Tuesday, 26 September 2006

Why "NOT" to Fight for 9-11 TRUTH

September 19, 2006 at 08:22:58

Why "NOT" to Fight for 9/11 Truth

by Bill Douglas


Tell A Friend

Why "NOT" to Fight for 9/11 Truth

"Propaganda is not meant to fool the intelligencia
. . . but to provide them an excuse."
-- Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propagandist

Early on when it became apparent to me that the official 9/11 story was a massive deception, it became urgent to tell others and spread this information wide and far. Having been a peace & justice activist my whole life, naturally I ran to the peace movement.

I discovered two things quickly. 1) Many people in the peace movement shared my concerns about "problems" with the official 9/11 story, however, 2) Much of the top leadership in the peace movement accepted the official story of 9/11, and refused to consider troubling evidence to the contrary.

One woman who was a major peace group leader, who's name I won't mention, said that she wouldn't search for 9/11 truth because "she didn't like the people in the 9/11 truth movement."

So, I decided to make a list of all the reasons I've heard for the "left" or "peace & justice" communities to avoid looking at the hard facts regarding 9/11.

1) Conspiracy theories are crazy talk
2) 9/11 Truth movement is an anti-Semitic movement
3) 9/11 Truth people are pushy and rude
4) 9/11 Truth people need therapy
5) If 9/11 facts were a problem, there'd be tons of "experts" complaining
6) If 9/11 facts had problems the free American media would be all over it
7) US govt. officials wouldn't attack their own people

Joseph Goebbels saw clearly that people would grasp at excuses when the truth was too ugly to face. Fact is that no one has to join a "movement" to fight for the truth about 9/11, one only needs to stop pretending that the official story makes sense. Then your natural human curiosity will begin to do what it does best, ask questions, and search for answers based on common sense and science, rather than propaganda.

Let's examine these "reasons" not to fight for 9/11 truth one at a time.

- Conspiracy theories are crazy talk:

The official 9/11 story put out by the Bush Administration that 19 ragtag Moslem's fooled the largest intelligence and military force in history, and brought down the first three steel reinforced skyscrapers in engineering history defying the laws of science, and doing so with four commercial jet liners flying over the most protected airspace in the world for one and a half hours with not one USAF fighter interceptor arriving until too late . . . IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY. It is the Bush Administration's "official conspiracy theory," but a "conspiracy theory" nonetheless. One only needs to examine facts to see if it stands up to the light of day.

- 9/11 Truth movement is an anti-Semitic movement:

False. The overwhelming majority of 9/11 truth seekers are normal Americans, some from peace & justice backgrounds, many professionals, etc. There are however a broad cross-section of people fighting for 9/11 truth. Anti-Semites have been given particular attention by the media, and the charge has been used again and again by de-bunkers of 9/11 skeptics, as a smear tactic to get people to turn off their logic and react based on the false suggestion that anti-Semitism equals 9/11 truth. They have nothing to do with one another. The truth about 9/11 is a physics question. There is nothing political or philosophical about it.

However, the facts do point to the reality that there is something "criminal" about what happened on 9/11, and the facts point to people at the highest levels of the US govt.

- 9/11 Truth people are pushy and rude:

Those of us who began examining the facts of 9/11 early on, were under tremendous pressure from our friends, family, and others to stop being so "odd."

Some of us experienced outright threats in many forms. We were attacked by media, govt., and even friends for our positions. I personally was threatened, and also sent to jail and questioned by the Secret Service, and then attacked by local media.

This made my fear meter go high, and my temper go short, when I would try to explain facts to friends in the peace movement, and beg for their support, as I fought for 9/11 truth . . . only to see them turn their backs and walk away. However, my temperament, or the temperament of others seeking 9/11 truth has nothing to do with . . . "is the official story a lie?" This question is one of physics and forensics.

- 9/11 Truth people need therapy:

Lately I've noticed that everyone from Popular Mechanics to Time Magazine is suddenly a psycho-therapist now, explaining the mental condition of those who question the official 9/11 stories obvious and massive deficiencies. This harkens back to the old Soviet Union media, who explained away inconvenient truths by sadly suggesting those making the claims had "conditions."

Time or PM will go for the weakest chink in the armor of the problems facing the official 9/11 story, and then pick at it, distort the questions, and smear the questioners as akin to "holocaust deniers," etc. This is no joke. I actually saw an editor from Popular Mechanics Magazine slickly try to put two young documentary producers of "Loose Change" in the same camp as "holocaust deniers."

