Thursday, 13 October 2005

#4 Bush, CIA Led Conspiracy to Oust Saddam, Book Alleges -- GOPUSA

Bush, CIA Led Conspiracy to Oust Saddam, Book Alleges -- GOPUSA

When Ritter resigned his position with the United Nations Special Commission in August 1998, he actually warned about a looming threat from Iraq.

"The sad truth is that Iraq today is not as disarmed anywhere near the level required by Security Council resolutions," Ritter said at the time. "As you know, UNSCOM has good reason to believe that there are significant numbers of proscribed weapons and related components and the means to manufacture such weapons unaccounted for in Iraq today."

ut by the time the U.S. invaded Iraq on March 20, 2003, with the goal of ousting Saddam and eliminating his allegedly illegal weapons cache, Ritter had changed his mind and was aggressively criticizing the position of President Bush and American allies known as the "Coalition of the Willing."

Ritter had directed, written and starred in a 2001 documentary called "Shifting Sands," in which he contradicted his own 1998 warnings about Iraq's potential supply of weapons of mass destruction. Instead of the Iraqi weapons continuing to pose a threat, Ritter claimed in the documentary and in a later news column that 90 to 95 percent of them had been disarmed by 1995.

The funding for Ritter's documentary -- $400,000 - had been supplied by Iraqi-American businessman Shakir al Khafaji, who had used his connections with Saddam's regime and the United Nations Oil for Food Program to pocket $1.1 million, according to the Financial Times of London.

Ritter's new book, released this week, alleges that the Bush administration was interested only in advancing an agenda of invading Iraq and had no interest in listening to Ritter's opinions on the progress of Iraqi disarmament.

However, Ritter's claims are "intellectually dishonest," according to Laurie Mylroie, author of the book "Study of Revenge: Saddam Hussein's Unfinished War against America."

"For Ritter to say that people knew there weren't weapons but claimed there were is just intellectually dishonest," Mylroie said. "I have never in my entire professional life ... seen a situation in which people had such a blatant disregard for known truth."

Mylroie told Cybercast News Service that Americans should remember that the original information about Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction (WMD) came from Ritter while he served as an inspector for the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) after the first Persian Gulf War.

Mylroie added that other world leaders, including Jordan's King Abdullah, had verified Saddam's possession of WMD and warned of his desire to use chemical and biological weapons.

"There was a consensus internationally that Iraq had a significant amount of weapons," Mylroie said. "No one doubted it."

As for why coalition forces have yet to find Saddam's WMD after searching for more than two years, Mylroie said there are a number of possibilities. "The Iraqis did something with them," she said, "moved them to Syria, they destroyed them in part, they hid them in part, some combination of that."

She added, "It's not clear that we were fooled" by bad or manipulated intelligence.

Last year, Mylroie analyzed 42 pages of Iraqi Intelligence Service documents that a senior government official provide to Cybercast News Service and which showed the Iraqi regime's purchase of mustard gas and anthrax as well as its extensive ties with the world's most dangerous terrorist organizations, including al Qaeda.

The subsequent Cybercast News Service article, authored by Scott Wheeler and published on Oct. 4, 2004, quoted Mylroie as saying that the Iraqi papers represented "the most complete set of documents relating Iraq to terrorism, including Islamic terrorism" against the U.S.

Representatives from Nation Books, publishers of "Iraq Confidential," did not return calls requesting comment from Scott Ritter for this report. Ritter did, however, attend a National Press Club discussion about his book earlier on Wednesday.

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Copyright © 1998-2005 - Cybercast News Service

the firing squad is too sweet for these sheet/js

Spoiled Brat Politics: Part II -- Thomas Sowell -- Stanford/Hoover Inst ,dik4=GOPUSA

The reason there is a legal issue is that a federal law has been passed, saying that colleges and universities that forbid military recruiters from coming on campus are no longer eligible to receive federal money.

Academics are outraged. They see this law as a violation of their freedom -- including their right to violate their students' freedom. It is classic spoiled brat politics, based on the idea that what I want overrides what you want.

The same principle underlies growing legal restrictions on building anything that existing residents in a community don't want built.

