Demolition of the World Trade Center
Demolition of the World Trade Center: " that this particular 'SOUND Bite' was PLAYED along with BOTH the Collapse of the 'North Tower' but also several hours later when the '7 WTC Building' fell down (later on the afternoon). In reality such a 'repetition' of one particular sound bite - several hours later - would be statistical impossible!
German engineers help the USA - what your government is not telling you - interesting WTC analysis. Here are some of the anomalies and facts that Karl Moor has gathered:
* More energy was required for the WTC demolition than was available from gravity alone.
* A symmetrical explosion all around the building occurred before the building began to fall
* The upper portion of the building was pulverized from the bottom up
* Only after the upper portion was pulverized to dust did the lower part pulverize from above down to the street, without effect of gravity
* Layer of dust several centimeters thick never occurred with another demolition
* The finer the pieces, the more energy is needed to pulverize
* Demolition to transportable chunks would take about 1 kg explosive for 100 tons steel and concrete
* Gravity will provide 50% of energy
* To pulverize concrete takes 10 X more energy
* WTC 1, 2, 3, and 7 was 1.4 million tons which would require 14 tons of conventional explosive
* Fire burned under the rubble for over 3 months, extinguished 12.19.01
* At exactly the same moment WTC 2 explodes, top is blown out of adjoining WTC 6
* As WTC 2 begins to fall, the lower part of the falling portion is demolished instead of the upper portion of the stable structure below
* Pulverization of upper part of falling WTC 2 provides no pressure from above
* New explosions can be seen below the pulverized part of WTC 2
* Only pressure of falling building would have left steel core standing
* Other progressive detonations could not be seen b
- ecause of the cape of cascading debris
- WTC 1 top pulverizes before demolition of lower part of building. It doesn’t get pulverized on the way down
- Since the upper part is pulverized into dust, there is no pressure from above as buildings progressively collapse
- Fireball from WTC 2 crash is double the size if all of full 767 fuel load is combusted at once. Smoke cloud is 1.8 million cubic meters. One cubic meter of kerosene expands to 10,000 cubic meters, requiring 180 cubic meters of kerosene. Full load on Boeing 767 is 90 cubic meters. Flight 175 was carried a half load sufficient to fly to the West Coast.
Breaking NEWS (January 31, 2003) Just discovered by Henrik Melvang, Denmark
A New Video Discovery from "ABC?" - shows that a journalist man (and a female ABC-journalist!?) are running up the street - away from the WTC, and finally ends up hiding behind a car .
QUESTION: Why did they run away from the WTC ?
The Media showed this video on Sept.11 and told us all , that these persons on the video ran away from WTC because the Tower had just begun collapsing. That is a Lie !
FACT: They ran away because they heard an explosion and saw the dust cloud from this detonation taking place at STREET LEVEL.The dust cloud came from a bomb detonated at the Street Level (or below) - and certainly not from the falling Tower debris ! (Because at this point both towers were still standing)
MEDIA COVER UP: The media did not play the original soundtrack of these BOMBS being detonated. The Medias CENSORED both the PICTURES and the SOUND of this particular clip.
EVIDENCE: I have seen this "run away journalist clip" mixed into other WTC collapse sequences. Both ABC/CNN and many other TV stations made this fake-mix. That is EVIDENCE of FRAUD !
They are deliberately FAKING the video record and the TIMELINE of the WTC events !
PROOF: I found a special version of the Clip were the "editors" forgot to "cut away" in their "video mix" ,...... which mean that in a second or two at the end of the Clip,.....the camera is "panning from behind a Car," and in the direction from North towards South,..............and there you go: BOTH TOWERS are STILL Standing TALL !!
They were NOT running away from falling Tower debris No, they ran away from,........ a Huge BOMB detonated at STREET LEVEL !
Another Clip with huge dustclouds from the PRIOR EXPLOSIONS at the WTC STREET LEVEL - also shows People running away from the WTC
MEDIA-MANIPULATION of videoclip #2 :Also this clip was FAKED by the MEDIA. They did not want the TV viewers to understand that this was an additional Street-Explosion.
This clip#2 showed a Dust cloud from a BOMB detonated at Street Level. But the medias mixed this clip ALONG with OTHER collapse Sequences - so that they FIRST showed the Tower collapsing with debris falling , and then they MIXED IN and "put in" the said "other Clip#2" along with their COLLAPSE sequences. (That is deliberately faking the evidence)
Consequence of this Manipulation: All the TV viewers were manipulated to believe that the people they saw running on the street were running away from the falling TOWER debris. But they were not
They were running away from a BOMB just being detonated at Streetlevel.
