Saturday, 5 January 2008

By-Products Of Not Having A Political Voice by J-M P. Talboo

By-Products Of Not Having A Political Voice

When I saw the piece of graffiti art pictured above I couldn't help but think of the parallels to other recent by-products of not having a political voice.


In late September of this year University of Florida student Andrew Meyer was tazered and arrested after asking John Kerry about the 2004 Election results and Kerry’s membership in the secret society Skull and Bones.


As I pointed out in my commentary about the incident some thought Meyer was being obnoxious in the way he posed his questions, while others chose passionate as a term more fitting. I also pointed out that when there are issues out there that no one seems to want to address I fully understand how one can become overly passionate and frustrated.


In the days following the incident the media began to ask whether the whole thing was just a prank due to among other things some comedy oriented videos on his web site. In reality Meyer was a committed activist including being a critic of the official 9/11 story, or a 9/11 Truther if you if will.


God forbid he also had a sense of humor!


Meyer's friend John Levy said that Meyer was "really upset that people are more concerned with the police attack and not with the dialogue he was trying to start with Kerry." Well, I wasn't one of those people as the article I wrote entitled Ask Questions, Demand Answers focused on the latter.


The passion Meyer demonstrated was not to be silenced by the fear of 50,000 volts of electricity as in the following months activists kept on pressing for truth. In late October at least 6 members of We Are Change LA interrupted HBO's 'Real Time' with Bill Maher with questions about 9/11


Their screams concerned the idea that the WTC towers that collapsed that day were brought down by controlled demolition. Maher became irate threatening to kick some ass himself as he stormed down from the stage into the audience.


When I saw this incident reported on FOX

News the anchorwoman stated one of the audience members was shouting about building 17. She went on to state that was of course about the conspiracy theory. Finally noting that Maher stated one thing he doesn't blame Bush for is 9/11.


First off it's building 7 as in WTC 7.


Was it so hard to get some simple facts straight? I doubted this was just a slip of the tongue by the Fox anchor. Rather, I think she is shamefully ignorant of the most simple of facts about the so called conspiracy theory. She apparently knows enough to deem it as such, but can't even get small details correct.


As to Maher's statement about blaming Bush, that is somewhat of a straw mans argument as many people in the 9/11 Truth Movement  see him as nothing more than a blind eyed figure head. Statements about Bush carrying out 9/11 are a gross oversimplification of the issue.


Not to mention the fact that people asking these types of questions about 9/11 goes well beyond just a few fringe audience members of Maher's as is demonstrated on the website Patriots Question 9/11.


I think Bill Maher already knows this however. The woman heard shouting at Maher after the initial words were exchanged confirms this idea as she accused Maher of cowardice not ignorance.


An October 22, 2007 article on  pointed out...


"Soon after 9/11, Bill Maher lost his job on mainstream television for his remark about the relative cowardice of the alleged hijackers. I have to believe that he’s been warned that any further discussion of 9/11 that does not follow the official Bush/PNAC line will mean the end of his career. It seems that Bill Maher, like so many others, has his price."


Although you won't find the response of these activists to Maher's comments on your nightly news they did respond on YouTube, you can view their retort at the URL's below...


The recent saga of activists speaking out continued in late October as several people interrupted a speech of former president Bill Clinton in Minnesota. The shouts from the audience proclaimed that 9/11 was a fraud to which Clinton replied...


"A fraud? No, it wasn't a fraud, I'll be glad to talk to you if you shut up and let me talk."


Let you talk Mr. Clinton?! As I've stated before, politicians have their pedestal. They get to be long winded about anything they like. What is the harm in a fired up activist asking some questions? Our media doesn't do it enough and politicians duck them all too often when they do.


Clinton said to shut up and let him talk, but this was HIS speech! He was doing a lot of talking in fact, and when he did respond he didn't respond with anything of substance. The audience members would not be given the time of day to go into detail, although I know they would like to.


Would Mr.Clinton be willing to really answer their questions point by point in detail? Or would he again inquirer as to what the meaning of 'is' is?


Besides Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich and a few others no politicians are taking this issue to task. Again, some might call these people obnoxious, but the question to ask is why are these incidents happening so frequently? Could it be there are some real issues that deserve addressing?!


If Clinton and others honestly want these people to shut up then I suggest they engage in some intelligent discourse and shut people up! These activists know they are only going to have but a few seconds to spit out a catch phrase before they are kicked out, roughed up, arrested, or even tasered. They have no real political voice, but this does not mean they have no valid points.


Another audience member at Mr. Clinton's speech shouted that 9/11 was an inside job to which the former Commander and Chief responded...


"An inside job? How dare you. How dare you. It was not an inside job, You guys have got to be careful, you're going to give Minnesota a bad reputation."


Yeah Mr. Clinton would know a thing or two about a bad reputation huh?! The George Washington Blog responded to Clinton's statement of "how dare you"in an October, 2007 commentary and I strongly suggest you read it at the URL below...


Barack Obama was also recently questioned by Student Scholars for 9-11 Truth, but like so many others he ducked and dodged, offered nothing concrete, and moved along.


And just the week before last Bill O'Reilly had comedian Dennis Miller on his show 'The Factor' on FOX news channel where they discussed 9/11 truth activists.


Speaking of some of the recent events mentioned in this article, Mr. O'Reilly called those asking questions "loons" and has previously equated 9/11 Scholars With Terrorists.


Has Bill ever heard the immortal words of Thomas Jefferson who stated that "dissent is the greatest form of patriotism."


Or how about Theodore Roosevelt who stated "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official."


Our first president George Washington left us with the warning that "Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! It is a dangerous servant and a terrible master."


But none of that matters to Bill I guess, to him two plus two is five, but in my world the sum of those figures is four and...