A young "planning consultant" to a local politician in New York says: "These neighborhoods substantially have not changed in 40 years. What we are trying to do is make sure they are recognizable 40 years from now. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. In fact, in many other places in the country, that is celebrated. So why shouldn't we celebrate it here?"

n other words, local voters and local politicians could not arbitrarily deprive other people of the right to come in and buy and use property as they saw fit, simply because some planning consultants or planning commissions preferred that they do otherwise. But Constitutional protection of property rights is no longer "in the mainstream" of fashionable legal thinking.

Let's go back to square one. The people who bought homes in a neighborhood 40 years ago did not buy the neighborhood, nor did they pay for a guarantee that the neighborhood would stay the same for 40 years, much less in perpetuity.

The only way the government can give current residents such a guarantee is to take away other people's property rights, which exist precisely in order to keep politicians at bay.

Buying a chance and asking the government to turn that chance into a guarantee has become a common occurrence under spoiled brat politics.

When you buy a home with a great view of the ocean, you do not pay for a guarantee that nothing will ever be built between you and the ocean. You ask politicians to give that to you, at someone else's expense

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. His Web site is

~2 ~cogent dream=] Semantic MediaWiki/Background: Ontologies and the Semantic Web - Meta

Semantic MediaWiki/Background: Ontologies and the Semantic Web - Meta

Semantic MediaWiki/Background: Ontologies and the Semantic Web
From Meta
< Semantic MediaWiki

The problem of creating machine-accessible content on the Web is not new, and much effort has been invested to solve it. The investigations in this field were strongly enforced by the articulation of the vision of the Semantic Web which was envisaged as an improved world wide web that allows users to search for actual content instead of text. Based on machine-readable descriptions of web-content, "intelligent" software was supposed to gather and organize information, relate data from distributed sources, and answer questions. The basic ingredient for these features are ontologies – formal specifications of various kinds that describe important features in a domain of interest.

Today, the intended revolution of Web-usage has turned into a gradual evolution, and it is clear that the full implementation of the original objectives will still take years to come. Nonetheless, the great amounts of research and development in the fields have established versatile technologies with many applications. The extension of MediaWiki should take advantage of these achievements: the commitment to technologies that have already become standard would allow us to reuse existing software and to stay in the mainstream of future developments.

* 1 Wikipedia vs. the Semantic Web
* 2 The Web Ontology Language and others
o 2.1 Resource Description Framework (RDF)
o 2.2 RDF Schema (RDFS)
o 2.3 Too much and too little: a critical look on the expressive power of RDFS
o 2.4 The Web Ontology Language (OWL)
* 3 Software applications for the Semantic Web


Wikipedia vs. the Semantic Web

Obviously, Wikipedia is not the Web and it must be understood that the "semantification" of the both is not the same thing. A closer look shows that this rather fortunate for Wikipedia: some unsolved problems of the Semantic Web just do not occur in our single-site context. But let us start with some points where a "semantic Wikipedia" is quite similar to a Semantic Web. Among others, the Semantic Web confronts us with the following issues:

* web pages that where created for humans must be annotated for machine-reading,
* to be readable for the public, annotations must be provided in standardized data formats,
* to be understandable for the public, annotations must have a formalized meaning,
* translating informal information into formal annotations can be difficult and we must develop methods to guide the users,
* programs must be able to integrate information from many sites,
* many different people will create their annotations in a distributed way; we must expect contradictions and errors in the gathered data.

In this respect, Wikipedia is not that different from the Web. Especially the distributed, non-central way of providing content is an important similarity, which suggests Semantic Web methods for our setting. For most of the above issues, we already have some concrete answers available today: Annotations can be build on non-proprietary data formats that have a standardized syntax and semantics (meaning). There is quite some methodology and experience in designing ontologies and an understanding of what types of annotations are more difficult for users has developed. A multitude of programs that can work on the mentioned standard data formats exist. Many of them are still under heavy development, both in companies and in universities. Most software is free (partly free-as-in-speech), but there are also industrial strength applications that are developed commercially. Ontology languages and software are generally designed to work on distributed, potentially incomplete or erroneous specifications.

On the other hand, the Semantic Web faces far more difficult issues. Even if everybody would use a common standard language for annotations (there are more than one), it might still be that different names are used for the same concepts. There is no "world community" to negotiate on the usage of annotations and ontologies can become incompatible. Furthermore, there is no easy way of creating annotations: instead of a convenient MediaWiki interface, people would have to write their ontologies directly in a technical syntax. Finally, the motivation for creating annotations currently is rather weak, since most people do not want to provide their data in a machine readable way to the world but rather want humans to visit their sites to click on advertisements. These might be some of the reasons why we are much closer today to a "semantic Wikipedia" than to a semantic WWW in general.

