Tuesday, 17 January 2006

wikidPad 1ReviewsTestimonials || Pic Sharing ha3 ||

ReviewsTestimonialswikidPad: "Bryce Yehl


I am constantly looking for the ultimate Personal Knowledge Management tool. Most of my work-related KM happens in Outlook Notes. Those little yellow windows suck in so many ways, especially organization, but they have one strong point that is tough to match: the create-edit-save cycle is blazingly fast (Alt-Tab, Ctrl-Shift-N, Paste / Type, Esc).

After using wikidPad for a few weeks, I'm ready to say that Outlook Notes have finally met their match. wikidPad is basically a graphical single-user wiki. If you've heard of VoodooPad? for Mac OS X, this is roughly the Windows equivalent.

With no web server or browser involved, wikidPad is pretty quick. WikiPages? are listed using a treeview control on the left, expanding an item shows each of the WikiWords within that page. On the right is the page editor, a semi-WYSIWYG control (wiki formatting is not hidden). To create a new page you simply select an existing page, type in a WikiWord and double-click on it.

wikidPad comes with a seemingly comprehensive wiki that explains all of the usual wiki features that I've barely looked at. There are keywords and attributes, with automatically generated views. There's search, of course, and special views to find orphaned and modified pages.

When my 30-day trial expired I didn't think twice about pay the $12 that the author requests, and for the right set of features I would happily pay several times that. Give me revision tracking and integration with a collaborative tool that supports authorization, such as a traditional web-based wiki or something like Groove, and I'll be in KM heaven. Bonus points if it can sync with a PDA or smartphone."
jjLanga is supposedly smart: well, here's to the LMITS of what one person can know-- and glaring oversights...

  • Flurl; free (ad-supported); allows wmv, asf, mpeg, mpg, avi, swf, jpg, gif, mp3, wav (max size 10-Mbyte each) file types; "Porn and illegal content is not allowed," but this restriction apparently is only loosely enforced; also has "mature" upload/search to segregate some of the more potentially offensive content.
  • The Good, The Bad....
    All the above just scratches the surface of this burgeoning field, as this Google search suggests. There are many, many other services -- but many of those include content that only the most desensitized person would find inoffensive; many are not safe for work, and are definitely not "family-friendly."

    EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE such an alter-reality EXISTS. shabby is my immediate conclusion, oops>
  • PBase (see above, as well); by subscription, starting at $23 per year for 300-Mbytes of storage; supports jpg, gif, and png file types, and Zip or TAR compressed collections of jpg, gif and png files. Allows direct hotlinking to your images, so your users don't have to go through Pbase pages to see your photos. No ads appear on the Pbase site pages. The TOS ("terms of service") specifies no porn or offensive content, and appears to be well enforced.
  • ==================================================
  • oversold drivel: and yes i hate dumb people, and yes they do permit, foster and assuage most of the evil in the world> http://www.informationweek.com/windows/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=EHDFEZ5550SMGQSNDBGCKH0CJUMEKJVN?articleID=163105444&pgno=2

    Plus, the vendor had two hidden partitions on the hard drive, which combined to eat almost a third of the disk space I'd paid for. This isn't unusual: Many vendors now ship PCs with a special hidden partition on it that contains the recovery data, diagnostic software, and perhaps a kind of disk image of the as-delivered, factory-fresh software setup. The idea is that when you get into trouble, you can restore this pristine image, and get things back exactly the way they were on day one, when the PC rolled off the assembly line.

    Vendors love this because it reduces their support costs: They can undo any user- or software-caused problems simply by having you roll your system back to a controlled, known-good, factory-perfect state.

    Trouble is, the hidden partition cannot be used for anything else; it can eat up a truly huge chunk of your total hard-drive space, even if the recovery files are of no use or interest to you.

    My Choice, Then Yours From the above, I think that EasyCleaner is the best free tool currently available; and JV16 PowerTools 2005 is the current best commercial tool available.

    Because JV16PowerTools offers a full, free, uncrippled trial version, you might want to try this approach: First download and run EasyCleaner. See what it does on your system. Next, download and run JV16 PowerTools 2005. See what additional cleaning it offers you, above and beyond what EasyCleaner did. If there seems to be enough extra cleaning to make it worthwhile, register your copy. If not, then stick with EasyCleaner -- but use the "donate" button to send the author at least a few bucks for his time and trouble.

    As for the others, it's up to you. Perhaps your system is different enough from my informal test setup so that you get very different results from the above. Or perhaps you use other Registry cleaning software, not included among the 10 tools I tested. If so, please join the discussion and share your experiences!



    The name "Bart Lagerweij" is well-known //newest version of his latest, greatest free tool deserves special attention: It's a self-contained, CD-based "live" copy of Windows XP. // "BartPE" (Bart's Preinstalled Environment)

    The CD-based version is self-contained--you can think of it as a zero-footprint installation of XP--and yet is, as Bart says, "...a complete Win32 environment with network support, a graphical user interface (800x600), and FAT/NTFS/CDFS file system support. Very handy for burn-in testing systems with no operating system, rescuing files to a network share, virus scan, and so on. This will replace any DOS bootdisk in no time!"

    This means that if your PC won't boot from its hard drive for some reason, you can use a BartPE CD to start the system, grab files off the hard drive (even if the drive is formatted in NTFS), ship the files to another PC on the network for safekeeping, and then use the tools either on the CD or on the hard drive to affect recovery or repair of the damaged system.

    BartPE lets you start or stop file sharing on the PC you're working on; set or reset the Admin password; or even invoke XP's powerful "Remote Desktop Connection" facility. Combined, these abilities facilitate moving files to or from a distant PC, or using repair and recovery tools located on another system.And did I mention that BartPE is free?

    .../...Page 4%4

    Building Your Copy Of BartPE
    "Bart's PE Builder" is a wizard-type of tool that runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003 that largely automates the creation of your own bootable copy of "BartPE" (Bart Preinstalled Environment) on a CD-Rom or DVD. Bart's PE Builder provides the scripted intelligence to assemble the correct files and settings; you provide your original Windows XP (Home or Pro; SP1 or later) or Windows Server 2003 (Web/Standard/Enterprise) installation/setup CD; and the operating system files are copied from there. Bart says you also even can use a preinstalled Windows XP version (without a CD) as a source for building a copy of BartPE.

    Bart has full step-by-step info on his site, along with download links and other useful tools. So if you've read this far, it's probably time for me to stop talking and to send you directly to his site: nu2.

    And did I mention that BartPE, like all Bart's tools, is free?

    A final thought: It's worth mentioning, as an aside, that BartPE and PE Builder are wholly separate from Microsoft's Windows Preinstallation Environment ("WinPE"). The latter is mainly a command-line-driven installation tool; Bart'sPE is mainly a graphical-interface repair/diagnostic tool.

    In a way, the use of "PE" in both names is a little unfortunate because it may engender confusion in people who aren't paying attention; but the two tools are clearly different and aimed at different uses. Bart drives the point home on his site: "Using PE Builder does not grant you a license to Microsoft WinPE or to use the Windows XP or Server 2003 binaries in a manner other than stated in the End-User License Agreement included in your version of Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Server 2003. Microsoft has not reviewed or tested PE Builder and does not endorse its use. Please do not contact Microsoft for support on the preinstallation environment that has been created by PE Builder! Microsoft does not provide support for PE Builder or for the preinstallation environment created by PE Builder...."

    TMF: Corrupitalism / RodgerRafter's Investing Journal

    TMF: Corrupitalism / RodgerRafter's Investing Journal: "Under Capitalism, we mainly had capital controlling the production of goods and the distribution of wealth. Under Corrupitalism, we mainly have people in positions of power controlling the production of goods and the distribution of wealth. There have always been elements of both systems within our economy, but over the last half-century the American economy has shifted along a spectrum from Capitalism toward Corrupitalism.

    With Capitalism, labor is caught in a productivity trap. As increasing capital accumulation leads to productivity increases, there is less demand for labor. As population grows and resources become scarce, capital commands a greater share of wealth relative to labor. The gap between the rich and the poor and social unrest grow unless wealth is broadly distributed and workers have access to sufficient capital of their own.

