Dell Pre-Installing Firefox in UK: "Re:A quick rant about Firefox
(Score:5, Funny)
by adolfojp (730818) Alter Relationship on Tuesday December 27, @11:34AM (#14345806)
Ok mister, lets get a few things straight. Just because
* most of firefox features were in Opera first and
* Opera has features that will take years to be implemented in firefox and
* Opera's mail client was gmail like before gmail even existed and
* Opera is faster and has a smaller memory footprint than firefox and
* Opera is beautifully designed and integrated instead of being a patchwork frankenbrowser and
* Opera's download is smaller
slashdoters will still not love it. Why? Because Opera is not open source. Therefore, although most people won't ever modify Firefox's code, it will forever remain everyone's sweetheart.
Firefox is not just a browser, it is a symbol of rebelion against the system. We should rename it the Ch?-wser and make t shirts! :-P
Opera user since forever."
. .
.don't download tv shows, run a web server from their closet, and download large ISOs of operating systems.
Huh, maybe you shouldn't ask this question on Slashdot.
Faster speed means I CAN browse the internet. A large portion of the internet is becoming nearly unusable for dialup users, especially the ones that can only get 14.4kbps because the phone system hasn't been updated since Nixon was a president.
If you think education is expensive, you should try ignorance -- Derek Bok, president of Harvard
For the many people who complain about the lower bitrates for upstream cable modem service. This is a natural consequence of the limitations of the cable system. A contemporary cable system has about 700 MHz of downstream analog spectrum. Most of that is used for video, of course, but it's straightforward for the operator to set aside 12 or 18 MHz for data. More importantly, the downstream spectrum is quite clean and it is possible to use modulation techniques that deliver several bits per Hertz. A typical system has only about 30 MHz of upstream analog spectrum and runs at least three services on it -- return path for the video service, upstream side of the cable telephony service, and high-speed data. Since each uses a different modulation scheme, spectrum must be dedicated to each (and guardbands must also be provided). The upstream channel is a LOT noisier than than the downstream, so simpler modulation has to be used. Where the system can easily deliver a total exceeding 100 Mbps of downstream capacity, physical reality will restrict it to a total of 3-10 Mbps of upstream capacity. Hence the disparity in the downstream and upstream bit rates.
And no, there's no simple way to reallocate frequencies and have more of it used for upstream capacity. Assignment of frequencies for cable video is a matter of federal regulation.
RSA Encryption is based on the general form of Fermat's Theorem:
x**phi(n) = 1 mod(n)
phi(n) is Euler's Totient function which is the number of integers less than
n that are relatively prime to
n. The number
n is chosen to be the product of two primes,
p and
q. Even if
n is known, it is hard of find
p and
q. Then
phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1) and it is easy to pick a
d and an
e such that
d * e = 1 mod(phi(n))
You give out
n and
e as your public key and use
n and
d as your private key. Public en/decryption is done with:
Y = X**e mod(n)
Private en/decryption is done with:
X = Y**d mod(n)
Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.
Can't believe no one mentioned Noether's Theorem, so I'll submit it. Proof that the existence of any symmetry in a Lagrangian implies a conserved quantity.
Hence, the fact that force laws do not change with time implies conservation of energy, that they do not change with position implies conservation of linear momentum, and that they do not change with rotation implies conservation of angular momentum. Highly awesome.
I prefer the actual Euler's formula instead of the special case. e^x = cosx+jsinx
e^jx that is. I should learn to preview.
I'm not sure if mega-texels shows true performance. I have a ATI 9700 Pro and Geforce 7800 GT, both can run games at high resolutions at the same speed, but the 7800 can run with AA/AF enabled without a performance hit.
It is nice to see where GFX cards rate in games, and Toms hardware has the best link per game. Thats why I picked a GT over a GTX for 200 dollars less. viii/page18.html []
and vii/page4.html []
2005 Foot-in-Mouth Awards
The best one by far:
"I know what I don't know, and to this day I don't know technology and I don't know accounting and finance."
-- Bernie Ebbers, ex-CEO of WorldCom
Hey, hey, stop erecting strawmen here. All I said, is that the same person simply can not be stupid enough to deserve being called "clueless baboon" and evil enough to warrant comparisions with Hitler. Your statement was clear enough. But my rebuttal was no straw man, and it was that you are
simply incorrect, like so many people trying to protect the President and his Fascism out of fear, uncertainty and doubt.
That schizophrenics exist,
destroys your argument. Bush could very well be the type that is crafty at one time, and a few hours later descends into a Hyper-Republican mindset that is the very essence of stupidity. This is why I fscking used the term "CHRONOLOGICALLY".