The Web Ontology Language and others

As mentioned above, there are various languages for writing annotation data in a way that is understood globally. Here, we want to discuss RDF/RDFS and OWL, both of which have a machine-accessible XML syntax. Both are W3C recommendations like HTML and XML, but OWL is the more recent development which is arguably more evolved. However, OWL is downwards compatible, and OWL ontologies can be processed with tools that were conceived for RDF or even for XML as well. The converse is generally not true.

Resource Description Framework (RDF)

RDF is a very simple format for describing relations between all kinds of resources (though the various syntactic formats are confusing for most humans). What an RDF-specification describes is basically just a directed graph where both the nodes (i.e. resources) and the edges (i.e. relationships, properties) have labels. That is all, but one can express rather complex relationships. In the context of Wikipedia, this could already implement typed links (as described in the section on related work): articles are resources that can easily be described by their URLs, and typed links are the labeled edges between them. The resulting structure could then be queried to obtain information. Such queries are just questions about the graph, e.g. "Find all nodes that have a link of type birthplace to France".

Moreover, RDF-relationships can also be declared between a resource and a so-called literal. In effect, literals are just simple data-values with an associated data type (the available types are defined in the standard and are closely related to the data types in XML Schema). Thus one can annotate resources with data-properties of certain values. The result can still be depicted as a directed graph, where we now have resources and literals as two distinguished types of nodes. RDF has some more features like the descriptipon of resource collections (sets, lists, etc.) but we will not go into more details.

RDF Schema (RDFS)

However, RDF is not sufficient for more elaborate purposes, since it does not allow to describe anything beyond simple directed graphs. In particular, there is no internal mechanism to implement classes (e.g. for categorization of articles). Sure, one can define relationships with a label "hasClass" between an article and its class, but a typical RDF-tool will not recognize this as a special relationship. In fact, the class (category) will just be treated like any other resource (article). This creates first problems with subclass relationship: if A is a subclass of B, and B is a subclass of C, then A is a subclass of C. But this will not be derived by RDF-tools, since we cannot express that the relation "subclass of" is transitive. Indeed, "subclass of" is just a label – a string that has no internal meaning whatsoever.

To overcome this problem, RDF was extended by a simple ontology language called RDF Schema (RDFS). In this language, special relationships like "subclassOf" are predefined and are treated in a standardized way. This enables programs to handle various "structural" descriptions in an adequate way, instead of treating them like plain meaningless labels. This enables classification: RDFS has a predefined "Class"-object and a property "type" which states that a resource belongs to a class (is of this type). Any resource of type Class is treated as a class and can thus be used as the type of other resources. In addition, classes can be organized in a hierarchy by relating them with the "subclassOf" property.

The meaning of these expressions is built into the language. For example, let A be a subclass of the class B, and assume that the specification contains a resource r of type A. Now if the user enters a query for all objects of type B, then r will also be returned – the relationship must be inferred by the program that implements the RDFS specification. These features are very helpful, since they simplify our annotations considerably: without the built-in meaning one would have to state explicitly that r is a subclass of B (and possibly of many other classes). On the other hand, the software must be more "intelligent" than for working on simple RDF.

Besides the mentioned extensions (and some more of similar kind), RDFS is very closely related to RDF. The syntactical XML-format is valid RDF, with the only difference that capable programs can make use of the additional knowledge of the built-in meaning. Yet, one could still use RDF-tools to work with the data.

Too much and too little: a critical look on the expressive power of RDFS

In spite of its versatility, the combination of RDF and RDFS has some major disadvantages. There are two major sources of trouble: (1) RDF(S) treats all properties and classes as resources and (2) statements that can be made about some resource are usually legal for any resource. For example, one can easily state that a class has itself as a type (i.e. it is an instance of itself). This creates some problems. When we speak of classes (or categories), we usually imagine them as "collections of things". If something is of a certain type, then it just belongs to that collection. For instance, the class "Person" symbolizes the collection of all persons. Unfortunatelly, this interpretation of classes is no longer applicable when we allow classes to be their own type: no set of common set theory can contain itself.