    With Corrupitalism, capital is caught in a liquidity trap. Too much money is created and distributed within the power base. Wealth and profits are taxed with the proceeds being distributed among the power base. It becomes increasingly difficult for outsiders to earn a return on investment that keeps up with inflation as the corrupt claim the greatest share of wealth relative to labor and capital.

    The Capitalist model did not guarantee happiness for working people or even a decent standard of living for working people. Labor constantly battled against declining bargaining power. However, a more capitalistic society was generally efficient in the allocation and use of resources and tended to compete well in the global economy.

    The Corrupitalist model is inherently inefficient. Resources and wealth are misallocated based on political purpose rather than economic need. Economic booms and busts are created and manipulated for the benefit of the well positioned. Government spending is directed toward the politically well connected. Industries are created and destroyed to "

    Malware Futures | FAT Travesty | MPG on BLOOD: G.War.Bush's Burnin' 'Maths'

    Future Trends of Malware: "Key summary points and conclusion
    (Score:5, Insightful)
    by millwall (622730) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @08:23AM (#14445344)
    Key summary points
    Malware authors update their multi-vendor anti virus signatures faster than most end users and enterprises do altogether

    The high pressure put on malware authors by the experienced vendors is causing them to unite efforts and assets, and realize that it's hard to compete on their own. Yet this doesn't stop them from waging a war in between

    Intellectual property theft worms have to potential to dominate in today's knowledge-driven society acting as tools for espionage

    Don't matter what you always wanted to do to ecriminals, in case of a cryptoviral extortion, you'll be the one having to initiate the contact

    The growing Internet population, E-commerce flow, and the demand for illegal/unethical services, would fuel the development of an Ecosystem, for anything, but legal

    The 'Web as a platform' is a powerful medium for malware attackers understanding the new Web

    The unprecedented growth of E-commerce would always remain the main incentive for illegal activities

    7.0 Conclusion

    I hope that the points I have raised in this research, would prove valuable to both end users, businesses and anti-virus vendors. The Internet as a growing force shaping our ways of thinking and living is as useful, as easy to exploit as well. The clear growth in E-commerce, today's open-source nature of malware, the growing penetration of the Internet in respect to insecure connected PCs, are among the main driving factors of the scene. Do your homework and stay ahead of the threats, most of all, less branding when making security decisions, but high preferences! Please, feel free to direct your opinions, remarks, or any feedback to me, at dancho.danchev AT hush.com or at ddanchev.blogspot.com where you can d"

    One word: Legitimization.

    (Score:5, Insightful)
    by Caspian (99221) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @08:32AM (#14445412)
    Malware meets so many of the deep desires of the marketing world (and the corporate world in general). It can provides market data in bulk, practically "for free" (from the company's perspective). It can provide a further degree of control over a user's computer. It can enforce DRM. It can force ads on people.

    Thus, I can only conclude that the future of malware is for it to go from something created by shady companies like Gator (a.k.a. "Claria") and 419WebSolutions (or whatever) to something created (or at least branded) by "household name" companies like HP, Dell, etc. A first step towards a future in which major corporations embrace malware has already occurred; just look at all the crap Dell shovels onto their much-maligned default software installations.
    With spending like this [twu.net], just what are "conservatives" conserving? (Homophobia?)

    Well put -- I like the analogy.

    Actually I think what people are doing today, is practically building another guest house out back for the foreman and the rest of his work crew to live in while they're patching up your house. Remember the discussion a few months ago here on Slashdot about why the average joe needed a dual-core or multiprocessor Windows box? It was so one processor could run his actual application, and the other one could run all the anti-virus/spyware/adware/intrusion programs.

    The situation has really become ridiculous, but because it's happened so slowly and because so many people are highly invested in it, nobody with any authority wants to take a step back and call it for what it is.
    If only we could make stupidity more painful...

    Categories by goal

    (Score:5, Interesting)
    by G4from128k (686170) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @08:51AM (#14445537)
    Malware can be categorized by the goal of the creator. This can include:
    1. Marketing: Redirecting browser windows or overlaying pop-ups to promote a product or service
    2. Phishing: attacking an individual to extract passwords that let a criminal access the victim's accounts or identity
    3. Vandalism: Wanton destruction of a PC or network
    4. Spam Broadcasting: creating and controlling a botnet for spamming
    5. Extortion: Forcing a company to pay a ransom to avoid a DDoS or the triggering of an embedded bit of malware.
    6. Vilgilantism: Attacking P2P, spamming, or phishing networks to forestall perceived illegal activity
    7. Espionage: Illegally accessing company or country's secrets
    8. Military: Damaging an opponent country's IT infrastructure

    Note that some of these goals target individuals and their PCs whereas other target larger organizations. One key commonality of nearly all of the goals is that they target large numbers of PCs or require large numbers of infected machines to achieve the goal. Thus immunological approaches that look for the spread of unusual code or data packet patterns can help address this problem. On the other hand, immunological approaches won't work if the malware attack targets a single individual or company -- e.g. implanting a unique virus in one computer in a company for purposes of espionage or extortion.

    Note that half of the goals are very different from the stereotypical destructive virus or worm of yesteryear. With the exception of vandalism, extortion, vigilantism, and military, the other goals are essentially non-destructive. The malware creator's goals are not achieved if the malware crashes the target machine.

    Re:Food chain

    (Score:5, Interesting)
    by MobyDisk (75490) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @07:27AM (#14445082)
    The grandparent posted is correct.

    1) Even if they do have FAT pre-installed, that doesn't matter. A patent applies to the device that is using the FAT system (camera, computer, etc.), not the media it is on. (For example: A patent woudl apply to a printing press, but not to the book that is printed by the press.)
    2) His point is that they don't have to have it pre-installed anyway. The device you put it in can do the formatting easily enough.

    Also, just because something is modded-up that you think is wrong, doesn't mean that the moderation system is bad. You may be modded down merely for the comment.

    Re:Food chain

    (Score:5, Informative)
    by redhog (15207) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @04:38AM (#14444511)
    There are Free Software ext2 drivers for all major OSes:
    Windows: http://freshmeat.net/projects/ext2ifs/ [freshmeat.net]
    MacOS X: http://freshmeat.net/projects/ext2fs/ [freshmeat.net]
    OS/2: http://freshmeat.net/projects/ext2-os2/ [freshmeat.net]

    The problem is, they don't come pre-installed...
    --The knowledge that you are an idiot, is what distinguishes you from one.


    (Score:5, Insightful)
    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 11, @05:14AM (#14444628)
    There is no technical reason to use FAT at all, it is only in common usage because of Microsofts desktop monopoly. FAT was used by vendors for the benefit of Microsoft customers, Microsoft respond by stabbing everyone in the back. Time to start petitioning OEM's to ship a GPL'd 3rd party Windows filesystem driver by default, then we petition for device support.

    C# and CLR on linux people take note, Microsoft never acts in good faith. Why file for patents unless you plan to enforce them? Ever heard the phrase "trust a fox"?


    Move Kernel.org to the EU

    (Score:5, Insightful)
    Thats why Linus needs to move the kernel.org server not from California to Oregon, but from Oregon to the EU*. That way MS can bitch all they want about vFat in the kernel, but can't get it out of the kernel cause the EU (for the time being, and if MS does try to enforce this agienst Linux, won't ever) have software patents.

    *this would also mean Linus and everyone working on the kernel would have to move to the EU, and also a fork in the kernel in the US that does not included vFat.

    Re:So now...

