witnesses verify WTC janitor's story about a massive basement explosion just seconds before the airline strike of the north tower, major media reps. refuse to discuss why the story never ran or claim the story provided nothing new, wasn't important or wasn't the focus of their attention.
8 Jul 2005

By Greg Szymanski

The media big shots, like a gang of school yard bullies taping shut a little guy’s mouth, have placed a big, black curtain around the 9/11 story of WTC janitor William Rodriguez, silencing him as if he screwed up their fictitious plot in a television script already written.

Rodriguez has desperately tried to tell his story, but claims the "bullies with money and power" have kept him quiet, the reporters perpetuating a government fraud and the media bosses, acting like Tony Soprano, sending orders to keep his mouth shut or else!

Although it’s impossible for a working man like Rodriguez to pierce the corporate veil and finger the top dogs, evasive comments by the underlings from places like NBC and The New York Times when questioned about the Rodriguez blackout, indicate somebody’s hiding something since all lips are zippered tight like a bunch of street thugs protecting the "family name."

Across the board from all the major networks to all the so-called top notch daily newspapers in the country, the ghost of janitor William Rodriguez is now back alive, well and in the flesh four years later, reminding all the big shots everywhere it doesn’t pay to tell a lie, especially with a man on a mission like Rodriguez.

Although the strange media blackout has left Rodriguez shaking his head in disappointment and wondering why he has more freedom of speech abroad than at home, he vows now, more than ever before, never to stop talking until every last American has heard his story, listening to the cold, hard facts how the north tower of the WTC came down from an underground explosion not just burning jet fuel as the government contends.

Admittedly perplexed by being written out of the tragic script by the 9/11 Commission and what he calls the media fiction writers even though he is one of the main characters, Rodriguez now thinks the American people are ready to listen since distrust for big media and big government has reached epic proportions, even creeping into the hinterland and heartland of America where the elite count on a passive following.

But most importantly, Rodriguez hopes his story will finally be told, every last single morsel of truth, in memory of the 3,000 killed and the 200 friends he lost at Ground Zero, adding they "deserve nothing less than full truth."

A Nightmare for Government Officials

Rodriguez’s story, verified by at least 14 eye witnesses and a burn victim, has become a veritable nightmare for officials clinging to the official story, probably deciding the only way to handle him is to make the ‘boogey man in the bad dream’ go away.

And that’s exactly how Rodriguez has been treated by the so-called big shots in high places, being treated like the "bad guy riding the black horse’’ instead of being heralded as the ‘white knight’ for saving hundreds of lives on 9/11 and sticking to the truth.

In faith walks a man on a mission, but the government’s problem with Rodriguez doesn’t lie in his moral convictions but rather in corroborated eye-witness evidence which, in this case, is much stronger than any scientific proof offered to support the government’s burning jet fuel theory.


James H. Fetzer

As an expression of support for those who are attempting to expose the truth about the events of 9/11 for the benefit of the American people, I am posting the penultimate version of a chapter I have submitted to David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott for publication in their volume, 9/11 AND THE AMERICAN EMPIRE (forthcoming). I stand with Steve Jones, Professor of Physics at Brigham Young, David Ray Griffin, Professor Emeritus of Theology at Claremont, and other students and scholars of 9/11, who believe that extraordinary times require extraordinary measures. Further discussion may be found at NIST's Evasion.

James H. Fetzer wa....
-------------------- has: (and more!)

Broadband users should have no problems. Dial-up Internet users may have to leave this download running all night. Download the video from one of the following links.

Feel free to make DVD's of these videos and spread the word! These are highly compressed videos, so if you want to spread the word PLEASE purchase the original DVD versions and support these great filmmakers.

911 Mysteries The first 9/11 movie designed specifically for the mainstream audience, a theatrical quality movie-length DVD with a full original soundtrack that will rivet you to your seat and blast out of your home theatre system. Coming soon for DVD purchase and download. 911 Mysteries Web Site

911 Mysteries_Trailer (WMV 6 megs) (alternative)

A great quick Overview of the 911 Issues:

Secret Evil of 911 (WMV 12 megs) (alternative)

A fantastic 1 hour documentary with great footage and analysis. Purchase This DVD [Official Loose Change Web Site]

Loose Change - A Documentary on 911
Part 1 (WMV 47megs)

Loose Change - A Documentary on 911
Part 2 (WMV 47megs)

Loose Change Second Edition is not so much a sequel as a remake of the original with added footage. Also below is Loose Change coverage by Fox News' New York affiliate that was so popular it shut down their video server on the web. [Official Loose Change Web Site]