In effect, the correct formal interpretation of RDFS is much more complicated, and is not easily communicated to the average user. This of course is quite problematic in the context of Wikipedia, since we cannot provide a prior training for editors working on annotations. But the complicated semantics of RDFS gives us even more expressive power; sometimes more than we would reasonably like to have. By definition, even the predefined resources like "Class" and "subclassOf" are just resources. Thus we can legally state that "subclassOf is of type Class" – a statement that is rather nonsensical. This further adds to the confusion that users may encounter when working with RDFS. While users can still work on the idea that classes are collections of resources, standard compliant software has to obey the official semantics to process arbitrary RDF(S) input. Thus the behavior of such tools might not be what the user expected.

On the other hand, RDFS still is a very weak language for making more elaborate descriptions. For example, like RDF, it has no means of stating that a property is transitive. So if we state that Frankfurt lies in Germany and that Germany lies in Europe, we still cannot derive the information that Frankfurt is in Europe. Yet, the average user would takes it for granted that this knowledge is given in the specification, and would like to obtain Frankfurt in a search for European cities as well.

Another limitation is that RDFS cannot construct complex class expressions: if the user wants to have all resources that belong to the class "City" and are located in Germany, then RDFS cannot be used as a query language. Likewise, we cannot describe that the class "Human" consists exactly of the classes "Woman" and "Man" and many other more elaborate statements that we might want to make (this concerns the possibility of extending our annotation framework later on; for the moment, we have no need for such complicated expressions).

Finally, RDFS has a feature called reification that allows us to use even statements as resources. Thus we can express "the fact that Frankfurt lies in Germany is a type of geographical relation". Though sounding complicated, this actually has quite some practical applications. It allows us to annotate our annotations, for example with a source for this statement or with a time for which it is true. However, reification truns out to be extremely powerful; so powerful that in combination with simple (very useful) extensions like those mentioned above, it rules out the possibility of implementing a program that can fully evaluate these specifications (the language becomes undecidable). That is the reason why one usually choses to sacrifice reification for some other practical features and a decidable (implementable) formal semantics.

The Web Ontology Language (OWL)

OWL has a much simpler semantics that disallows some freedoms of RDFS in exchange for more powerful descriptions in other areas. The added power also poses some problems in intuitive usability, so we should restrict to simple OWL-annotations. To be added …

Software applications for the Semantic Web

Here we will introduce some tools, preferably non-commercial ones, that can be used to work on ontologies in standard file formats.

~3 Semantic MediaWiki/Envisaged applications - Meta

Semantic MediaWiki/Envisaged applications - Meta

Semantic MediaWiki/Envisaged applications
From Meta
< Semantic MediaWiki

Here is the place to articulate your wildest fantasies on what could be done with all this semantic data!

Inside the Wiki

* Powerful Searching: all the weird queries stated above should work (given that someone writes a user interface to ask such queries!)
* Most of the functionality of todays Personendaten/Wikidata, with the exception of some envisioned features of Wikidata (like customized editing forms or predefined data-classes in MediaWiki). Full Wikidata functionality is somewhat orthogonal: it is more tailored towards scenarios that require uniform and rich data-input (e.g. Wiktionary), while Semantic MediaWiki aims at more loosely structured settings (e.g. Wikipedia). But the searching and sorting functions should be fully available very early.
* Dynamically created pages: abolish plain article listings and overly specific categories and create consistent lists and galleries automatically
* New browsing functions: search queries that are simple can be executed quickly. Links on/below article pages can refer to search results, so as to provide a kind of "find similar topics"-link.
* Use Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons as a free image database ("I want a picture with a child and a cat on it").


Offline analysis

* Translate semantic data by interlanguage links and thus compare Wikipedias of any language
* Check for possible errors or inconsistencies to improve the quality of Wikipedia
* Create complex statistics from Wikipedia dumps


External applications

* Enable specialized desktop apps to query Wikipedias knowledge selectively (or to ship with some frozen part of it):
o teaching applications (e.g. a quiz game on geographic data)
o media players (gather things like discographies from Wikipedia, along the lines of what amaroK starts doing today with XML-data from Amazon)
o scientific applications (anybody needs a huge classification of species?)
o and much much more
* External web services:
o sophisticated or specialized Wikipedia search engines
o question answering based on Wikipedia (e.g. integrated in major web searching engines)

Project Semantic MediaWiki.
This article is associated with the project Semantic MediaWiki.