    (Score:5, Interesting)
    by gerddie (173963) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @04:19AM (#14444456)
    NTFS would be an obvious choice for microsoft to go with since it support removable media and journalling.
    You wouldn't want to use standard journalling on a flash drive. IIRC for each write cycle at least 3 write actions are required: log in the journal that a write will be done (has to be synced to the disk), do the write, log in the journal that the write action ended successful. With flash, where you can only erase block-wise, this is not a good idea - for one its very slow, and on the other hand, the flash supports only so many write cycles. For journalling, special handling is needed as implemented e.g. in jffs2 [sourceware.org].
    jqj: WTF why does M$ and ~all ~experts say to USE NTFS for OS partition, if it cant possibly be faster....
    The claims in US patent No. 5579517 - the patnet that was subject to re-examination - are rather strange, and to my reasding are not infringed by a Linux system reading or writing a vfat file system. The analysys is not straightforward, but as a clue to those used to looking at patent claims, think about the effect of the opening words of the claim: "In a computer system having a processor running an operating system..." followed by the words "said short filename including at most a maximum number of characters that is permissible by the operating system", i.e., not some other operating system but by the executing operating system.

    US Patent 5758352 is more of a worry, because it relates to the way in which long and short filenames are stored in a directory structure by an (i.e., any) operating system. I cannot find any reference to this potentially much more damaging patent having been re-examined.

    Note that the claims are not infringed by any system that does not support both long and short filenames. It is not FAT per se that is being protected, it is the backwards-compatible DOS filenames and the particular manner in which they are stored. You have to read the claims to understand this.
    So the question about Linux etc., requires an analysis of the claims with an understanding of how the Linux FS driver works.

    Anonymous European Patent Attorney


    by Phatmanotoo (719777) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @03:07AM (#14444231)

    FAT is such a technical piece of crap that I would have thought nobody would want to patent it, out of pure

    For non-technical people who don't grok filesystems, there's a good story about FAT here: CyberSnare


    Re:What about UDF?

    (Score:5, Informative)
    by moyix (412254) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @10:17AM (#14446172)


    So this probably won't work as a universal filesystem unless some pressure is put on MS and Apple to get native support for writing to UDF, unfortunately :\


    Re:USB Sticks and CF cards

    (Score:5, Insightful)
    by LordLucless (582312) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @04:48AM (#14444541)
    As for digital cameras... well that was their decision. Unless I, as a consumer, am going to get fined for buying a piece of hardware that was unlicenced I don't care. The patents on FAT were no secret. They were, as are all the other patents, kept in a public place, next to the patents for lenses, CCDs, batteries and jpeg compression. As with any other patent, if you want to use the tech you have to pay the licence... and then pass that cost onto the customer.

    Except that these patents weren't around when they were making these decisions. These FAT patents were *rejected*. Why would a company base a decision around patents that were rejected by the UPTO? This is yet another example of the USPTO's stupidity - VFAT was created how long ago? Some where between 92 and 95 IIRC. So at least 10 years ago. VFAT has had 10 years to creep into all corners of the industry, and only now it's going to start costing money? Imagine if 5 years after the motor industry really got going, the patent for internal combustion engines was finally approved. Progress of science and useful arts my ass.--

    No trilogy should have more than four books - Arthur C. Clarke

    Re:USB Sticks and CF cards

    (Score:5, Informative)
    by deander2 (26173) * Alter Relationship <public@kered.org> on Wednesday January 11, @08:53AM (#14445553)
    Actually someone named George B. Selden (who had never built an automobile) held a patent on a "road engine". All American car manufacturers paid royalties to him until Henry Ford came along, who blatantly ignored it (and later got it overturned).
    Patent trolls are nothing new to society.--- derek

    Good Thing?

    (Score:4, Informative)
    by TwentyQuestions (945020) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @03:32AM (#14444323)
    I'm actually glad MS won this. I think it will help clear the way for more devices to use more secure and open-source friendly file systems. But I doubt MS will try to crack the whip on people making technology to read FAT. It just doesnt make sense, plus the income would be so low. And as for drives coming preformatted with FAT. Alot of the flash drives and even some MP3 players I have received from Japan use FAT but dont come preformatted.

    Chain of events

    (Score:5, Informative)
    by daBass (56811) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @03:51AM (#14444381)
    1. Microsoft spearheads USB standard
    2. "Mass Storage Class" added to USB that is so low level, the OS uses it as any disk, needing to support it's file systems
    3. 95% of computers run windows and the ones that support USB only support FAT, forcing device manufacturers to use that as filesystem.
    4. Patent filesystem and demand royalties after the fact
    5. No need for "???"
    6. Profit!

    Yup, they planned this all along, the sneaky bastards ==

    More accurate history of FAT

    (Score:5, Interesting)
    Marc McDonald is the inventor of FAT. If memory serves it was created to support Altair Disk Basic.

    Bill Gates has received the credit in print. The confusion probably happened because Bill Gates identifies himself completely with Microsoft.

    Marc designed it to be optimized for floppies, with an allocation table sized to stay resident even in the tiny RAM of the machines of those days. He always thought it was a little silly to use it on hard disks.

    Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional

    Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional: "Re:Totally fresh in programming(Score:5, Insightful)
    by Just Some Guy (3352) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @01:50PM (#14448131)
    (http://subwiki.honeypot.net/ | Last Journal: Thursday March 03, @06:24PM)

    if you have to modify it, even a little, every time you port it to a new operating system, you can hardly call it 'platform independent'.

    Out of curiosity, what other language qualifies as platform independent by your definition? Answer: there isn't one. In the context of what we currently have, today, in 2006, Python is just about as platform independent as anything else.
    For a quicker introduction to the language, you might look at the article I wrote [freesoftwaremagazine.com] for Free Software Magazine [freesoftwaremagazine.com]. It's not an in-depth analysis by any means, but should get you acquainted with the basics in under 10 minutes.

    It's licensed under the Creative Commons "Attribution-Share-alike" License, so feel free to pass it around if you want to.--

    Dewey, what part of this looks like authorities should be involved?"


    A few good and free Python books

    (Score:4, Informative)
    by YA_Python_dev (885173) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @02:11PM (#14448344)
    On the python.org [python.org] site you can find a big list of Python books [python.org].

    I suggest:

    Good reading.

    It's just an object. Doesn't mean what you think.


    Totally fresh in programming(Score:5, Informative)by Rei (128717) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @01:41PM (#14448041) (http://www.cursor.org/)

    Actually, yes, I would definitely recommend it. I started programming before Python (actually started in Basic because it was the only thing I had in 7th grade, then ran as quickly as I could away from it to a real language). However, python is a very easy language to learn and you don't need to deal with any advanced concepts to "make things work".

    * You don't have to declare variables
    * Code blocks are simply based on how you indent, making it always very legible
    * You can easily see what functions are available in a package using dir(), and you can get brief help information on a function by print function.__doc__, from within any python shell.
    * Very simple to do things that might take a long time to in lower-level languages - reading contents of files, splitting strings, performing regular expression matches, etc.
    * Performance is tolerable for most applications - just don't try to write Quake or physics calculation software in it.
    "99 dead duelists of Dios on the wall; 99 dead duelists of Dios. Take one's ring, pass it around...."

    Re:Totally fresh in programmingScore:5, Interesting) by GalacticCmdr (944723) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @03:16PM (#14448940)

    * You don't have to declare variables
    * Code blocks are simply based on how you indent, making it always very legible
    These are the two very reasons I dislike python. It is far to easy to have a typo cause problems in the use of a variable. Since you do not have to declare variables if you want striker, but instead fatkey in an increment to strikr then it becomes a problem that can be difficult to find.

    Second, any language that requires indenting to signify code blocks is in my mind a great step backwards to the days of Fortran. This makes code blocking too vulnerable to pretty printers and version control methods that may "adjust" indentation.
    Programming: Its not just a job - its an indenture.

    Totally fresh in programming(Score:5, Informative)by gabe824 (772563) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @01:47PM (#14448093)

    My first language was C, learned in a first year university introductory programming course, but when friends have asked me about learning programming I have recommended they start with python and the book How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/ [ibiblio.org]. Its available free online. This is a good introductory book with no expectation of prior experience that teaches the ideas behind programming, not just the syntax of the language.

    Dive into Python

    (Score:5, Informative)
    by Jazzer_Techie (800432) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @01:48PM (#14448110)
    No discussion of Python literature can be complete without mentioning Mark Pilgrim's Dive into Python [diveintopython.org], which is an excellent way to get to know the Python language. It's free for download in a variety of formats. Two caveats however, being that 1) it hasn't been updated in about a year and a half and 2) it assumes that you already have a pretty good grasp of programming in some other language. But if you've you got some coding experience and want to take a serious look at what Python has to offer, this is a great book full of nice examples (with the code available for download as well).