"The best patriots are not uncritical lovers of their country any more than they are the loveless critics of it. True patriots carry on a lover's quarrel with their country."-  Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Jr


O'Reilly and his guest eventually ended up talking about Rosie O' Donnell who has been a public critic of the official 9/11 tale. Dennis Miller said that if Rosie has evidence to prove George Bush and Dick Cheney blew up WTC 7 that he would like to see it.


First off, that paints a silly picture of Bush and the Vice President looking like Beavis and Butt-head snickering with huge red detonator buttons in their hands!


I don't believe Rosie ever stated Bush or Cheney personally blew up building seven, which is exactly how he made it sound. She never said that she knows for sure what happened that day either, what she has said is more akin to statements like that of The People's Email Action Network who state...


"We are not going to attempt on this page to theorize about what the actual truth is. The one thing we know for sure is that the "official" story is a fairy tale."-


Mr. Miller said he read Rosie's blog on the subject of WTC7 and likes to read her blogs from time to time. Well if that is the case then he knows that her blog site links to scientific evidence to support her belief that "only explosives could have brought it (WTC 7) down."


Here are 9/11 related links that can be found on her blog...


  • 9/11 scientific data
  • scholars for 9/11 truth & justice




    Rosie had even planned on having 9/11 researcher Steven Jones on 'The View'. Jones, a former BYU physicist professor had, among other things, produced a scientific paper on 9/11 entitled "Why Indeed Did The WTC Buildings Collapse?" In his paper he presents as he states "The hypothesis that WTC7 (which wasn't hit by a plane, in case you didn't know) and the Twin Towers were brought down, not just by impact damage and fires, but through the use of pre-positioned cutter-chargers."


    Jones begins the conclusion of his paper by stating...


    "The official theory lacks repeatability in that no actual models or buildings (before or since 9/11) have been observed to completely collapse due to the proposed fire-based mechanisms. On the other hand, dozens of buildings have been completely and symmetrically demolished through the use of pre-positioned explosives."


    I read Steven Jone's paper and I'm sure Rosie O'Donnell did too. Apparently Dennis Miller didn't. If he had he'd be debating specific points of contention as opposed to just badgering O' Donnell, and making a straw man's arguments about Bush blowing up buildings. 


    A website called Defend Rosie was even created which sums up her comments and evidence she had cited quite well. But I'm sure Dennis Miller missed that one too. He acted as if she offers no proof for her assertions whatsoever.


    Further more he stated that if she really believes all this he doesn't know why she is still living here. He said that if he believed what she believes he would leave the country, as if that's patriotic!


    When things get tuff, the tuff get going Dennis. That's going as in taking things head on, not as in actually going! Only a coward would run when their country needs them the most.  


    As my friend Carolyn Tonahill recently wrote me...


    "I know that on several stories of a few months back you reported some startling information on 911, and now the country is beginning to hear more and more and the federal government is reluctantly having to answer some questions they never expected to be asked." 


    Yes they most certainly are! I had questions about 9/11 from day one, such as, box cutters?! Are you kidding me?! Box cutters?!


    I also wondered how the terrorists were able to calculate that the plane's impacts would take the towers down as they did. This "fact" did not seem inherently apparent to me whatsoever. Something just didn't feel right?


    I also thought it was strange how fast we splashed bin-Ladens face on the TV screen. Granted, he was a likely suspect due to the fact that he was a known terrorist, but the

    focus seemed almost single mindedly obsessed with him and him only. 


    And why the hell didn't we shoot down those planes anyway?!


    But these questions were quickly silenced by propaganda and the wave of American patriotism that ensued. This coupled with the fact that I did not believe my government, for all it's shortcomings, to be capable of that type of treason. Not any agency or rogue group within for that matter. That type of thought never crossed my mind. However, I was not the student of history then, that I am now. I have since learned such treason is certainly not unprecedented


    In 2004 I again started to question the events of September 11th, this time to even higher degree. This was aided first by Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11, and then by an even more powerful film entitled Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear, and the Selling of American Empire,  which I handed out many flyers for.


    While very intriguing these films are also very partisan and only scratch the surface. I was very soon led well beyond the surface by the likes of 9/11 researchers Alex Jones and David Icke who I heard on my favorite radio show Coast to Coast AM.


    I found them to be interesting guests, but a bit nutty I thought, I still wasn't convinced. I looked into the two men further and found David Icke's unrelated talk of reptilian aliens a bit much, but Jones was ever more intriguing.


    I started to watch as many of his documentary films as I could get my hands on. I also found some interesting short films by others on the internet as well as many great websites. I was damn near convinced the official 9/11 story was a complete fraud by this time.


    The final straw that killed any lingering doubts, I think is when I started to read books on the subject, and this I suggest whole heartedly. I started off by reading The New Pearl Harbour and The 9/11 Commission Report-Ommissions and Distortions by Professor David Ray Griffin. I  liked these books so much  I even wrote a crappy online review on them! :)


    I have read many others books since, with some favorites being 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out and The Terror Conspiracy.


    However, after all my other research Griffin's books were all I needed.


    Ever since then I have been a bona fide 9/11 activist. I have no plans on stopping now and as this article demonstrates I am NOT alone! A peaceful revolution of information is upon us and the questions will not stop.

    Political Graffiti
    I am the spirit up high
    I'm on your walls.
    I'm the eagle in the ski
    I'm your Graffiti.
    You can't hold me down
    Not forever
    I'm in your bones
    I'm the wind in the ski
    I'm tatooed to what's wrong
    I am trapped; however, I'm still free.
    I'm your Graffiti
    My souls free
    But, not me
    Can't you see?
    ...the truth behind me!?
    FREE ME!!!
    This song was written about a Leonard Peilter, a Political Prisoner Feb. 4, 2002


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