Loose Change 2E 1of3 (WMV 47megs) (alternative)

Loose Change 2E 2of3 (WMV 47megs) (alternative)

Loose Change 2E 3of3 (WMV 47megs) (alternative)

Loose Change 2E - Coverage by Fox News
12/01/2005 (WMV 10megs)

Loose Change 2E - Coverage by Fox News
12/02/2005 (WMV 9megs)

911 Eyewitness is a detailed analysis of the sounds of the WTC collapse as heard by a witness on the New Jersey shoreline. This is a stunning video. Purchase This DVD document.nsi_883.src=""; } //-->

911 Eyewitness 1of3 (WMV 48megs) (alternative)

911 Eyewitness 2of3 (WMV 48megs) (alternative)

911 Eyewitness 3of3 (WMV 48megs) (alternative)

Professor Stephen Jones of Brigham Young University detailed how the collapses of the WTC were most likely caused by explosives. His astounding story was covered fairly by a local Utah TV station.

Professor Steven Jones on Utah TV News (WMV 7megs) (alternative)

But on a Cable TV news show, he was treated like a criminal.

Professor Steven Jones Shows WTC Demolition Evidence (WMV 29megs) (alternative)

And here is the footage of the collapse of WTC building 7 they would not show during the interview.

WTC7Collapse (WMV 1megs) (alternative)

In speaking of the Truth, Henry David Thoreau once said: "Any Truth is better than make-believe ... rather than love, than money, than fame, give me Truth."

Winston Churchill is quoted as having once said: "Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had happened." Just as a bell that has been rung cannot be "unrung", the annoying problem with the Truth is that, once you learn it, you can not "unlearn" it.

Please click one of the following titles to find the ultimate Truth of your chosen subject. Or, if you wish, you can view previews of the subjects in this section by "CLICKING HERE" to visit the previews section or clicking on the preview icon - below each of the following titles. The Icon will bring you back to this menu.
---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sexist and Mis-Leading Advertising
Joseph of Arimathaea
The Gnostics
Isaac Newton

Rome - The New Babylon
The Ark of The Covenant


The Heraldic Symbolism of the Presidential Seal and the American Coat-of-Arms.

. . .The Eagle on the American Coat-of-Arms; which is very different from the heraldic-eagles (which are often two-headed) used by other nations; is the Emblem of Dan, from whom the Danes and Irish are descended and who have intermingled in America with their Anglo-Saxon brothers from the tribe of Joseph/Manasseh, whose Olive-branch and Arrows the Eagle holds firmly and safely in its claws. . .


The Heraldic Symbolism of the Unicorn on the British Coat-of-Arms.

The British Coat-of-Arms is the Coat-of-Arms of the 12 tribed Kingdom of Israel and Christ their Rightful KING.

The TRUE Israel People have, on their "Coat-of-Arms", a Lion and a Unicorn which is shown as a white horse "rampant" with one horn. The amber Lion "rampant" on the left-side is the emblem of the two-tribed "House of Judah" and the Unicorn or white Wild-Ox "rampant" on the right-side is the emblem of the ten-tribed "House of Israel", collectively making the 12-tribed "Kingdom of Israel". . .

Union of Jack/ob

Christ's Flag.

The Celtic / Saxon flags with their upright and diagonal crosses are the flags of the ten "lost" tribes of Israel; of which the Union of Jack|ob / Israel's flag is Christ's own personal flag, just as the British Throne Jack|ob's Pillar / Bethel / the Lia Fail / Stone of Destiny is shortly to become Christ's Throne.


The long-awaited Truth of all things on Planet Earth

The long-awaited Truth of all things on Planet Earth

What is a Spiritual Israelite, which is much more important than being a Racial Israelite? The word "Israelite" simply means champion of God - "THOSE WHO DO GOD'S WILL". It does NOT refer to the Israeli nation of today or the jews, it refers to "those who DO God's Will", i.e. the "children of God." Anyone who DOES God's Will, (champions His Cause) not his own, is a "child of God" by adoption or "Israelite" (Hebrew). The 12 tribes of Israel is meant, not only literally, but also metaphorically, to represent ALL the tribes of the world (Luke 13:29) because of the grafting into Israel of the gentiles. ANYONE who KEEPS the COMMANDments and DOES God's Will is automatically an Israelite and grafted-in (Matt. 12:48-50, Mark 3:33-35, Luke 8:21), even someone who is racially a Khazarian jew, Assyrian, Babylonian, Hamite, or Japhethite, etc. What about someone who currently and wrongly belongs to an organized religion such as jews, christians, moslems, hindus, buddhists, etc.? Yes, once enlightened to The Truth, anyone that KEEPS The Covenant and DOES God's Will until the End, will be among the "Elect" who inherit The Kingdom. What our human bodies are is not as important as what we (our Spirit Beings / Minds) BELIEVE and DO, and it is that which will determine whether or not we enter The Kingdom.