And like magicians wielding slight of hand, the Popular Mechanics editors, avoided discussing how WTC janitor and national hero, Willie Rodriguez, testified of hearing a massive explosion in the "basement" of the WTC Tower, "BEFORE" hearing the plane strike above. Popular Mechanics using their precious air time on Democracy Now, not to deal with facts and physics, but rather smearing the "mental state" of the documentary producers, and others who would question the untenable "facts" of the official 9/11 conspiracy the Bush Admin has fed us.

- If 9/11 facts were a problem, there'd be tons of "experts" complaining:

In the past Kevin Ryan of Underwriter Laboratories stepped forward to point out that UL testimony to NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology) regarding the ability of jet fuel fire to melt steel was inaccurate. Kevin Ryan was fired from UL shortly thereafter.

Recently Brigham Young University put Professor Stephen Jones, co-founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth on paid leave while they decide whether to release him from his 20 years of teaching service to the University. Not long ago two other university teachers' jobs were threatened by Republican (and Democratic) politicians who tried to bully universities into firing teachers questioning the official 9/11 story.

A US Army officer who recently publicly stated his belief that 9/11 was an inside job was charged with "Un-American" activities. The list of persecution for professionals coming forward and stating the obvious, that the events of 9/11 look increasingly like an inside job meant to fool us into illegal wars and grabs for global energy and dominance . . . is long. So, to state that the official 9/11 story must be true, because no experts are stepping forward to challenge it . . . is beyond naiveté.

- If 9/11 facts had problems the free American media would be all over it:

Within months of 9/11/2001, I was becoming aware of disturbing issues around 9/11 and problems with the official story. A major American newspaper was one of the first media to engage the story, and it did so by taking a swipe at 9/11 truth seekers, but inside the article placed important 9/11 related facts and challenges to the official 9/11 story.

I called the reporter, who'd placed my email address in the article for those who wanted more information. Immediately he apologized for the format of the article, and said that that was the only way he could get it past his editor and into the paper. As we spoke more, he informed me of journalists he knew who'd already lost their job for looking into the flaws of the official 9/11 story.

You might say, "Well if this were happening, I'd have heard about it." Really? How will you hear about it if reporters know that if they report on it, their career will be over? This has improved some, as many reporters have reported on the flaws in the official 9/11 story, or covered the 9/11 truth seeking public.

However, if any reporter continued to focus on this story relentlessly, as they should given how much depends on this, they would no doubt face problems for their career. At this point, they can touch on it, but then must let it go and move on to "celebrity news," etc.

- US govt. officials wouldn't attack their own people:

Google "Operation Northwoods," and this myth will be put to rest.

It has amazed me that people I've known for years in the peace & justice movement, people who've known that the US govt. supported, facilitated, and often "orchestrated," the activities of barbarians in developing nations who slaughtered their people indiscriminately, think that Americans are somehow immune from the monster our covert ops foreign policy has unleashed on the world.

This is so naïve. Our US covert operations have trained Nicaraguans how to murder their local mayors, and commit terrorist acts in their communities. It has trained and supplied Salvadoran troops to slaughter their own people, even using illegal weapons. It has overthrown democracies in Chile, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Iran, etc. and replaced them with dictators who killed their own people in wholesale fashion. It killed over 2 million in South East Asia based on a "false flag" operation called "the Gulf of Tonkin" incident.

But, these same wide awake peace and justice activists, seasoned activists who've seen the brutality over the years . . . think that this pit bull we've created is unable to "infiltrate media," or "execute coups" within the "magical borders" of America. I'm sorry folks but God isn't protecting the special people of America from the monster our foreign policy has created over the years. We are experiencing with the false flag self inflicted attacks of 9/11, and resultant illegal wars and rollback of civil liberties, exactly what 3rd world nations have felt when our CIA or other covert operations destroyed their democracies in the name of war, power, and profit.

It is time for all patriotic Americans to fight for 9/11 truth. There is no "club," and no "membership card." The fact that the official 9/11 story is an obvious lie, and the emerging facts point to complicity at the highest levels of our government . . . is not a political movement. It is physics and probability, and testimony.

