Larry Wall on Perl 6
Larry Wall on Perl 6: "Terrorists caused book sales to plunge
(Score:5, Funny)
by digitaldc (879047) * Alter Relationship
O'Reilly had run into really tough times because of the plunge in book sales, which was already starting before 9/11 but very much accelerated at that point.
I remember on 9/11 thinking: That's it, I will never buy any more books! The terrorists have won."
Re:Grammatical mutability...
(Score:5, Insightful)
by code65536 (302481) Alter Relationship on Tuesday December 20, @08:43AM (#14298371)
(Last Journal: Friday February 15, @05:01AM)
Ahem! There is a difference between syntactical messiness and semantic messiness. Perl is very ugly syntactically, but I've found it so very beautiful semantically, and its fluidity is exactly what makes Perl so perfect: it allows the fusion of functional (e.g., Lisp-like), imperative (e.g., C-like), and OO paradigms of programming. While many languages fuse the latter two (like C++), few are able to successfully fuse in the first (with things like functions being first-class expressions and something similar to an equivalence of statements and expressions) (and no, just because Python has "lambda" doesn't make it more Lisp-like in the broad picture--in fact, they are even thinking about retreating from that--grrr).
If someone feels that using the full scope of Perl results in messiness, they aren't forced by any means to use that full scope. There are many Perl coders who limit themselves to the "C subset" of Perl. But unlike certain other unnamed languages, Perl doesn't try to play the role of parent in telling you what you can and can't express so those who are more comfortable with a wider breadth of linguistic forms can take advantage of that and make code that is, in a word, elegant.
As for the syntactical ugliness (the $, @, %, etc.) that most people are referring to when they say that Perl is ugly... well, you learn to live with that pretty early on. But beneath that superficial ugliness lies a sparkling beautiful language.
The virtual machine that will run Perl 6 [] is Parrot [], an innovative register-based JITed VM optimized for dynamic languages.
It can also run a subset of Python (compiled with Pirate []), Ruby, Tcl, brainf*ck, Ook!, Common LISP, BASIC, Lua, m4 and a few others, all of which are more or less incomplete.
More details on the Parrot site [] and the Wikipedia page on the Parrot VM. []
If you like that sort of things, you can help! []
Re:So, to sum it up
(Score:5, Insightful)
( | Last Journal: Saturday June 18, @12:47AM)
Police raid ISP
Police confiscate servers
Police visit Suprnova operator at home
Police seize two computers and various media from Suprnova operator
Suprnova spends a few months in limbo
Suprnova stresses out over mail from prosecutor
Case dropped
Suprnova still gone
I'd be interested in a translation of the letter that he posted on the site. Specifically, I'm interested in knowing why exactly the prosecutors decided not to pursue the case.
Memphis Area Slashdotters Unite! []
Re:So, to sum it up
(Score:5, Insightful)In other words, it's the same reason why ThePirateBay still operates - only that the latter is hosted in Sweden, where it's probably (I assume!) less easy for the music/movie industry to get the police to investigate things when there is no evidence of an actual crime being committed.
quidquid latine dictum sit altum videtur.
sites come and go
(Score:5, Insightful)Now we have sites like which is probably one of the best torrent sites on the internet. Heck, they even tout the lawyers and post the threating legal letters on their website for everyone to read []
Quite hilarious if you ask me.
Of course you have other torrent sites as well, like which is another popular site.
sites come and go, they come and go....
Re:"wait and see" ?
(Score:5, Interesting)And that's in a country with a history of being one of the most free and liberal in the world. What do you think normally happens in Slovenia?
How did the land of the free come to resemble Soviet Russia?
To people that bash Americans: If you grew up in our society, with our history, with our government, you would be us.
New Proverb
(Score:5, Interesting)-Me
Intolerance for ambiguity is the mark of the authoritarian personality.
Cross-Site Scripting for Internet Explorer
(Score:5, Interesting)This is reported as a bug, which is partially true. But this is only one half of the problem. The other half of the problem (mentioned in the full article) is due to a dubious feature in Internet Explorer: when it gets a page without a specified character encoding, it does not rely on default values for the encoding (which should be iso-8859-1 for HTML or UTF-8 for XHTML).