MediaWiki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MediaWiki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Maintainer: Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
Stable release: 1.5 (October 5, 2005) [+/-]
Preview release: 1.5 (October 5, 2005) [+/-]
OS: Cross-platform
Genre: Wiki
License: GPL

MediaWiki is a Wiki software package licensed under the GNU General Public License. It is a feature-rich wiki implementation written primarily for Wikipedia and other Wikimedia Foundation projects but is also used by many other wikis.

It is written in PHP and uses an underlying MySQL relational database management system. Its logo symbolizes how its markup language uses double brackets ("[[","]]") to link articles together. MediaWiki is capable of interfacing with other, optional programs to improve performance and capabilities. Support for memcached, the Squid cache system, and TeX math rendering are all available in the current version. An extension and hook system allows users to add their own features and program interfaces.

* 1 History
o 1.1 Version 1.4
o 1.2 Version 1.5
* 2 Notable features
* 3 See also
* 4 External links



MediaWiki was originally written for Wikipedia by the German student and developer Magnus Manske. The site previously used UseModWiki (aka by Wikipedians as "Phase I"), which used Perl, then switched to PHP with a new version ("Phase II") on January 25, 2002. The day is known within the Wikipedia community as Magnus Manske Day.

!1 hey! Names - Meta

Names - Meta

From Meta

This page has been created to provide a quick-reference guide to distinguish some similar and often-confused terms. Please be careful to use the appropriate term, in order to avoid confusion. Please also note the canonical capitalisation of each name - particularly, the distinction between Wikimedia and MediaWiki is more noticeable when they are consistently capitalised differently.

* 1 wiki
* 2 Wikipedia
* 3 Wikimedia
* 4 MediaWiki
* 5 MediaZilla



wiki is a generic term which describes a certain kind of collaborative website that can be edited by any user/visitor.

* wiki (as an adjective), the Wiki Way, and the antonym un-wiki are also used to describe the community-oriented philosophy that goes with such a system (e.g. "that's not a very wiki way of doing things").
* Wiki (with a capital 'W') and WikiWikiWeb are sometimes used to refer to the Portland Pattern Repository, which was the first ever wiki.
* wiki software and wiki engine are terms referring to pieces of software that power wiki-based websites. There are many different types of wiki software, some very simple, others enhanced with specific advanced features. See also: Wikipedia's entry on "wiki software" or the Portland Pattern Repository's "canonical" list of wiki engines.

For a more complete definition, see Wikipedia's entry on "wiki".


Wikipedia is a multi-language free encyclopedia, developed collectively using a wiki. The name "Wikipedia" is a trademark, and should not be used as a generic term.

Wikipedia's homepage is


Wikimedia is the collective name for a group of inter-related projects, including Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikisource, Wikibooks, and others, which aim to use the collaborative power of the Internet, and the wiki concept, to create and share free knowledge of all kinds. Like "Wikipedia", "Wikimedia" is a trademark, and should not be used for projects which are not officially affiliated. Wikimedia is also used as a shortened form of The Wikimedia Foundation.

* The Wikimedia Foundation is the non-profit organization which funds and manages these projects. For more information, see the Foundation's homepage
* The term Wikimedia servers is often used, referring to the computer hardware on which all Wikimedia projects are hosted. The servers are supported primarily by volunteers, many of whom also work on the MediaWiki software (see below); the Wikimedia servers are not available for hosting projects not run by the Wikimedia Foundation, with the exception of some non-official IRC servers and other non-Foundation-approved installations made by those with access to the servers. See also: Wikimedia servers.
* The Wikimedia Meta-Wiki, commonly referred to as Meta, is the wiki used to discuss issues which affect all Wikimedia projects; it is also used for discussing the development of the MediaWiki software (see below), since this is often tightly linked to the needs of Wikimedia projects. This page is part of Meta. See also: Meta:About.
o Meta should not be confused with MetaWiki, a search engine that is not part of the Wikimedia group of projects.

See also: Wikimedia, Wikipedia's entry on "Wikimedia".


MediaWiki is the particular wiki engine developed for and used by Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects. It is freely available for others to use (and improve), and there are many copies in use by all sorts of projects around the world.

See also MediaWiki, the software project page, Sites using MediaWiki.


This customized Bugzilla version is the feature request and bugs reporting system used by the MediaWiki developers, as well as for configuration issues with Wikipedia and the other Wiki-media projects..