There is no excuse for failing to face the facts. Our entire democracy depends on Americans facing the facts. The peace of the world depends on Americans facing the facts.

It is time to put away the things of children, and open our eyes and become adults. The world cannot survive the massive military might of America, being wielded by childish citizens unable to look with open eyes at hard truths about what has become of our nation.

By William E. Douglas, Jr. Douglas has been a guest columnist for The Business Journal, The Kansas City Star, Beliefnet.com, etc. and is the author of "The Amateur Parent – A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the Universe"

By William E. Douglas, Jr., is author of "The Amateur Parent – A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the Universe." Bill has been a guest columnist for the Kansas City Star, The Business Journal, and other media worldwide. His past essays include, "Exposing the 9/11 Conspiracy Wingnuts," "The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement -- US Media's Dirty Little Secret," and "Why the Jewish Community Should Demand 9/11 Truth."

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Michael Bonanno

Which "Conspiracy Theory" Shall We Believe?

Mr. Douglas, keep on plugging. I accept the suddenly relentless mud slinging "debate" by those who will not look at the facts as proof that alternate 9/11 theories are gaining ground and the alternate arguments are beginning to frighten people, as people should be frightened. I'm not a professional psychologist, but I think you're right in saying that those who oppose 9/11 Truth or other alternate theories are in denial. This is America and as cruel and unreasonably aggressive as The Regime has proven itself to be, its members are Americans and Americans are "spiritually" or "by nature" unable to commit crimes of which we've accused Saddam, Pol Pot, Noriega, Stalin, Hitler, Pinochet, etc. Their mere "Americanism" injects into their psyche the inability to have planned and carried out 9/11.

It also may be that Americans voted for "George Bush" and Americans, both those who did and did not vote for "Bush" are incapable of voting for someone so monstrous. We're much too "perceptive" to be fooled by such creatures. Talk about naiveté! Almost an entire federal legislature has been fooled by The Regime on more than one occasion.

Finally, as I commented on your previous article, 9/11 Truth seekers have been accused of "circular reasoning". The following fact can not be overstated.

We're still fighting in Iraq to honor those who have died fighting in Iraq. In other words, the circular reasoning that more soldiers must die to honor those who have already died is used frequently by the propagandists in The Regime. Circular reasoning at its best – or worse.

Michael Bonanno

by MichaelBN (12 articles, 8 comments) on Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at 9:52:58 AM

We desperately need the 9/11 Truth movement

And that's why:

1.There was no trial and no investigation. Thus WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. ALL VERSIONS ARE ON THE TABLE.
2.Vincent Bugliosi in his book had proven beyond doubt that the Y2000 elections were a judicial coup and treason. As such the official version of 9/11 is promoted and supported by treasonous and unlawful group of people and THEY CANNOT BE TRUSTED.
3. ALL Bush's doings are based on the version of 9/11 events. All wars, all lies, all crimes. If this version falls, all of that house of cards falls. That simple.
4.Things change. And hopefully the movement ot unseat Bush will include the 9/11 truth the same way as all the others. We need them very much, all of them.

by panurg (3 articles, 580 comments) on Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at 11:33:04 AM

I am changing my mind

I have in the past espoused still ANOTHER reason why we should not pursue the truth about 9/11 and it boiled down to: "These people are SO evil that they might do something even WORSE if they thought the truth about 9/11 was going to come out."

However, I formally retract that position. While it is quite possible, it is a risk we will have to take. The UPSIDE of working to find the truth about 9/11 is that there is no deadline. We may not get the truth before Bush/Cheney leave office (if they voluntarily do so on Jan. 20, 2009), but that doesn't matter. SOME DAY we will have the truth, and at THAT MOMENT, all those who perpetrated the 9/11 operation will get their justice and all those who followed on in their footsteps and who have the same label as them will get THEIR justice. The crime of the original perpetrators WILL be avenged on them and their progeny and political supporters.

So, now I say... Let's slowly get the truth out there and bring more and more people to our side and let's define who our friends are and who are enemies are. And, just like Bush, I will take the position that if you're not WITH us, then you are AGAINST us. There is a very special and hot place reserved in hell for those who don't have an opinion in times like these. (apologies to Dante)

by CyberChas (0 articles, 16 comments) on Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at 1:24:30 PM

50 Senior Military, Intelligence & Govt. Critics of 9/11

Seekers of the truth about 9/11 have been demonized in the mainstream media as crazy conspiracy theorists and therefore easily dismissed.