    Totally fresh in programming(Score:4, Interesting)by T.i.m (149429) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @01:50PM (#14448137) Two years or so ago I made a CS master thesis where I tried to find / create the perfect language and IDE for learning to program. I did a pretty thoroug study of what is available and what is desired in such an environment. And i came to the conclusion that Python is very close to a perfect place to start learning programming.

    I starred to make som tweas in the environment and the language but "Unfortunatley" I got a job right after I finished so I didn't have time to finish the projec. In case someone is interested, more information and a manhandle beta can be found at:
    http://www.gahnstrom.se/tim/pystarter/ [gahnstrom.se]
    Question authorities
    by Colonel Panic (15235) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @01:37PM (#14447991)
    I would check out How To Program [pragmaticprogrammer.com] by Chris Pine. It's very much for people who have no programming experience.
    Also, for a very different, novel and fun approach you should check out Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby [poignantguide.net]. Did I mention it was fun? It's also a great intro for someone who has never programmed before
    What I am looking for, is some easy language to either script or program. Would python provide a good starting environment?

    Absolutely! I think it's one of (if not the) best languages for new programmers. My main reasons are:

    • It has a very simple syntax.
    • The core language is relatively tiny - there aren't many keywords that you have to learn just to get started.
    • It is strongly, dynamically typed, which means that you can spend more effort on telling your program what to do rather than the nitpicky details of how to do it.

    Opinions will vary, of course, but I think that Python is an excellent choice to start with.

    Have any of you been at my level, then learned python?

    Nope. When I was at your level, I had to learn a lot of really awful languages because the average person didn't have access to the nice ones. I would have loved having something so easy to learn and powerfully expressive at the same time.

    Dewey, what part of this looks like authorities should be involved
    Python seems to be devouring everything these days... even replacing Perl

    From Dice.com

    Python : 545 matches
    Perl: 3809
    C#: 3850

    Ummm over 1/8 of the demand of Perl or C#
    Java: 11856
    Java+BEA: 621
    So Python is smaller than one specific application servers development requirements.
    Python is better than Perl, but in terms of devouring? Its like saying that American Football is devouring other sports around the world.
    An Eye for an Eye will make the whole world blind - Gandhi


    (Score:5, Interesting)
    Just to make another useless-but-interesting experiment, I tried the following: Google for:
    "written in python": 665,000 hits
    "written in perl": 1,140,000 hits
    "written in c": 1,500,000 hits
    "written in c++": 772,000 hits
    "written in c#": 342,000 hits
    "written in java": 1,750,000 hits
    "written in haskell": 33,600 hits
    "written in lisp": 61,400 hits
    "written in pascal": 51,800 hits
    "written in objective c": 26,800 hits
    "written in ruby": 120,000 hitsI'm not sure what this measures, but it's interesting.
    :) Python actually did a lot better than I expected.--
    No offense, but the older I get, the more ridiculous the whole idea of God becomes.
    by chriss (26574) * Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @01:53PM (#14448170)

    Since this is inevitable to pop up, a very simplyfied version (slightly offtopic):

    Why not ditch Python and use Ruby (on Rails)? Ruby is a nice language. It looks more like Java (or C or Perl) than Python, so that may be an advantage for those who dislike Pythons whitespace handling (I think it is genius)

    • Rails is a very nice framework for developing database driven web-apps very fast
    • Someone (David Heinemeier Hansson) really cared to make this user/developer friendly. There is good marketing, nice screencasts (although basically smoke and mirrors), good documentation, a well structured central web site, lots of support. All this may be even more important than the technical differences to other platforms like Python.
    • It's hype, so you could easily sell it to management

    Why better stick with Python? Most of the hyped features Rails are available on Python too, although not yet in such a nice package. The Turbogears [turbogears.org] folks try this, but in a more pythoniac way. I like it better, since they actually bundled already established products like CherryPy and SQLObject instead of simply writing from scratch. This may not result in a smooth package like RoR, but it is more clearly aimed at the integration of other products.

    • There are tons of modules and documentation for Python out there. So if you come to the point where you want to include other features than those already present in your framework, it will be easier to add them from different sources, because a) there are more and b) integration is a more established process.
    • There has been a lot going on in the RoR aftershock to improve the situation, like discussions about merging the different frameworks (Turbogears/Subway) to create a unified and very powerful platform.
    • There is always a way up in Python with Zope (although this is a beast and documentation is bad, 3.X is much better, but lots of products currently still require 2.X) and integration in J2EE.
    • Python is old. There has not only been one generation of developers whos projects failed, but many. RoR is still in the "early adaptors" phase, where everyone sees the revolution and casualties are accepted. Ruby alone has had a strong following in Japan, but for the rest of the world Rails was the first contact. Wait a year until the "RoR sucks" postings appear, than you'll be much wiser.

    memomo.net - brush up your German, French, Spanish or Italian - online and free [memomo.net]-

    memomo.net [memomo.net] - brush up your German, French, Spanish or Italian -
    For various reasons (more mature stdandard & third party libraries; English docs; real threading support -- this is a big one; etc) Python is a much better general-purpose language than Ruby.
    (It's also about twice as fast, but honestly if Ruby is too slow for your project a factor of 2 probably isn't going to save you. Still, speed is a nice bonus.)--
    Carnage Blender [carnageblender.com]: Meet interesting people. Kill them.

    by hashmap (613482) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @01:48PM (#14448104)


    With Yoda strapped to his back, Luke climbs up one of the many thick vines that grow in the swamp until he reaches the Dagobah statistics lab. Panting heavily, he continues his exercises--grepping, installing new packages, logging in as root, and writing replacements for two-year-old shell scripts in Python.

    YODA: Code! Yes. A programmer's strength flows from code maintainability. But beware of Perl. Terse syntax... more than one way to do it... default variables. The dark side of code maintainability are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you when code you write. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.

    LUKE: Is Perl better than Python?

    YODA: No... no... no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.

    LUKE: But how will I know why Python is better than Perl?

    YODA: You will know. When your code you try to read six months from now.

    [ Reply to This ] Re:the obligatory Python vs Perl post by ExoticMandibles (Score:4)

    Re:Has to bash on Perl

    (Score:5, Insightful)
    by Myddrin (54596) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @01:57PM (#14448202)

    And, unlike Perl, it's very easy to do complicated things in simple, legible code.

    This must mean you aren't able to write legible Perl code. Perl has been making complicated things simple for more than a decade. If you don't know how to write clean code, then your Python will also suck.

    Not directed at the parent, but at the Perl-snipping in the original post....

    I'm a professional python programmer, and I've been making my living at it for a number of years now. (It was my embracing of python that allowed me to transition to a 100% MS free workspace.) I started using it a project a few years ago, and it's just stuck for a number of reasons. (meta-classes, extensibility, etc.)

    One thing that drives me buggy about some python evangelists, (and many evangelists, in general) is the need to bash anything that is not their favorite brand (be it Creative vs iPOD, Python vs (insert any language here). And so on. The fact of the matter is that Perl is a perfectly good language. I don't use it on a regular basis personally, but I've seen, read and understood a good deal of Perl code w/o a hassle. (yes, I've seen some scary code, but I've seen scary code in C++, Python, Java, etc., etc., etc.)

    Sometimes we just have to admit that there are multiple good tools that we could use, but we have a personal (and possibly irrational) preference for one over the other. That's life as a human being (which I'm assuming at least 99% of the readers out there are. :) ). Just because some people use Perl, doesn't make my choice of python (of C++, my other "main" language) any less valid.

    It's real life, not a multiple choice test -- there is no single "correct" answer.

    Ok, I'm done... back to work.--

    CommunityNewsBlog [communitynewsblog.com]

    Learning Python

    (Score:4, Informative)
    by kevin_conaway (585204) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @02:09PM (#14448327)
    (http://pyscrabble.sf.net/ | Last Journal: Thursday April 28, @12:48PM)
    I am a Java programmer by profession but I wanted to give Python a shot because it seemed like fun.