PROOF: I have measured the DURATION of the clip (in seconds) and the EVIDENCE is indisputable. If we compare with other video clips from the Real collapse of 2WTC then we can prove that the "real debris-cloud" generated from the Tower collapse filled the "NAMED Street",.... totally with smoke from debris in less than 5 seconds. ( I can tell this for sure because I followed an AMBULANCE moving in the Streets,.......the ambulance arrived just as the 2WTC collapsed
and the driver managed to back away,............before the debris cloud hit it. My calculation is indisputable and correct) WATCH the video !
After the WTC collapse, the Vice President of New Mexico Tech, Van Romero, gave an interview to the Albuquerque Journal. He stated plainly that he believed that the WTC collapse was too methodical and that explosive devices must have been placed in key points of both buildings. Romero said:
"It would be difficult for something from the plane to trigger an event like that. It could have been a relatively small amount of explosives placed in strategic points. One of the things that terrorists are noted for is a diversionary attack and a secondary device." Albuquerque Journal. Explosives planted in towers,N.M. Tech Expert Says. By Oliver Uyttebrouck. September 11, 2001. Google users enter: romero explosives planted tower
In that same interview, Romero revealed that he was in Washington DC when the attacks took place. He and a colleague were there to discuss defense research programs for New Mexico Tech. A few days after his interview, Romero abruptly changed his opinion and told the Albuquerque Journal that he no longer believed that bombs brought down the towers. Albuquerque Journal. Fire, Not Extra Explosives, Doomed Buildings, Expert Says. By John Fleck. September 21, 2001. Romero, who relies upon the Pentagon for funding, had suddenly flip-flopped and joined the "melted steel" theorists.
Imagine that! The largest criminal investigation in history and the investigators weren't even permitted to see the most important evidence of all - the steel! During the time that Rudy and Ratner the Recycler were destroying evidence, many of the most respected engineers in the country complained not only about the recycling, but also about the Federal government's suffocating control of their investigation. On December 25, 2001, the New York Times ran a story about the frustrations of some of the engineers who were called in to study the cause of the collapse: "Interviews with a handful of members of the team, which includes some of the nation's most respected engineers, also uncovered complaints that they had at various times been shackled with bureaucratic restrictions that prevented them from interviewing witnesses, examining the disaster site and requesting crucial information like recorded distress calls to the police and fire departments..." New York Daily News. Firefighter Mag raps 9/11 Probe. By Joe Calderone. January 4, 2002. Google users enter: joe calderone firefighter mag raps
They made their concerns known publicly. Bill Manning, editor of the 125 year old Fire Engineering magazine, noticed a strange difference between the WTC investigation and other major fire investigations in New York City’s history. Manning wrote:
"Did they throw away the locked doors from the Triangle Shirtwaist fire? Did they throw away the gas can used at the happy land social club fire?...That's what they're doing at the World Trade Center. The destruction and removal of evidence must stop immediately." Ibid
Bill Manning continued:"Fire Engineering has good reason to believe that the "official investigation" blessed by FEMA and run by the American Society of Civil Engineers is a half-baked farce that may already have been commandeered by political forces whose primary interests, to put it mildly, lie far afield of full disclosure. Except for the marginal benefit obtained from a three-day, visual walk-through of evidence sites conducted by ASCE investigation committee members- described by one close source as a "tourist trip"-no one's checking the evidence for anything."
One investigator told the New York Times:
"This is almost the dream team of engineers in the country working on this, and our hands are tied," said one team member who asked not to be identified. Members have been threatened with dismissal for speaking to the press. "FEMA is controlling everything," the team member said. New York Times. Experts Urging Broader Inquiry In Towers’ Fall. December 25, 2001. Google users enter: times experts urging broader inquiry into towers
Dr. Frederick W. Mowrer from the Fire Engineering department at the University of Maryland told the New York Times:
"I find the speed with which important evidence has been removed and recycled to be appalling." Ibid
Finally, the Times story made this interesting little revelation about Rudy Giuliani:
"Officials in the mayor's office declined to reply to written and oral requests for comment over a three- day period about who decided to recycle the steel and the concern that the decision might be handicapping the investigation.." Ibid
It is a very odd form of science that the government and some of its house scientists practice these days. Without a shred of physical evidence, these modern-day alchemists have been able to "prove" their theory fire caused the towers to collapse. This appears to be yet another monstrous lie. Why else would you destroy the "melted steel"? Ask Rudy.