MSM stories about criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report almost entirely focus on college professors, and virtually never mention any of the many senior military, intelligence, and government officials who have expressed similar views.

A new website launched last week, http://patriotsquestion911.com/ contains statements severely critical of the 9/11 Commission Report made by the 50 senior military, intelligence, and government officials listed below. These are not people inclined to accept unfounded conspiracy theories.

The cumulative impact of all these statements by senior level officials is stunning.

I am hopeful this information, compiled in one place and made easily accessible, will help refute the common claims that people who challenge the 9/11 Commission Report are irresponsible, illogical, disloyal, or crazy. And I hope it will stimulate rational discourse on this tremendously important matter.

Sincerely, Alan Miller

Berg, Philip J. - Deputy Attorney General, Pennsylvania
Bowman, Col. Robert - Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter
Burks, Fred - State Department Interpreter for Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton
Christison, William - Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis
Cleland, Senator Max - Member of the 9/11 Commission. Former U.S. Senator from Georgia
Cole, John M - Intelligence Operations Specialist, FBI
Conrad, David Mark - Agent in Charge, Internal Affairs, U.S. Customs
Costello, Edward J. - Special Agent, Counterterrorism, FBI
Dew, Rosemary N. - Supervisory Special Agent, Counterterrorism & Counterintelligence, FBI
Dzakovic, Bogdan - Counterterrorism expert, FAA
Edmonds, Sibel - Language Translation Specialist, FBI
Elson, Steve - Special Agent, FAA
Fitts, Catherine Austin - Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush
Freeh, Louis - Director of the FBI, 1993 - 2001
Goodman, Melvin - Division Chief and Senior Analyst of Soviet Affairs, CIA
Goulder, Morton - Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter
Graf, Mark - Security Supervisor, Department of Energy
Graham, Gilbert M. - Special Agent, Counterintelligence, FBI
Heikal, Mohamed Hassanein - Foreign Minister, Egypt
Hellyer, Paul - Minister of National Defense and Deputy Prime Minister, Canada
Honegger, Barbara - White House Policy Analyst Under Ronald Reagan
Ivashov, Gen. Leonid - Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces
Kleiman, Diane - Special Agent, U.S. Customs
Kwiatkowski, Lt. Col. Karen - Political Military Affairs Officer, Office of the Secretary of Defense
Larkin, Lynne A. - Operation Officer, CIA
MacMichael, David - Senior Estimates Officer, CIA
McGovern, Raymond L. - Chairman, National Intelligence Estimates, CIA
Meacher, Michael - Undersecretary for Industry, Minister for the Environment, UK
Nelson, Col. George - U.S. Air Force aircraft crash investigator
Pahle, Theodore J. - Senior Intelligence Officer, Defense Intelligence Agency
Peck, Edward L. - Deputy Director of the White House Task Force on Terrorism under Ronald Reagan
Ray, Col. Ronald D. - Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under Ronald Reagan
Reynolds, Morgan - Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Labor under George W. Bush
Ritter, Maj. Scott - Marine Corps Intelligence Officer and Chief UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq
Roberts, Paul Craig - Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury under Ronald Reagan
Rokke, Maj. Douglas - Director U.S. Army Depleted Uranium Project
Sarshar, Behrooz - Language Translation Specialist, FBI
Shayler, David - Counterterrorism Agent, MI5 (UK)
Stubblebine, Maj. Gen. Albert - Commanding General, U.S. Army Intelligence
Sullivan, Brian F. - Special Agent and Risk Management Specialist, FAA
Tortorich, Larry J. - US Naval Officer and Dept. of Homeland Security
Turner, Jane A. - Special Agent, FBI
Vincent, John B. - Special Agent, Counterterrorism, FBI
von Buelow, Andreas - Minister of National Defense, West Germany
Weldon, Rep. Curt - Vice Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee
Whitehurst, Dr. Fred - Supervisory Special Agent, Forensic Examiner, FBI
Wittenberg, Capt. Russ - Air Force Fighter Pilot and Commercial Jet Pilot
Wright, Col. Ann - U.S. Army and Former Diplomat
Zipoli, Matthew J. - Special Response Team Officer, Department of Energy

by AlanMiller (0 articles, 1 comments) on Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at 1:47:55 PM

More than it's weight in gold.