    As a programmer experienced with OO programming and some other types of "scripting" languages, all I needed to read was Learning Python [oreilly.com] from O'Reilly. Great book, great language.

    On a shameless side note, if you're a Scrabble fan, come check out my online, multiplayer Scrabble program written in Python. PyScrabble [sf.net]--

    Play Scrabble! -- New on 12/20!! [sourceforge.net]
    by mrfoos (584110) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @02:17PM (#14448396)
    Comparing to two for me is like comparing tree cutting with building houses.

    When you build a house you need an architect and specific design rules so other people in the project can do their part. It takes a long time to build it, and someone has to live in the house a long time.

    When you cut down a tree you're only interested in the fastest way possible to get it down safely. Who cares if it's pretty. If you didn't like the way the first one fell, you can make adjustments on the next.

    A house builder wouldn't tell a woodcutter which axe to use. He doesn't care. Of course, woodcutters have no business building houses.

    Personally? I like being a lumberjack. Nothing like fervorishly hacking away and yelling "TIMBER!" from a safe distance.

    Python Riddles

    (Score:4, Interesting)
    Recently came across pythonchallenge [pythonchallenge.com], it's a notpron/riddle site for learning Python, with each riddle requiring more and more code. Great idea, imho.

    As if python itself wasn't fun enough :)==Burn Karma Burn


    Artical summary blows it again.

    (Score:4, Insightful)
    by Hosiah (849792) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @07:20PM (#14450669)
    (http://wallpaperfree.blogspot.com/ | Last Journal: Saturday November 26, @06:19AM)
    And, unlike Perl, it's very easy to do complicated things in simple, legible code.

    I just burned through the flamewall on this issue not three days ago. I use Python instead of Perl, love Python best of all languages currently, and may even like the book reviewed. But it is superstitiously ignorant to declare any language makes it "easier" to program in. Can we just once have a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses and merits and demerits of any language at all, instead of talking about it like it was a laxative? "Makes the code soft and it flows out smoothly!" No, it doesn't: nothing does; hard programs are hard to write, easy programs are easy to write. I'll even save the time and copy my closing argument from last time:

    I know a secret. It's a secret you only find out after programming for a while. It's one you obviously don't know if you ask me which programming language is the "easiest".

    There is this public perception, unanimous in user-land, and even permeating to the very depths of Slashdot, which goes: "Computers are only hard because evil computer programmers deliberately set out to make them hard." And the secret is: that that's a falsehood. Computers are not made artificially difficult. It does no good to tell you this; this is a special kind of secret that you can only learn through experience.

    The experience of struggling to design a usable user interface for your own system. The struggle to overcome the barriers of closed systems, lack of documentation, and misinformation everywhere you turn. The exasperation of dealing with users who come to you with the attitude that your program broke on purpose, you should fix it without knowing what the error was, and it's too hard to learn anyway because you make it difficult, because you're "evil".

    Programming experience erases that mental line drawn between user and programmer. You get experience on both sides of the fence, and eventually you see that there is no such thing as artificial complication. Interfacing with a machine upon which we have taught electricity to think and where we hope to make it sing and dance for us is inherently complicated TO START WITH, and the various tools we use to perform our tasks - why, each and every one was written by average people like you and me who also sat down with a clean file and furrowed their brow and wondered "How can I do this? How can I make it so people will use it?"

    No, you still have that mental mindset that there are programmers who deliberatly design things to be difficult, that it's all in spite, that they're laughing at you. Who, except as a joke, would deliberately make a programming language "hard to learn"? To fail at your task and blame your tool is simply a form of denial so that you don't have to face the fact that you have given up on trying to use something (no matter if it's COBOL or Javascript or Perl or freaking TECO, even!) that hundreds of other people have used successfully.

    There is no "easy". There is no "hard". There is only "Task".

    Now, you want to talk about an "easy" language? Binary, of course! Binary has just two commands (one and zero) so it's the fastest to learn, has cross-platform compatibility built-in (all computers know binary!), is easiest to test (no compiler or interpretter required, just "Rite 'n' Run"!), is readily available everwhere (ALL programs are "open source" in binary!), and needs no extension libraries (Binary can do it all!). If you thought this paragraph was stupid, this is how stupid the rest of you sound to me when you hyperfocus on "easy" and act like there's no other aspect to programming.

    Windows - stupidity = Linux

    by warewolfe (877477) Alter Relationship on Wednesday January 11, @02:03PM (#14448257)
    I've had good experiences with O'Reilly in general, and with "Learning *", "Programming *", and "* Cookbook", where * has been Python, Perl, PHP. However, have a look at http://python.oreilly.com/ [oreilly.com] and download the free chapters and source code before you buy. For an intermediate level programmer you can probably do without the "Learning Python" book. Good Luck.
    Without context a surgeon is just a masked man with a knife and the intention to cut you open.
    Run "pychecker" on your python scripts. It catches all sorts of things; certainly almost anything having to do with misspelling.


    Math Geeks Rule The World. || Legit Camera Ops

    Business Week: Math Geeks Now Rule The World... | The Huffington Post:

    "In some segments of industry, yes, absolutely, the premise seems kind of dumb of course the information age demands mathematical know-how and certainly many math types are needed to sustain the electronic age, what seems to rule the world though, is LACK OF IMAGINATION, great math is useless when the game is rigged and goods and resources are artificially manipulated. We then calculate how to deceive.

    We need more visionaries, more creators-our sciences seem paralyzed by careerism and conformity, few dare to rock the boat for fear of derailing their livelihoods. Math IS extremely important but it's meaningless if all we do is maintain the status quo.

    Posted by: issak on January 16, 2006 at 05:00pm "
    As a card carrying mathematician and computer geek I can tell you that we do not rule the world. Generally we run the world on behalf of greedy men – pity. Posted by: DrearyUrbanite on January 16, 2006 at 07:34pm
    I have a theory that one of the things that makes the right wing so heedless and incapable of understanding the world around them is innumeracy - mathematical illiteracy. They don't understand probability and large numbers, so they need intelligent design to explain evolution. They can't understand petroleum discovery and demand curves, so they think oil will last forever if we can just drill Alaska. They can't understand computer modeling, so they poo-poo global warming warnings. They can't understand science in general, so they're against it.

    My only explanation is that they were frightened as children by New Math, so they've rejected anything having to do with numbers ever since. Posted by: bobmunck on January 16, 2006 at 09:45pm

    « Not So Fast | Main | Lunch Links »

    November 16, 2005 Straight, Inc. Lives

    Jim Leitzel notes a local news report on a disturbing, cultish drug rehab center in Ohio called "Kids Helping Kids." In the course of calling attention to the program, Jim also links to the recent Alternet report on Mel Sembler and Straight, Inc.

    As it turns out, the two are related. Kids Helping Kids is run by George Ross, former National Education Director for the Straight program. Ross continues to set up next-generation Straight facilities under different names, even as he continues to accumulate lawsuits, accusations, and criminal charges alleging abuse. The Kids Helping Kids program is actually located in the same building the Straight program operated from until it was closed by authorities in 1987.

    Leitzel also notes that the town in Ohio where Kids is operating -- Millford -- was the scene of a sleazy sting operation in 2004. The District Superintendent hired a college student to infiltrate the high school to solicit drugs from other students. The program cost $40,000, and netted about a half dozen pissant distribution charges, including one student arrested for selling the agent less than an ounce of pot. Leitzel rightly castigates these tactics, which included the agent -- a young female -- establishing emotional bonds with high school boys, then directing them to go out and find her drugs to win her favor. Then, of course, she arrested them.

    I suspect these two stories are connected. One of the tactics Straight used to win "clients" was to recruit principals and superintendents from schools in the area around the facility. They also won over judges and school boards. Kids caught with drugs, alcohol, even kids who merely misbehaved, then, were often refered over to Straight in lieu of criminal punishment. Given the abuse many of them then endured at Straight, criminal punishment probably would have been preferable.