This list is based, with thanks, on this mailing list post from Jens Ropers.

GetWiki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

GetWiki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

GetWiki is an interactive PHP/MySQL application for wikis, most notably Wikinfo. It is a highly modified version of version 1.1.0 of the MediaWiki software used to power Wikipedia and other websites. The intention of GetWiki's author, M.R.M. Parrott, was to add some new features to MediaWiki, but it was decided to fork the codebase from the MediaWiki project in January 2004.

Much of the new GetWiki code was released under a non-commercial-use-only version of the Creative Commons license instead of the GNU General Public License (GPL). This included a feature which introduced XML import of individual articles from any other MediaWiki or GetWiki powered site. This meant that the authors of MediaWiki were unable to use the code in their project (which continues to be completely licensed under the GNU GPL), thus slowing the adoption of this feature. It is possible that this alternative licensing is not allowed under the GPL, because of the section TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION, Point 2, but the GetWiki developers deny this.

The current stable release of GetWiki is version 1.0.

Board of Trustees - Wikimedia Foundation

Board of Trustees - Wikimedia Foundation

Board of Trustees
From Wikimedia Foundation

Deutsch | English | Français | Italiano | 日本語 | 한국어

The Wikimedia Board of Trustees manage the nonprofit and supervise the disposition and solicitation of nonprofit donations. The Board of Trustees are the ultimate corporate authority in the Wikimedia Foundation Inc. (article IV, sec. 1 of the Wikimedia Foundation bylaws).

The Board has the power to direct the activities of the foundation. It also has the authority to set membership dues, discipline and suspend members (article III), and to amend the corporate bylaws (article VI).

The Board consists of five directors. Since June 2004, two of these seats have been elected. In each case, voting was open to all active users who were eligible for sufferage. The latest vote was held during three weeks from June to July 2005, and the elected representatives in July 2005 will retain their seats for two years.

The Board holds regular meetings. All Board meetings can be reviewed on the Meetings page.

The current Board members are:

* Jimbo Wales, Chair and founder, life member
* Florence Nibart-Devouard, Vice-Chair, Contributing User Representative
* Angela Beesley, Volunteer User Representative
* Michael Davis, Treasurer
* Tim Shell, Secretary

Jimmy (Jimbo) Wales
Jimmy Wales in Paris.
Jimmy Wales in Paris.

Jimmy "Jimbo" Donal Wales (born August 7, 1966), is an Internet entrepreneur and a wiki enthusiast.

Wales was born in Huntsville, Alabama and is a graduate of Auburn University and the University of Alabama. He worked as Research Director at Chicago Options Associates, a futures and options trading firm then located in Chicago. He also admires the Objectivist philosophy of Ayn Rand. In the mid-1990s Wales started Bomis, a search portal focusing on aspects of pop culture, one of the first users of the freely licensed data of the Open Directory Project, and in 2004 founded Wikia, a wiki-style search engine.

In 1999, Wales had the concept of a freely distributable encyclopedia and founded Nupedia, by hiring philosopher Larry Sanger as editor-in-chief and assigning 2 programmers to write software for it. Nupedia failed primarily due to being a top-down cathedral model, as opposed to Wikipedia, which is the ultimate bazaar. After more than 2 years of struggle with the Nupedia concept, Wikipedia was opened to become an instant success.

Wales is currently the president of the Wikimedia Foundation, a Tampa-based non-profit organization that encompasses Wikipedia and its younger sister projects. According to the Herald Sun, an Australian newspaper, Wales has spent over AU$400,000 on Wikipedia and Nupedia; later, Time Magazine reported that Wales spent around US$500,000 on his Wiki projects.

Wales is married, and lives in St. Petersburg, Florida with his wife Christine and his daughter Kira.

Florence Nibart-Devouard

Florence Nibart-Devouard serves as the Contributing User Representive to the Board and is the vice-chair of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Florence was born in Versailles (France). She grew up in Grenoble, and has been living since then in several French cities, as well as Antwerpen in Belgium and Tempe in Arizona.
She is a engineer in Agronomy (ENSAIA and also holds a DEA in Genetics and biotechnologies (INPL). She has been working in public research, first in flower plant genetic improvement, and second in microbiology to study the feasability of polluted soil bioremediation. She is currently employed in a french firm, to conceive decision-making tools in sustainable agriculture. She joined the Wikipedia adventure in February 2002 and is known as a contributor under the pseudonym Anthere.