The peace of the world depends on Americans facing the facts.

Dear Bill, thank you very much and mat God bless you and be your guardian at all times.

I borrowed your sentence above, only to add that not only the peace of the world depends on Ameri....., but the mere existence and continueity of the world desprately depends on Americans facing the facts, behold what's truth and discard falsifications. It's either this or we will all be "thing of the past".

Upon one big initial lie, that's 9/11, many big lies have and will be fabricated to cover the original lie, unforetunately this is what one lie does, it opens the gates for a flood of lies, it that never ends.

Many thanks for a very good article. God bless you.

Hisham Saidi

by hisham (0 articles, 6 comments) on Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at 5:42:40 PM


That's about the lamest excuses I ever heard to try convince me that ignorance is a bliss.

by han (0 articles, 19 comments) on Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at 6:16:43 PM

Fight for 9/11 Truth

9/11 TRUTH FOR BEGINNERS: http://www.journalof911studies.com/
POLL: 42% SAY 9/11 COVERUP!!! The next time the media marginalizes 9/11 skeptics - remind them that 42% of the American public believe there is a 9/11 coverup, then refer them to the older zogby poll from 2004 which found that "Half of New Yorkers Believe US Leaders Had Foreknowledge of Impending 9-11 Attacks and 'Consciously Failed' To Act", and finally point out that over half of the country thinks they have done a bad job covering 9/11 questions and related issues. See: http://www.journalof911studies.com

September 19, 2006 at 08:22:58

FROM: Why "NOT" to Fight for 9/11 Truth
by Bill Douglas http://www.opednews.com

"Propaganda is not meant to fool the intelligencia
. . . but to provide them an excuse."
-- Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propagandist

Early on when it became apparent to me that the official 9/11 story was a massive deception, it became urgent to tell others and spread this information wide and far. Having been a peace & justice activist my whole life, naturally I ran to the peace movement.

I discovered two things quickly. 1) Many people in the peace movement shared my concerns about "problems" with the official 9/11 story, however, 2) Much of the top leadership in the peace movement accepted the official story of 9/11, and refused to consider troubling evidence to the contrary.

One woman who was a major peace group leader, who's name I won't mention, said that she wouldn't search for 9/11 truth because "she didn't like the people in the 9/11 truth movement."

So, I decided to make a list of all the reasons I've heard for the "left" or "peace & justice" communities to avoid looking at the hard facts regarding 9/11.

1) Conspiracy theories are crazy talk
2) 9/11 Truth movement is an anti-Semitic movement
3) 9/11 Truth people are pushy and rude
4) 9/11 Truth people need therapy
5) If 9/11 facts were a problem, there'd be tons of "experts" complaining
6) If 9/11 facts had problems the free American media would be all over it
7) US govt. officials wouldn't attack their own people

Joseph Goebbels saw clearly that people would grasp at excuses when the truth was too ugly to face. Fact is that no one has to join a "movement" to fight for the truth about 9/11, one only needs to stop pretending that the official story makes sense. Then your natural human curiosity will begin to do what it does best, ask questions, and search for answers based on common sense and science, rather than propaganda.

Let's examine these "reasons" not to fight for 9/11 truth one at a time....

....Within months of 9/11/2001, I was becoming aware of disturbing issues around 9/11 and problems with the official story. A major American newspaper was one of the first media to engage the story, and it did so by taking a swipe at 9/11 truth seekers, but inside the article placed important 9/11 related facts and challenges to the official 9/11 story.

I called the reporter, who'd placed my email address in the article for those who wanted more information. Immediately he apologized for the format of the article, and said that that was the only way he could get it past his editor and into the paper. As we spoke more, he informed me of journalists he knew who'd already lost their job for looking into the flaws of the official 9/11 story.

You might say, "Well if this were happening, I'd have heard about it." Really? How will you hear about it if reporters know that if they report on it, their career will be over? This has improved some, as many reporters have reported on the flaws in the official 9/11 story, or covered the 9/11 truth seeking public.

However, if any reporter continued to focus on this story relentlessly, as they should given how much depends on this, they would no doubt face problems for their career. At this point, they can touch on it, but then must let it go and move on to "celebrity news," etc....

....It is time for all patriotic Americans to fight for 9/11 truth. There is no "club," and no "membership card." The fact that the official 9/11 story is an obvious lie, and the emerging facts point to complicity at the highest levels of our government . . . is not a political movement. It is physics and probability, and testimony.