But we're long past "coulds". Considering Bush's past of abuse of drugs and alcohol, it's very likely he's schizo in the ways I've indicated. And -- oh yeah -- as the OP implied, we are swimming in an
ocean of evidence that Bush acts like a fox on one hand, and then a retard on another.
But schizo behavior is not exclusive to the President (nor at any one time, either). Millions of Americans still think that Iraq had something to do with 911. Millions also think that Bush is a good President and that he's "protecting" America by invoking a conventional or perpetual WWIII. Schizo behavior is running rampant in America
... which is largely why you can't understand why such a critique is applied to your Republican Prophet, Bush. When society goes insane, the sane man is condemned
... and that's ALL that you are doing here, Roscoe.
In conclusion, if you want to see saliva in inappropriate places, watch tapes of your beloved Neo-Cons as they've talked up American Fascism for the last 4 years. I mean,
good god, man, the use of torture is being PUBLICLY DEBATED as some sort of valid topic! 911 has been used to enact a Neo-Con (and Neo-Liberal -- let's not forget them!) agenda to enact outright Fascism in the USA. Smart guys and morons are making this all happen by cashing out America's wealth. And the
Head Monkey in Charge (i.e. Bush) is all part of the larger Fascist game. To enact Fascism, you need to make more use of belly, not brain.
[You have a stable society when some nut guns down a schoolyard and the law doesn't change.]
They didn't include the "2 standards are better than 1" comment from the Microsoft guy in the Massachusetts case. That was my my favorite.
This banter reminds me of some dumb Congressman who spoke at an anti-abortion rally a number of years ago and tearfully declared over and over again, "I was a feces once! We were all feces!" I'm sure he felt like one after he was told of his gaffe.
I happen to know that I am not, nor have I ever been, a feces. And, unless I'm consumed by cannibals, I never will be!
Well said! Regular readers all know that Slashdot, editorially, is fairly mediocre. Awful editing and spelling, frequent duplicate posts, and so on. But it's the moderation system and comments that make it shine. Where else can you read astrophysicists discuss the latest astronomy finding, or professional engineers dissecting the latest technology invention? Thanks to moderation, the best posts rise to the top.
The one time I visited Digg, I found the comments worthless.
"What luck for rulers that men do not think." --A.H. (1889-1945)
Man, get over it. Like the Swift Boat Vets, the Dan Rather story is more a case of corruption and blog bullying than anything else, it's definitely not "a return to truth in journalism", or whatever you may think it is. They decided what they wanted to say, shoved their fingers in their ears and screamed "it's fake" until someone noticed.
It was more about PR cleanup than fact checking. The question is not "is this legit?", but "how can we manipulate belief"? They had people discussing how to tear it down within 10 or 15 minutes of its first airing. The qualifications of the people discussing the matter? Well, it's a memo. You could ask people in print manufacturing, or forensics. You could ask an army desk jockey. You could even ask any secretary old enough to have used one of those typewriters. Instead, it was freepers, marketing people, PR, politicians, newscasters, paid political operatives(bloggers!), and the like. Oh, and a few computer guys. Most weren't even born yet in the era of that typewriter or Bush's service.
Me? I work in printing. The family business is printing, and my father was in computer repair for decades. My childhood was spent with inky fingers, learning programming or fixing hardware. So, I know both areas pretty well, and I didn't buy it.
The really clever thing is that the real point of the matter was "did Bush fulfill obligations?" not the placement of a fucking letter or apostrophe. Kudos on making sure the voting public avoided that question and discussed decades old typewriters instead.It's an exercise in the efficiency of the conservative political machine. You're not even discussing the topic at hand. You're discussing 2004 in a "let's remember 2005" comments section. We should both be modded for being offtopic. And you should learn that you can't reuse calenders.

Collective nouns
Grammar game
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A collective noun is a noun that denotes a collection of persons or things regarded as a unit.
Usage Note: In American usage, a collective noun takes a singular verb when it refers to the collection considered as a whole, as in:
The family was united on this question.
The enemy is suing for peace.
It takes a plural verb when it refers to the members of the group considered as individuals, as in:
My family are always fighting among themselves.
The enemy were showing up in groups of three or four to turn in their weapons.
In British usage, however, collective nouns are more often treated as plurals:
The government have not announced a new policy.
The team are playing in the test matches next week.
A collective noun should not be treated as both singular and plural in the same construction; thus:
The family is determined to press its (not their) claim.
Re:Cross-platform GUI RAD (for GTK+, etc): wxDesig
(Score:4, Insightful)(