The easiest and best example of the "grafting-in" is: Mohammed, who, like all arabs, was descended from Abraham through Ishmael - not Isaac and Jacob/Israel. Mohammed was not religious, he was just a believer, who strove himself, and taught the striving, to do God's Will. Mohammed was given the third part of The Bible, known as the Koran (the gospel of unity), in order to enlighten and unite all mankind. The True Koran, which can be found in the King of kings' Bible, is not the Hadith, and is in complete harmony with both the Old and New Covenants/Testaments of The Bible, when correctly interpreted. The Hadith is what the Meccans wrongfully use as a foundation for the moslem/islamic religion, just as the non-Israelite jews wrongfully use the Talmud as the basis for the jewish religion, instead of following the True Torah. Although a true, racial Israelite is more likely to answer the Call to come out of Babylon and fight for God, you should think of every person as a potential ally and give them the same chance to prove themselves (Matt. 12:30, Luke 11:23, John 8:30/King of kings' Bible) through their works.


Jesus told you about the Roman centurion. When the centurion asked him to cure his servant, he said, "I haven't found so much faith, no, not in Israel." - as in this man (Matt. 8:5-10,13; Luke 7:1-10). Then he made the statement that, "many shall come from the East and West, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the Kingdom of Heaven", and the children of the Israelites would be cast out into outer darkness (Matt. 8:11-12). So, it's no good just being a racial Israelite and thinking that everything depends on that, and you don't have to do anything. If you're not championing God's Cause to reinstate His Laws, Statutes, and Judgments, and to set-up His Kingdom on Earth, then you're not really an Israelite - not in the true sense of the word. You claim to be one of His people, but you can't be His people if you don't obey Him. You are the children of whom you obey. If you obey God you are His children, if you obey Satan then you are Satan's children. You must choose whom you will obey (Josh. 24:14-15).

Think about that. Think about it very, very carefully. Who are you really serving? If you don't fight them, then you are part of the problem and you are serving the New World Order, and they are serving Satan, and that means that by default you are serving Satan. In the words of Edmund Burke, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is that good men do nothing". You have to fight these people. God has told you if you don't do it and reinstate His Laws, that He's going to burn you up, because it's only through your works, by fighting these people and reinstating God's Law, that you will prove to God whose side you are on (2Esdras 9:7; James 2:12-26). It's no good just saying, "oh, well, we're on your side, but we're going to sit here and do nothing and we're going to help the New World Order, because we're not going to fight them." There is no sitting on the sidelines as a spectator - YOU have to fight them. Anyone who is not actively fighting for God against evil, His Way, is automatically helping Satan and his Hidden Hand system, and will NOT be among the "Elect" (Matt. 22:1-14).

----------This war will end for all time our struggle against gentiles. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa..."
(rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich in a keynote speech to the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, on 12 January 1952). - all three excerpts from: "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Proofs of an Ancient Conspiracy", by Ivan Fraser.
* * * * * *

////////////// wierd-enough, yet! i ask myself, wetorically,wabbit

Proof of the Conspiracy being at least 2,600 years old, found in The Bible

Genesis 27:38 And Esau said unto his father, Hast thou but one blessing, my father? bless me, [even] me also, O my father. And Esau lifted up his voice, and wept.
27:39 And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold, thy dwelling shall be away from the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above;
27:40 And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when THOU shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.
27:41 And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob.

(around 590 B.C.)
Jeremiah 11:9 And the "I AM" said unto me, A CONSPIRACY is found among the men of Judah (Jew-dah), and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

(around 585 B.C.)
Ezekiel 22:25 [There is] a CONSPIRACY of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof.
22:26 Her priests have violated My Law, and have profaned Mine Holy things: they have put no difference between the Holy and profane, neither have they showed [difference] between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from My Sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.
22:27 Her princes in the midst thereof [are] like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, [and] to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain (Matt. 7:15-20).
22:28 And her prophets have daubed them with untempered [mortar] (the UNO and NATO - see ch.13*), seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord "I AM", when the "I AM" hath not spoken.
22:29 The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully.