    I don't have time to do any follow-up right now, but I'd be interested to see how many of the kids busted in the Millford high school sting were required to enroll in Kids Helping Kids as part of their punishment. My guess is that Ross operating by the old Sembler playbook.

    Posted by Radley Balko on November 16, 2005
    video of nasty? stuff above hoax by RR dik4s again

    Taking Bets on State of the Union


    The sports betting site Bodog Sportsbook is taking numbers on this year’s State of the Union Address. Our favorite category:

    In President George W Bush's 2006 State of the Union address, how many times will the President say the words, "Space Terrorism"?

    Other questions include:

    In President George W Bush's 2006 State of the Union address, how many times will the President say the words: Patriot Act?

    In President George W Bush's 2006 State of the Union address, how many times will the President say the word: Evil?

    Politics Betting and Political Bets at Bodog Sportsbook [Bodog]


    Media Feed: Bush Meets the Jester

    A Wonkette operative forwards us this stand out from the Reuters photo dump. The text sounds plain enough, but fails to mention the president is about to be devoured by a giant court jester:

    U.S. President George W. Bush participates in a reconstruction efforts roundtable with small business owners and community leaders while visiting New Orleans January 12, 2006. The president is touring the Gulf Coast region to witness efforts to rebuild the region after Hurricane Katrina destroyed many parts of the area last year.

    Editor’s Choice [Reuters]


    Remember, Tom DeLay is still out telling everyone that the only thing that brought him down was a meritless indictment from a partisan Democrat. Today, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied his request to have that supposedly meritless indictment tossed out.

    The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals is made up of nine judges. Each one elected. Each one a Republican.

    -- Josh Marshall


    New Bremer Book Challenges Sec. Rumsfeld on U.S. Troop Strength in Iraq; with More Troops, "I'd Control Baghdad" -- Gen. Sanchez, May 2004


    Price Tag

    Did the Iraq War really cost around $2 trillion as Joseph Stiglitz estimates? Tyler Cowen, who's skeptical of some of the later calculations where they try to tease out the macroeconomic consequences of the war, says they make a solid case for a $700 billion to $1,000 billion direct cost plus some fairly uncertain macro consequences. Of course, on the one hand this seems like an odd way to think about a question of war and peace.

    But on the other hand, the very high direct costs are something that has to be kept in mind when considering the humanitarian benefits of the war. This is a staggerly large sum of money that could have been directed at much more useful causes if people really felt that a $1 trillion humanitarian initiative was something they wanted to get behind.
    Comments >> (21 comments)



    Nice overview of the laws regarding the use of cameras on public property. The short version is that, "If you can see it, you can shoot it", although there are some important subtleties and exceptions that are covered in the article:

    Trouble is, they aren't always right. If you've got a digital camera and like to shoot in public, it pays to know the real deal.

    So I went looking for it. I checked with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and found its Photographers' Guide to Privacy.

    The Missouri Bar has a terrific Journalists' Right of Privacy Primer by attorney Mark Sableman.

    Bert P. Krages, an attorney in Portland, Ore., and author of the Legal Handbook for Photographers, has a short but excellent PDF document called The Photographer's Right.

    I also had e-mail conversations with both Mssrs. Sableman and Krages (who were both careful to point out that they were only speaking in general terms, and not offering legal advice).

    Finally, I got some background from the American Law Institute's A Concise Restatement of Torts on the Harvard Law website.

    Of course, I'm not a lawyer; in this case I'm a researcher. But lemme tell you: All these sources jibed, which I take to be a good sign. Just don't take this as legal advice; it's one columnist's researched understanding of the law.

    If you can see it, you can shoot it

    Let's get the easy stuff out of the way. Aside from sensitive government buildings (e.g., military bases), if you're on public property you can photograph anything you like, including private property. There are some limits — using a zoom lens to shoot someone who has a reasonable expectation of privacy isn't covered — but no one can come charging out of a business and tell you not to take photos of the building, period.

    Further, they cannot demand your camera or your digital media or film. Well, they can demand it, but you are under no obligation to give it to them. In fact, only an officer of the law or court can take it from you, and then only with a court order. And if they try or threaten you? They can be charged with theft or coercion, and you may even have civil recourse. Cool. (For details, see "The Photographer's Right.")

    It gets better.

    You can take photos any place that's open to the public, whether or not it's private property. A mall, for example, is open to the public. So are most office buildings (at least the lobbies). You don't need permission; if you have permission to enter, you have permission to shoot.

    In fact, there are very few limits to what you're allowed to photograph. Separately, there are few limits to what you're allowed to publish. And the fact that they're separate issues — shooting and publishing — is important. We'll get to that in a moment.

    You can take any photo that does not intrude upon or invade the privacy of a person, if that person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. Someone walking in a mall or on the street? Fair game. Someone standing in a corner, looking at his new Prozac prescription? No. Using a long lens to shoot someone in an apartment? No.

    Note that the limits have nothing to do with where you are when you take the shots; it's all about the subject's expectation of privacy. You can be on private property (a mall or office-building lobby), or even be trespassing and still legally take pictures. Whether you can be someplace and whether you can take pictures are two completely separate issues.

    Chances are you can publish it

    Publishing photos has some different restraints, although they're civil, not criminal. Break one of these "rules" and, while you won't go to jail, you could find yourself on the short end of a lawsuit. (Although, according to the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, "the subject's remedy usually will not include the ability to bar the publication of the picture.")

    Revealing private facts about someone is a no-no. As the American Law Institute put it, "One who gives publicity to a matter concerning the private life of another is subject to liability to the other for invasion of his privacy, if the matter publicized is of a kind that A) would be highly offensive to a reasonable person, and B) is not of legitimate concern to the public."

    Here the private property issue comes a bit more into play. Publishing a recognizable photo of someone at an AA meeting could be a problem, even if that meeting is open to the public. (An elected official, perhaps, but not of Joe Citizen.)

    You also can find yourself in civil court if you publish a shot that places a person in a false light. That might be more of an issue with the caption than with the photo; running a shot of the mayor and his daughter labeled "Mayor meets with porn star" could land you in hot water. (Assuming his daughter isn't a porn star.)

    Finally, you can't use someone's likeness for a purely commercial purpose — using a photo of someone in an ad, for example. That isn't to say you can't publish a photo in a commercial environment, such as a newspaper or a blog that accepts ads. If the photo is being used in a news or artistic sense as opposed to a commercial one you're OK.

    Risk factors

    The fact that taking a photo and publishing it are separate things might go against some folks' common sense.

    Let's say you're banned by the local mall for taking photos there, but you go back anyway and take more. Now you're trespassing. But unless the photos you take violate someone's expectation of privacy, your taking photos isn't illegal — only being there.

    That said, if you're arrested and convicted, a judge might use the fact that you were taking photos to increase the penalty, but shooting on private property isn't a crime in and of itself. As one lawyer told me, "I don't see why the act of trespass would turn something that occurs during the trespass into a tort if it wasn't one already."

    There are some other risks to taking and publishing 'problematic' photos. But, as you'll see, they're easy to avoid.

    Trespassing is an obvious problem. If you're not supposed to be someplace — you see a sign or you're told by the property owner, for example — you can get arrested. Sure, you might be able to publish the photos you take, but Web access from jail is limited. (Trespassing is almost always a misdemeanor, by the way.)

    You might be charged with your state's variation of intrusion — using technology (e.g., a long lens, hidden camera, or parabolic microphone) — to access a place where the subject has an expectation of privacy.

    Beyond trespass, the major risks you run are civil, not criminal. You can lose an invasion of privacy lawsuit if your photographs reveal private facts about a person that are offensive and not newsworthy when the person had a reasonable expectation of privacy. Ditto if they place the person in a false light, or inappropriately use the specific person's image for commercial purposes, e.g., stating that the mayor endorses a product by publishing a photo of him using it.

    All of this should be good news for amateur and professional shutterbugs. Carry your camera, shoot to your heart's content, and know your rights — and your risks.