Florence is 36, and live in Clermont Ferrand with her husband Bertrand and her two children, Anne-Gaëlle aged six and William eight.

Angela Beesley
Angela in London
Angela in London

Angela Beesley serves as the Volunteer User Representative to the Board.

Angela was born in Norwich, England in 1977 and grew up in Maidstone and Colchester. She holds an honours degree in psychology. During a year out from Aston University, and for a period after graduating, Angela worked as a research assistant in the Aston Dyslexia and Developmental Assessment Centre. She then worked for the National Foundation for Educational Research, based in Berkshire, as a developer of the national statutory assessments for England and Wales.

Angela currently lives in Essex and manages Wikicities, which she founded with Jimmy Wales in October 2004.

Michael Davis

Michael Davis is a graduate of Williams College and the University of Chicago. Formerly the CEO of Chicago Options Associates, a futures and options trading firm in Chicago, Davis is now retired and lives in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Tim Shell
Tim Shell, La Jolla California, 2003
Tim Shell, La Jolla California, 2003

Timothy Shell is an internet entrepreneur with an interest in self-organization, and decentralized order, as exemplified by Wikipedia. In 1996 he was pursuing his degree in computer science when he decided to chuck it and go into business, joining up with Jimmy Wales to start Bomis.

Shell has lived in Chicago, Florida, and San Diego, and currently resides in Las Vegas.

Lyquidity Solutions

Lyquidity Solutions How do I add users to MediaWiki?

You don't. Mambo user become WIki users as soon as they contribute to the Wiki while logged in to Mambo.
How can I block a user?

Wiki pages are open by design and therefore open to having abusive content added. If a user is spamming your Wiki pages you can block them in one of two ways:

* Setup the Wiki so that only Mambo registered users have access. You can then block a user by revoking their registration in Mambo. However if that is a bit drastic, you can block a user from just the Wiki.
* An administrator is able to block a user from the Wiki. In the backend select MamboWiki->Configure. From the list of options presented select Block User (at the bottom of the list) and enter the name of the person to block and how long the block should be effective. Leave the expiry time box empty if the block is to be indefinite (you'll see what I mean when you get there).

This tip again assumes that you are only allowing registered users access to Wiki pages.

Why use an IFRAME?

When MediaWiki processes a page for presentation it really commandeers the request and response objects. As a result, if MediaWiki is ?included? in a component table, as component content usually is, the process of both Mambo and MediaWiki is ruined. By keeping the two separate, both get the opportunity to run without affecting the other.

It would be good to understand MediaWiki processing model better to see if it is possible to make it co-operate with Mambo more directly in a future release. I think the code causing the problem is in includes/outputpage.php

Does MamboWiki support searching?

Although the underlying Wiki tool supports searching, Mambo does not search Wiki test by default. To include wiki pages in your Mambo searches, use Paul Harvey's search bot at Mamboforge (

Or, to give your users access to the underlying Wiki search function:

* create a menu option (we suggest you add it to the WikiOptions menu)
* Select the "Other" page type
* Enter the page name Special:Search&search=
* Save

When this menu option is used, the Wiki search page will be presented and the user can enter their search term(s).

NOTE: The search term used in the menu option cannot be empty (it can but nothing useful will happen). We will try to correct this in a future release but in the meantime use a search terms like the one suggested above.
How can I change the way the Wiki content is presented?

The way Wiki content is present is controlled by a MediaWiki skin called MamboWiki. To change this skin you can edit the file called components/com_mambowiki/skins/MamboWiki.php and its associated CSS files in the MamboWiki sub-folder. For more information about creating and editing MediaWiki skins, see the MediaWiki web site.
What Platforms have been tested?

This version of the MediaWiki component has been tested using the following configurations:

* Windows XP, PHP 4.3/5.0, IIS 5.0
* Windows 2003 PHP 4.3, IIS 6.0
* RedHat Linux 8.0, PHP 4.3, Apache

How can I prevent anonymous users editing pages?