God our Father is the Almighty, All-Knowing, One True and Ever-Living God. He is the source of our rights and freedoms, and powerful enough to protect, defend, and guarantee those rights and freedoms. If you falsely and wrongfully believe that your rights and freedoms come from man-made constitutions, and you put your faith (trust) in them expecting a mere written document to guarantee those rights and freedoms, then you are practicing a form of idolatry, which is the worshipping of false gods, and the breaking of the first and most important Commandment. What is the force behind this paper god? Does a piece of paper have the power to protect and defend you, and deliver your enemies into your hands? Not only that, but the hero-worship of the so-called "founding fathers" (Matt. 23:9) is also idolatry. If you are a "constitution restorationist" is it now becoming obvious to you why God would only be helping you fight evil to a certain point, but NOT fully blessing your efforts, and NOT leading you on to total victory over the Babylonian Hidden Hand system?

Many freedom-minded people have seen, thoroughly enjoyed, an even been inspired by the film, "Braveheart". If you are among those people, did you take notice that when William Wallace was fighting for God and freedom from oppression, he was winning, but that when he started fighting for Robert the Bruce, to make him king of Scotland, and made deals with the "nobles" they betrayed him, as he had betrayed God, and he lost?

Deuteronomy 4:27 And the "I AM" shall scatter you among the nations, and ye shall be left few in number among the heathen, where the "I AM" shall lead you.
4:28 And there ye shall serve gods, the work of men's hands, wood (note: including paper) and stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell. .../...
Here is the shocking Truth about the American constitution, and it is the unkindest cut of all. After spending all that time, effort, and resources attempting to secure your rights and freedoms under the man-made constitution, the bottom line at the end of the day is: YOU ARE NOT EVEN A PARTY TO THE CONSTITUTION! It is a contract between: the States, the founders (through their insider legal establishments of those incorporated States), and the king of England. The constitution itself was not signed by any human, it was only signed "In witness" on behalf of the States. Since you are not a party to that contract, then you can't possibly have ANY rights under that contract. This, and ALL constitutions are just part of the elaborate CON by the Hidden Hand. Think about it, just exactly WHO are the "We the People of the United States" that the constitution refers to who formed the "Union"? Most patriots jump to the conclusion that it includes every American "Sovereign" Citizen, don't they? But is that conclusion correct? Where in the document is the term defined, which could support that conclusion? It doesn't really say it anywhere, does it? This myth is what the Hidden Hand's educational system teaches, so that's a very good reason to be suspicious straight away. Once again we turn to the research of Stephen Ames, and his essay entitled "The Ultimate Delusion", demonstrating the contrary, where he states:
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We are SLAVES!!!!!!! If you don't believe read Padelford, Fay & Co. vs. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah. 14 Georgia 438, 520 which states 'But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution, the Constitution, it is true, is a compact but he is not a party to it.'..."

Bearing the above in mind, please read again both the Preamble to the constitution and Article 7, and you will see it in a whole different Light:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

"Article. VII. The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same.
...done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth. In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,
...In Convention Monday, September 17th 1787. Present The States (note well: NOT the human "signers"/witnesses!) of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Mr. Hamilton from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia." (my emphasis added)

So, hopefully you see, and if you don't you aren't paying attention, that even if you were 100% successful in fully restoring your rights and freedoms under a constitution, then you have really gained nothing, you have only been conned. Since constitutions are written by the Hidden Hand to further their goals, you will have sacrificed your time, effort, relationships with family & friends, resources and maybe even your life, and will have simply gone in a circle - playing right into your enemy's hands. Constitutions are set up as a trap by your enemy, and those who reach the end of that blind alley are like Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion, searching for the mythical Wizard of Oz. At the end the only thing they find is just a man behind a curtain pushing buttons and pulling levers to create illusions of power. This "wizard" could give them nothing that they didn't already have.

By contrast, God is totally honest and upfront, and clearly states that, as an Israelite, you ARE a party to The Covenant (Deut. 29:10-15). Isn't it strange and tragic that so many well-intentioned people have sacrificed and suffered so much to support and defend an illegal and imaginary set of laws and government (imagine-nations) that they aren't even a party to, and ignored the only valid and real Laws and Government on the planet that they ARE a party to, and rightful heirs of? Everything in the world could have been SO different over the last 3,500 years if, as a people and as a nation, Israel would have just kept The Covenant as they/we had promised. The entire planet would be God's Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.


Wounded Iraq

The Forgotten Wounded of Iraq

Thirty-eight years ago, on Jan. 20, 1968, I was shot and paralyzed from my mid-chest down during my second tour of duty in Vietnam. It is a date that I can never forget, a day that was to change my life forever. Each year as the anniversary of