    Andrew Kantor is a technology writer, pundit, and know-it-all who covers technology for the Roanoke Times. He's also a former editor for PC Magazine and Internet World. Read more of his work at kantor.com. His column appears Fridays on USATODAY.com.

    Let's get the easy stuff out of the way. Aside from sensitive government buildings (e.g., military bases), if you're on public property you can photograph anything you like, including private property. There are some limits -- using a zoom lens to shoot someone who has a reasonable expectation of privacy isn't covered -- but no one can come charging out of a business and tell you not to take photos of the building, period.

    Further, they cannot demand your camera or your digital media or film. Well, they can demand it, but you are under no obligation to give it to them. In fact, only an officer of the law or court can take it from you, and then only with a court order. And if they try or threaten you? They can be charged with theft or coercion, and you may even have civil recourse. Cool...

    It gets better.

    You can take photos any place that's open to the public, whether or not it's private property. A mall, for example, is open to the public. So are most office buildings (at least the lobbies). You don't need permission; if you have permission to enter, you have permission to shoot.

    In fact, there are very few limits to what you're allowed to photograph. Separately, there are few limits to what you're allowed to publish. And the fact that they're separate issues -- shooting and publishing -- is important. We'll get to that in a moment...

    You can take any photo that does not intrude upon or invade the privacy of a person, if that person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. Someone walking in a mall or on the street? Fair game. Someone standing in a corner, looking at his new Prozac prescription? No. Using a long lens to shoot someone in an apartment? No.

    Note that the limits have nothing to do with where you are when you take the shots; it's all about the subject's expectation of privacy. You can be on private property (a mall or office-building lobby), or even be trespassing and still legally take pictures. Whether you can be someplace and whether you can take pictures are two completely separate issues.
    The whole thing is worth reading, especially if you have a new digital camera or camera-phone. (Via Clicked.) posted by Paul @ 12:03 AM

    Why get a Ph.D.? "Being a graduate student is like becoming all of the Seven Dwarves. In the beginning you're Dopey and Bashful. In the middle, you are usually sick (Sneezy), tired (Sleepy), and irritable (Grumpy). But at the end, they call you Doc, and then you're Happy."
    - yours truly

    The most basic question every Ph.D. student must know the answer to is: "Why the hell am I doing this?"

    It's a good question. The hours are long. The pay is low, with minimal benefits. After graduation, Ph.D. salaries are higher than B.S. and M.S. salaries, but the difference doesn't make up for the income lost by staying in school longer. The M.S. has a better "bucks for the time invested" ratio than the Ph.D. does. And in terms of social status, a graduate student doesn't rank very high on the ladder.

    If you do not have an acceptable answer to this question, then don't get a Ph.D. I repeat: if you do not have a rock-solid reason for getting the Ph.D., then it is better that you leave with a Master's.

    Why? Completing a Ph.D. is a long, hard road with many potholes and washed out bridges along the way. You may run over some land mines and have to stop and turn around and explore other routes. If the goal is important enough to you, then these obstacles will not prevent you from completing your journey. But if you don't know why you are on this road, then you will get discouraged and will probably leave without finishing, having wasted years of your life.


    Interpersonal skills
      "For humans, honesty is a matter of degree. Engineers are always honest in matters of technology and human relationships. That's why it's a good idea to keep engineers away from customers, romantic interests, and other people who can't handle the truth."
      - Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle

      "I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people."
      - Isaac Newton

      Computer Science majors are not, in general, known for their interpersonal skills. Some of us got into this field because it is easier to understand machines than people. As frustrating as computers can be, they at least behave in a logical manner, while human beings often do not. However, your success in graduate school and beyond depends a great deal upon your ability to build and maintain interpersonal relationships with your adviser, your committee, your research and support staff and your fellow students. This does not mean you must become the "life of the party." I am not and never will be a gregarious, extroverted person. But I did make a serious effort to learn and practice interpersonal skills, and those were crucial to my graduate student career and my current industrial research position.

      Why should this matter, you may ask? If one is technically brilliant, shouldn't that be all that counts? The answer is no, because the situation is different from your undergraduate days. In both graduate school and in business, you must depend upon and work with other people to achieve your goals To put this in perspective, I have excerpted the following from an article called "Organizations: The Soft and Gushy Side" by Kerry J. Patterson, published in Fall 1991 issue of The Bent:

        I first learned of the capricious, human side of organizations some 15 years ago while studying the careers of engineers and scientists. The research design required that I spend eight hours a day in one-on-one interviews. For two hours I'd ask "career" questions of an engineer, chemist, physicist, or applied mathematician -- all of whom worked for a Fortune 500 firm. During these 120 minutes, the subjects talked about the perils of the organizations. Two hours was scarcely enough time to share their stories. All energetically discussed their personal careers. Most had been frustrated with the "soft and gushy" side of organizations. Some had figured out the system and learned to master it. Others had not.

        As part of the research design, we asked to talk to low, medium, and high performers. This in itself was an interesting exercise. To determine performance rankings, we would place in front of a senior manager the names of the 10-50 people within his or her organization. Each name would be typed neatly in the middle of a three-by-five card. After asking the manager to rank the employees from top to bottom, the managers would then go through a card sort. Typically the executive would sort the names into three or four piles and then resort each pile again. Whatever the strategy, the exercise usually took only minutes. Just like that, the individual in charge of the professionals in question was able to rank, from top to bottom, as many as 50 people. It rarely took more than three minutes and a couple of head scratches and grunts. Three minutes. Although politics may appear ambiguous to those on the receiving end, those at the top were able to judge performance with crystal clarity.

        This performance ranking (conducted by individuals not involved in the interviews) was then used as a dependent measure. Those of us conducting the interviews attempted to surface information (independent measures) that would predict the ranking. What about a scientist's career would lead to a top ranking? What trashed a perfectly good career? Surely scientific prowess would have an impact. And it did.

        But technological prowess wasn't as predictive as another factor. We discovered that we could tell what performance group the interviewees belonged to within a minute or two by their attitudes toward people and politics. Individuals who were ranked low by their managers spoke of organizational politics as if it were poison. They were exceptionally annoyed by the people side of the business. They frequently stated they would rather be left alone to conduct their research untrammeled by human emotions. They characterized the social side of organizations as "soft and gushy." They sounded like Spock turned bitter.

        Top performers, in contrast, found a way to work within the political system. They hadn't exactly embraced politics. They didn't appear like that toothy kid you knew back in college who lived to fight political battles. They didn't come off as glad-handling sales folks. These were professional scientists who were often top ranked in their field. They looked and talked liked scientists. The difference between them and those ranked at the bottom of the totem pole was clear. They had found a way to make peace with organizations, people, and politics. They climbed to the top of their field by mastering both hard things and soft and gushy people.

        Engineers and scientists aren't the only ones who find the human side of the organizations to be annoying. As we expanded our research to include professors, accountants, and other professionals, the findings were remarkably similar. All found political machinations to be distasteful. It's just that some had found a way to master the social aspects -- the top performers.

      Students usually look down on politics, but politics in its most basic, positive form is simply the art of getting things done. Politics is mostly about who is allowed to do what and who gets the resources (money, people, equipment, etc.) To succeed in your research, you will need resources, both capital and personnel. Interpersonal skills are mandatory for acquiring those resources. If you are incapable of working with certain people or make them mad at you, you will not get those resources and will not complete your research.

      For example, which group of people did I try my best to avoid offending? Was it my committee? No, because healthy disagreements and negotiations with your adviser and committee are crucial to graduating within a reasonable amount of time. Nor was it my fellow students, because I did not need help from most of them, and most of them did not need me. The critical group was the research and support staff. These include the research faculty and all the various support positions (the system administrators, network administrators, audio-visual experts, electronic services, optical and mechanical engineers, and especially the secretaries). I needed their help to get my research done, but they did not directly need me. Consequently, I made it a priority to establish and maintain good working relationships with them.

      Cultivating interpersonal relationships is mostly about treating people with respect and determining their different working styles. Give credit where credit is due. Acknowledge and thank them for their help. Return favors. Respect their expertise, advice and time. Apologize if you are at fault. Realize that different people work in different ways and are motivated by different things -- the more you understand this diversity, the better you will be able to interact and motivate them to help you. For certain people, offering to buy them dinner or giving them free basketball tickets can work wonders.