By default, an anonymous user is able to edit any Wiki page. If you want to restricted editing to just those users who are signed in, edit the file components/com_mambowiki/LocalSettings.php and add the following line:

$wgWhitelistEdit = true;


fyi:author info
Bill Seddon
Lyquidity Solutions Limited

Lyquidity solutions represents Rivet Software in Europe. Rivet Software is the author of Dragon Tag, an application that provides accounting and finance professionals an easy way to turn existing Microsoft Office-based documents containing financial information into XBRL compliant documents for submission to regulators or to exchange information between entities. Web Apps with Tiger: MediaWiki Web Apps with Tiger: MediaWiki

At the time of this writing, 1.4.9 is the latest version of the MediaWiki software. 1.5 is currently in release candidate testing, but you should only consider installing that if you're self-sufficient enough to not really need this series of articles. The following assumes an installation of 1.4.9. It also, for the sake of readability, instructs you to install MediaWiki into a subdirectory called wiki. In real life, however, you'd want to name this something that describes purpose, not implementation (see Cool URIs Don't Change). Download MediaWiki to your Desktop, and then run the following commands to create /Library/WebServer/Documents/wiki

Most wiki software is shipped with its own Markup: shorthand for the various HTML elements you'd normally use to design your content. Instead of typing eh oh! for italicized text, MediaWiki allows you to use two single quotes instead: ''eh oh!'' (a full list of shorthand possibilities is available). The syntax you'll use the most, [[Some Words]], makes links to other wiki pages. For example, [[Deltab Pains Me]] will automatically create a link to the wiki page named "Deltab Pains Me," whether it exists yet or not. If it exists, clicking the link will show you the article; otherwise, you'll be given a chance to fill it with relevant content.

JSPWiki: Wiki Etiquette

JSPWiki: Wiki Etiquette

When editing pages just keep the following rules in mind:

* Be nice - don't be rude or offensive.
* Write in a way that is easy to understand and avoid local slang or phrases. Many of those who will read your text may not have English as their first language.
* Don't delete other people's contributions (unless you know what you are doing)
* Don't use too many acronyms (or at least, have a page explaining them)
* Avoid the "click here" phrase!! Don't say: "More info about etiquette can be found here" but use "More info about etiquette can be found at WikiEtiquette". I'd suggest avoiding it for external links as well.
* Contribute only original stuff. Links are fine, but don't cut-and-paste from copyrighted things.
* Correcting typos is quite okay - in fact, it's a very good habit, since it makes the web page more readable.

About comments

* You are free to contribute anonymously, but it is preferred that you sign your comments with your name (or handle). It is common to prepend the signature with '--' like this: -- Janne Jalkanen (While you're at it, you are free to create your own wikipage and tell us about yourself.)
* Another good way to identify yourself is to put your name first, like this: Janne Jalkanen : I'd like to say that... or use the third person if you don't think it sounds a bit grand AndrewCates agrees.
* Think before you comment. WikiWiki is not a high-speed conversation board. It's not a news server either. What you say will stay here forever (yeah, we do make backups) for everyone to see and comment.

Creating WikiNames

* A good WikiName is short and descriptive. If the name is logical and easy many more people will link to it.
* Although you can take a whole sentence and crunch it up to make a WikiName, it is better style to restrain it to at most 5 words.
* Instead, try to use WikiNames like you would use as chapter titles in a book.
* This Wiki allows you to create pages with a single word as a name, but try to use at least two words - we don't want to exhaust the name space :-).
* Double-check WikiNames for typos - otherwise someone will create a misnamed page! Misnamed pages are bad, since linking to them requires more effort than to a logical, correct WikiName.
* AndrewCates asks that you please try to check whether a possible duplicate exists for your WikiWord before creating a new page. Duplicates increase the word number and navigation problems enormously

Refactoring pages

Refactoring is the process where you sum up a page, shortening it, making it more accessible. Anyone who feels up to it may go ahead, but we suggest that you leave it up to frequent (experienced) visitors.

* Be objective - both pros and cons should be represented correctly.
* Be careful with signed contributions - don't change their meaning.
* Give credit where credit is due.
* Use 3rd person or plural instead of 1st person singular in your summary. Web Apps with Tiger: MediaWiki Web Apps with Tiger: MediaWiki

'coming of age' is the analogy!! for 1st web-app.

All articles - example!!

All articles - GamehausWiki

PeopleIWantToPunchintheFace - GamehausWiki

silly, but a first sample, buds!

Campaign Financing Cyber Loophole

Campaign Financing Cyber Loophole

Campaign Financing Cyber Loophole

Campaign Financing Cyber Loophole

uno dos tres

hoax hoax hoax