Monday, 24 April 2006

The Meme (notes)

Francis Heylighen (1996):
Evolution of Memes on the Network: from chain-letters to the global brain, in:
Principia Cybernetica Web
Reference cited:
Heylighen (1993), "Selection Criteria for the Evolution of Knowledge", Proc. 13th Int. Cong. on Cybernetics (Int. Ass. of Cybernetics, Namur), p. 524-528

The Meme - Excerpts and notes: "There are several selection criteria which determine in how far a particular meme will be successful. The more of these criteria a meme satisfies, the more likely it is that it will maintain and spread (Heylighen, 1993). Objective criteria determine whether the knowledge conveyed by a meme can reliably predict events in the outside world."

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