      A true example: at one point in my research, I needed to make significant modifications to some low-level code in the graphics computer called "Pixel Planes 5." Doing this required expertise that I did not have, but another graduate student named Marc Olano did. How should I tap into Marc's expertise and get my necessary changes done?

      The wrong way is to go up to Marc, explain the problem, and get him to make the changes. Marc doesn't need the changes done; I do. Therefore, I should do most of the work. Expecting him to do the work shows disrespect of his time.

      What I actually did was to explain the problem to Marc and he sketched out a possible solution. Then I ran off and worked on my own for a few days, trying to implement the solution. I got part of it working, but ended up getting stuck on another part. Only at that point did I go back to Marc and ask him for help. By doing this, I showed that I respected his time and wanted to minimize his burden, thus making him more willing to help me. Months later, when he and Jon Cohen needed my help in setting up a system to demonstrate some of their software, I was more than happy to return the favor.

      Interpersonal interaction is a huge subject and goes far beyond my description here. All I can really do in this section is (hopefully) convince you that these skills are vital to your graduate student career and encourage you to learn more if you need to improve these skills. I still have a lot to learn myself. I recommend reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Type Talk (both listed in the References section) as starting points. The magazine article "How to be a star engineer" (listed in the References) also touches on this subject.

    Organizational skills
      "Failing to plan is planning to fail."

      Since academia is a type of business, you will have responsibilities that you must uphold. You will be asked to greet and talk with visitors, give demos, show up to meetings, get projects done on time, etc. If you are not well organized, you will have a difficult time meeting those obligations. A technically brilliant student will be greatly hampered if he or she exhibits an "absent minded" personality and develops a reputation for being disorganized.

      There are many different time management and organization skills, and you can find many books on those at your local bookstore. This guide is not going to describe them. Find one that works for you and use it. I can highly recommend Stephen Covey's book, listed in the references. But whatever system you pick, just make sure it works for you. I have never found anyone else who uses my filing scheme, but it is effective for me (by minimizing the combined time of putting away and locating a piece of information). All that really matters is whether or not it works.

      One metaphor I found useful is the following: Organize your tasks as if you were juggling them. Juggling several balls requires planning and skill. You must grab and toss each ball before it hits the ground. You can only toss one ball at a time, just as you can only work on one task at a time. The order in which you toss the balls is crucial, much as the order of working on tasks often determines whether or not you meet all your deadlines. Finally, once you start a task (grab a ball) you want to get enough done so you can ignore it for a while (throw it high enough in the air so it won't come down for a while). Otherwise you waste too much time in context switches between tasks. Do you see jugglers try to keep each ball at the same height above the ground, frantically touching every ball every second?

      Randy Pausch (a professor at CMU) has a set of notes on time management. Three words in his guide summarize the most vital step: Kill your television. He asks you to keep your priorities straight. What is the most important thing to a Ph.D. student? It should be finishing the dissertation, not watching every episode of Friends. That doesn't mean dropping everything else in life, but it does mean knowing what takes priority and allocating time accordingly.

    Communications skills "What is written without effort is, in general, read without pleasure."
    - Samuel Johnson

    "Present to inform, not to impress; if you inform, you will impress. "
    - Fred Brooks

    I am always amazed that articles written about businesses consistently put good communication skills at or near the top of list of skills that employers want to see in people but rarely find. But you know what? It's true!

    Communication skills, both written and oral, are vital for making a good impression as a Ph.D. student and as a researcher. At a minimum, you have to defend your dissertation with an oral presentation. But you should also expect to write technical papers and reports, give presentations at conferences, and give demonstrations to groups of visitors. If you can write and speak well, you will earn recognition and distinguish yourself from the other graduate students. This is especially true when giving presentations in front of important visitors or at major conferences.

    Conversely, if you cannot communicate well, then your career options after graduation will be limited. Professors spend most of their time communicating: teaching, fundraising, guiding graduate students, and documenting their results (through papers, videos, viewgraphs, etc.) In industry, we need people who can communicate well so they can work in teams, learn what businesses and customers need, present their results, raise funds, and transition to leadership roles in projects and personnel management. If you are technically brilliant but are incapable of communicating, then your results will be limited to what you can accomplish alone and your career growth will be limited, both in industry and academia.

    Unfortunately, not all graduate students receive training in giving presentations or writing technical documents (which are different from English essays). These are skills that can be learned! Don't worry if giving presentations and writing papers are not something that comes naturally to you. I was not very comfortable giving oral presentations when I started graduate school, so I made a concerted effort to learn how to do so, by taking classes, reading about the subject, and practicing. It's not easy, but it's well worth the investment. If you need practice, try giving informal talks at research luncheons, joining Toastmasters, and studying good speakers to see what they do.

    Covering everything about this subject would fill a guide by itself (check out the SIGGRAPH page on preparing and giving presentations), and would probably better done through a videotape than a written document. But here are a few basic points:

    • Organization counts. Within the first few paragraphs or first few minutes, tell me why I should read your paper or listen to your talk. Make it clear where we are going and what we have already covered.
    • Make the text in your slides large enough so that people sitting in the back can read them. For large presentation halls, this usually means no more than 6-7 lines per slide and 28 point type minimum. You'd be surprised how many experts on visualization (especially tenured professors!) give presentations with unreadable slides.
    • Variety retains interest. Vary your pace, tone, and volume. Emphasize the important points. Look around the room. Throw in some video, pictures, or live examples.
    • Don't stand in front of the screen and block everyone's view. You'd be surprised how often people do this without realizing it.
    • Point out the limitations of your work. That helps your credibility. Similarly, give credit where credit is due.
    • Make friends with the A/V crew! Running A/V is a thankless, negative reinforcement job. If everything runs smoothly, well, that's what was supposed to happen so nobody says anything. But if anything goes wrong, the entire audience looks back at the control room. Help the A/V people help you. Always check in early and test the equipment. Tell them what you are going to do in your presentation (e.g. I'm running 3 video segments). Make sure you know how everything works long before you come up to the podium. And thank the A/V crew for their help after you are done!

    • Confidence is the key to giving a good presentation. And the way to gain confidence is to give good presentations. When you're just starting out, this is a Catch-22. However, once you become good enough, this turns into a positive feedback cycle that can make giving talks a pleasure.

      Writing papers and getting them published is vital for Ph.D. students who want to get jobs in research after graduation. Your ability to write well significantly improves the chances that your paper will be accepted. When I was a young graduate student and read a paper that I didn't understand, I thought "Gee, I must be dumb." Today I will read the same paper and think "Boy, this is a lousy paper. The authors did not do a good job explaining and presenting their work." If I am reviewing that paper, such a reaction is enough for me to reject the paper.

      Where do you submit your papers? Your professors will help you with this choice, but in general I would suggest shooting for the best conferences or journals where you think it has a reasonable chance of being accepted. It's not much more work to write, submit and present a paper in a highly respected venue than in less respected venues. And if you don't shoot for the top you'll never know if it would have made it. The field of computer graphics is a bit unusual in that the most desirable place to publish is a conference (SIGGRAPH), rather than a journal. Be aware that journals can take years to publish submitted papers; the turn-around time is much faster in a conference.

      Finally, don't forget to communicate with your professors and your teammates. Keep your committee appraised of your progress. One thing I do (which few others do) is write short (1 screenfull) status reports, which I religiously e-mailed to my professors and team members on a weekly basis. These serve as an efficient way of keeping everyone up to date on what I'm doing. They are also a good way for me to record my progress. If I need to remember what I got done during a six month period, I have plenty of old status reports that I can read. You'd be amazed how appreciative professors and managers are of this simple practice. I also throw in a different humorous quote at the end of each week's report to reward people for reading it.

      When you are working in the lab and you reach a milestone or achieve a result, let people know about it! Bring in your professors and fellow students and show it off! That's a win-win situation. It lets others know that you are making progress and achieving results, and you get valuable feedback and advice.