There is no excuse for failing to face the facts. Our entire democracy depends on Americans facing the facts. The peace of the world depends on Americans facing the facts.

It is time to put away the things of children, and open our eyes and become adults. The world cannot survive the massive military might of America, being wielded by childish citizens unable to look with open eyes at hard truths about what has become of our nation.

William E. Douglas, Jr., is author of "The Amateur Parent – A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the Universe." Bill has been a guest columnist for the Kansas City Star, The Business Journal, and other media worldwide. His past essays include, "Exposing the 9/11 Conspiracy Wingnuts," "The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement -- US Media's Dirty Little Secret," and "Why the Jewish Community Should Demand 9/11 Truth."

Read entire article:

Contact Author: http://www.opednews.com/maxwrite/contact.php?sid=2170&storyid=22687



FROM: The Griffin takes wing:
Theology and the truth of 9/11
Special to the Vermont Guardian
posted September 15, 2006

Review By Marc Estrin: Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action by David Ray Griffin, Westminster/John Knox Press, 2006, paper, 246 pp., $17.95

....Griffin’s opening move is to establish the US's "imperial motives for 'A New Pearl Harbor,'" and the fact that the government had both the means and the opportunity to plan and execute the events of the attacks. In his history and critique of the neocons, he shows that 9/11 can surely be understood as a means to turn their agenda into policy....

....He then shifts focus to examine Jesus's revolutionary relationship to the Roman Empire as a model for authentic Christianity today, introducing the theologically crucial notion of "the demonic" in a "non-mythological" form — i.e., not anthropomorphized as "the devil" or "Satan." His view is that the demonic is "a real power with genuine autonomy, that is driving the world in a direction that is diametrically opposed to divine purposes." How is such a power possible in a universe created by an omnipotent, all-knowing, beneficent God? Ah — the "problem of evil" arises....

Marc Estrin is a novelist and political activist from Burlington


Five Years On, 9/11 Truth Movement Reaches Critical Mass

- Near Majority Support, Powerful New Tools, and Energized Activism Promise Endgame Soon

September 11 Press Release
from 911truth.org

Escalating mainstream mistrust of "official 9/11 story" driven by important new films, books and activist campaigns; promises new openings for insurgent candidacies and radical reform initiatives.

September 11, 2006 (PRWEB) -- The year leading up to the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks has been marked by an unprecedented upsurge in public mistrust of the official story portrayed in the 9/11 Commission Report. Respected national polling firms Zogby and Scripps Howard have shown that less than half the public believes in the conclusions or integrity of the 9/11 Commission, and 36% of Americans now think the administration was actively complicit in the attacks to advance its preplanned Mideast war agenda.

This outburst of popular skepticism has come in spite of five years of lockstep support for the official 9/11 narrative by the national press, broadcast media, and both major political parties. The mounting distrust spans the political, religious and ethnic spectrums, and has been largely driven by compelling new films, books, whistleblower reports, and escalating grassroots activism. Collectively these resources and constituencies not only offer the country hope for a fresh and truly honest 9/11 probe, but also a potent new base for radical political reform....

...."Overall, however, the real message of 9/11 truth has now reached a critical mass of citizens, and ruthless defamation tactics may prolong the 'media controversy' but are ultimately doomed to fail. Truth has an inherent strange attractor force that cannot be dispelled, not by cynical propaganda nor overwhelming media power. It is in that lust for truth and justice that our democracy once began, and 9/11 truth now offers Americans the chance to feel that thrill again." http://www.911truth.org



[Tennis anyone?]


Have a Nice Deja Vu All Over Again
by Walter Karp



Neonazicons Hunker in The Bunker]

2 US Reports Seek to Counter
Conspiracy Theories About 9/11

By Jim Dwyer
New York Times
September 2, 2006

[As 9/11's fifth anniversary nears and 9/11 skeptics approach majority status, the official story disinfo industry swings into high gear. Since the "no WTC demolitions" proponents are now largely relying on the "inconceivable logistic difficulties" of such a scheme, it's time for our research community to present a brief telling synopsis of the reported security lockdowns in various towers in the weeks before the attacks, Neil Bush's ties to the WTC security company, the call-off of the WTC dog patrols, etc. Jones, Ryan, Hoffman, et al. have helped elucidate the motives and means. We now need to document the opportunities. - 911truth.org Ed. ]

Faced with an angry minority of people who believe the Sept. 11 attacks were part of a shadowy and sprawling plot run by Americans, separate reports were published this week by the State Department and a federal science agency insisting that the catastrophes were caused by hijackers who used commercial airliners as weapons.
The official narrative of the attacks has been attacked as little more than a cover story by an assortment of radio hosts, academics, amateur filmmakers and others who have spread their arguments on the Internet and cable television in America and abroad. As a motive, they suggest that the Bush administration wanted to use the attacks to justify military action in the Middle East....