Instead, Internet Exploerer tries to guess the encoding of the contents by looking at the first 4096 bytes of the page and checking the non-ASCII characters. In the case of the cross-site scripting attack decribed here, the problem is that IE would silently set the encoding of a page to UTF-7 in case some characters in the first 4096 bytes looked like UTF-7. This silent conversion to UTF-7 by Internet Explorer in a text that Google assumed to use the default encoding allowed the attackers to bypass the way Google was filtering "dangerous" characters in some URLs.
The article puts the full blame for the vulnerability on I think that a part of the blame should also be shared by the Internet Explorer designers (and any other browser that does unexpected things while trying to guess what the user "really meant").
Google vulnerable?
(Score:5, Insightful)So isn't it really the "auto detect" feature in the browser that causes the vulnerability, and not Google's lack of "charset encoding enforcement" as the mailing list posting from Watchfire Research claims? Let's put the blame where it belongs. I say we should applaud Google for going the extra kilometer to protect users with non-compliant browsers.
Re:How do they find these things . . . legally?
(Score:5, Informative)I've found dozens of XSS problems on sites, and have made news for one on Citibank. I've only received a few threatening legal letters from companies.
Parrot virtual machine
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Parrot is a register-based virtual machine being developed using the C programming language and intended to run dynamic languages efficiently. It uses just-in-time compilation for speed to reduce the interpretation overhead. It is currently possible to compile Parrot assembly language and PIR (an intermediate language) to Parrot bytecode and execute it.
Parrot was started by the Perl community, and is developed with help from the open source and free software communities. As a result, it is focused on license compatibility (Artistic License and GNU GPL), platform compatibility (Unix, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Classic, VMS, Crays, Windows CE, Palm OS, and others), processor architectures compatibility (x86, SPARC, DEC Alpha, IA-64, ARM, Palms, old Macs), speed of execution, small size (around 700k depending on platform), and being flexible enough to handle the varying demands of Perl, Python, Tcl, Ruby, Scheme, and other dynamic languages. It is also focusing on improving introspection, debugger capabilities, and compile-time semantic modulation.
Contents |
Static and dynamic languages
The differing properties of statically and dynamically typed languages have motivated the design of Parrot. Current popular virtual machines such as the Java virtual machine and the Common Language Runtime have been designed for statically typed languages, while the languages targeted by Parrot are dynamically typed.
Virtual machines like the Java virtual machine and the current Perl 5 virtual machine are also stack based. The developers see it as an advantage of the Parrot machine that it has registers, and therefore more closely resembles an actual hardware design, allowing the vast literature on compiler optimization to be used generating code for the Parrot virtual machine so that it will run bytecode at speeds closer to compiled languages like C.
Besides a subset of the planned Perl 6, an increasing number of languages can be compiled to Parrot assembly language including BASIC, Befunge, Brainfuck, Cola, Forth, Jako, Lisp, m4, Miniperl, Ook!, Parakeet, OpenComal, PHP, Plot, Punie, Python, Ruby, Scheme, Span, Tcl, URM, and YAL. Most of these other language implementations are currently still incomplete and experimental.
There is strong interest in parts of the Ruby community. The Python community is taking more of a wait-and-see attitude, due to already having Psyco, a just-in-time Python-to-machine-code compiler, Jython, a Python-to-Java-bytecode compiler, and IronPython to compile to the .NET platform, as well the in-development PyPy, a rewrite of Python in Python itself aimed to provide static code generation as well as high-level optimization.
Parrot is a free software project, distributed under the same terms as Perl; that is, dual-licensed under both the GNU General Public License and the Artistic License.
The project started to implement Perl 6 and originally had the very dull name "The software we're writing to run Perl 6". The name Parrot came from an April Fool's joke in which a hypothetical language named Parrot was announced that would unify Python and Perl [1]. The name was later adopted by this project, whose intent includes the unification of Perl and Python. Several tiny languages are being developed along with it which target the Parrot virtual machine.
- First source code released to the world September 10, 2001.
The Perl 6 VM is Parrot
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