READ MORE: http://www.911truth.org



the "no Boeing" theories discredit 9/11 skepticism and distract from proven evidence of complicity

the fake debate between no plane and no complicity gets the Bush regime off the hook
there is zero evidence for any of the "no plane" claims - hundreds of people saw Flight 77, none saw a cruise missile, Global Hawk robot plane, smaller plane or flying saucer piloted by giant lizards
the physical evidence shows that a large twin engine jet hit the nearly empty part of the Pentagon, the "Black Boxes" were found, cleanup crews found remains of the passengers, the "hole was too small" claim was a hoax making 9/11 complicity dependent on the no-plane claim was a brilliant tactic to discredit the real evidence for people inside the Beltway, both for the majority who vote against Bush and the political / military elites (especially the military officers who saw the plane crash or the plane debris)
the material on this page and all of the websites that are linked here should finally extinguish the "no plane" hoax -- except for those who have staked their credibility on these claims and cannot admit a mistake, and those who intentionally promote the hoax. Every claim for the "no plane" hoaxes is refuted here or at a page linked from this page....
[This site will help clarify the Karl Rovian smoke&mirrors designed to confuse 911 hoax investigators and inquiring citizens, by setting up "straw man," decoy sites and theories, etc. They then "debunk" these, thus casting doubt on the GENUINE parts of the 911 truth investigations.

Check out Alexander Cockburn's most recent use of this nasty little trick in his nasty little "Beat The Devil" column in the September 2006 Nation magazine online, predictably titled "911 Conspiracy Nuts."]

See also: The purpose of "no planes" is to protect the plotters: http://www.oilempire.us/pentagon.html

"Lots of military people saw the plane and wreckage, and making the conspiracy dependent on the "no plane hoax" gets Bush and Cheney off the hook. The issue is not what the peons (us) think about these issues -- the real issue is what the military and civilian leadership in DC think about these issues. No plane speculations and hoaxes steer people away from real evidence of complicity such as how the plane was steered into the nearly empty part of the Pentagon and the role of the wargames in paralyzing the defense of Washington. Cui bono - who benefits? How long would Cheney and Bush be in office if the rest of the military thought that the PNAC gang allowed 9/11 to happen -- or deliberately flew Flight 77 into the Pentagon via some form of remote control?

"The fact that "No Plane" is the cudgel being used against the 9/11 truth movement proves it is a counterproductive strategy for exposing real evidence of complicity. Whether these hoaxes are coming from deliberate disinformation agents, the aggressively naive, the gullible or the sloppy is not relevant, since the ONLY evidence for "no plane" is altered and misleading perspective photos. There is NO evidence that even comes close to the standard of proof needed to convince a newspaper editor or a judge.
"Sandia test shows what happens in high speed plane crashes...." http://www.oilempire.us/pentagon.html


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by Myra (0 articles, 2 comments) on Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at 6:48:21 PM

Frank J. Ranelli

Critical Thinking!

Joseph Goebbels saw clearly that people would grasp at excuses when the truth was too ugly to face. Fact is that no one has to join a "movement" to fight for the truth about 9/11, one only needs to stop pretending that the official story makes sense. Then your natural human curiosity will begin to do what it does best, ask questions, and search for answers based on common sense and science, rather than propaganda.

The area highlighted above is known as "critical thinking" or being an "acedemia." Something detested, at the highest level, by dictators for it challenges their own innerant beliefs and fuels their insecurities.

After all, Hitler targeted intellectuals long before he targeted the Jews.

Great article!

by fjr1966 (20 articles, 28 comments) on Wednesday, September 20, 2006 at 12:02:22 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"catch up with" six months ago! why nuthin new, bozo?

29/4/07 17:27  

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