Full Video: Explosions Before Both WTC Collapses and before WTC7 Collapse - You Will Believe - Above Top Secret Conspiracy Community
Full Video: Explosions Before Both WTC Collapses and before WTC7 Collapse - You Will Believe - Above Top Secret Conspiracy Community: "ne of the great things about this video is that it doesn't try to 'hard sell' you any ideas, if you know what I mean. The information, for the most part, is presented as is and left for you to make your own conclusions. The footage is played unedited and raw first before going back again and pointing things out. A recording of CBS news with Dan Rather interviewing a FEMA official on Sept 12 is played:
Rather: 'Tom Kennedy...Kennedy a rescue worker with the National Urban Search & Rescue which is part of FEMA.'
Kennedy: 'We're currently...uh...one of the first teams that was deployed to support the city of New York for this disaster. We arrived on late Monday night, and went into action on Tuesday morning. And not until today [Wed Sept 12] did we get full opportunity to work the entire site.'
Google for 'FEMA + Tripod II' for more info on FEMA arriving on Sept 10th for a disaster scenario drill of planes crashing into the WTC towers. Next morning, whaddyaknow...
This footage has been seen before on the major news networks, but it was always edited down to remove the parts with the explosion sounds before the collapses, or the sound was removed completely. Turn up your speakers, switch on your subwoofer.
[edit on 2005-12-8 by wecomeinpeace]"
quote: Originally posted by wecomeinpeace
zer69 has graciously mirrored the file at the link below. If you are REALLY having problems you can download it directly from there (prolly want to use a download manager/accelerator). But please, out of respect for zer69, his bandwidth, and his generosity, please only use the direct link if you have exhausted all other options to kickstart the torrent.
Here is the link:
Thanks again, zer69.

BTW, love the avatar. LMFAO!

[edit on 2005-12-8 by wecomeinpeace]
on 10-12-2005 at 06:14 AM Post Number: 1852433 (post id: 1874326) - printer friendly |
I watched the entire thing.

And they say eyewitness accounts are credible.

Out of EVERY 911 documentary ever made I would place this one at the top of the list.
I applaud you for finding the docu WCIP,
[edit on 10/12/05 by Hunting Veritas]
DJ, we've been discussing the science behind the things that video covers for some time here on ATS. We've covered much more than that video, and in much greater detail. If you look through some of these threads you'll come across the information that should clarify the things that are confusing you. Here's a thread with lots of info, 15 pages long so far (not that long considering the amount of info in it, especially compared to other 9/11 threads around here, or click here and scroll down for a post illustrating 3 more basic problems that I've posted).
But it seems to me that no matter what is brought forth against the official story, you're not going to be able to accept it, judging from I've quoted of you above. You may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, as many, many Americans did after 9/11, all across the country. No doubt that your relationship to the WTC has somewhat magnified the trauma you have experienced, as compared to someone that had never visited the WTC from, say, Arizona, but emotional distress from trauma usually doesn't last more than a few months. If you want, I can U2U more information to you, if you think you may be suffering from PTSD.
But the relevance here is that such a condition, whether severe enough to actually be considered a disorder or not, will affect your judgment. Just something to keep in mind, not meant as a personal attack, etc., while browsing this part of ATS, as you'll notice the majority of posters here will generally agree that 9/11 was an inside job (See WCIP's poll here, and scroll down to the "Latest tally"). Rather than this being the result of anyone being motivating or otherwise psychologically needing the events to have been brought upon us by our own government (I would see this as much more troublesome than the threat of any outside terrorist cell), I think the majority of those here, myself included, have come to such conclusions based on the science that's been presented all through this part of ATS.
By Greg Szymanski
The media big shots, like a gang of school yard bullies taping shut a little guy’s mouth, have placed a big, black curtain around the 9/11 story of WTC janitor William Rodriguez, silencing him as if he screwed up their fictitious plot in a television script already written.
Rodriguez has desperately tried to tell his story, but claims the "bullies with money and power" have kept him quiet, the reporters perpetuating a government fraud and the media bosses, acting like Tony Soprano, sending orders to keep his mouth shut or else!
Although it’s impossible for a working man like Rodriguez to pierce the corporate veil and finger the top dogs, evasive comments by the underlings from places like NBC and The New York Times when questioned about the Rodriguez blackout, indicate somebody’s hiding something since all lips are zippered tight like a bunch of street thugs protecting the "family name."
Across the board from all the major networks to all the so-called top notch daily newspapers in the country, the ghost of janitor William Rodriguez is now back alive, well and in the flesh four years later, reminding all the big shots everywhere it doesn’t pay to tell a lie, especially with a man on a mission like Rodriguez.
Although the strange media blackout has left Rodriguez shaking his head in disappointment and wondering why he has more freedom of speech abroad than at home, he vows now, more than ever before, never to stop talking until every last American has heard his story, listening to the cold, hard facts how the north tower of the WTC came down from an underground explosion not just burning jet fuel as the government contends.
Admittedly perplexed by being written out of the tragic script by the 9/11 Commission and what he calls the media fiction writers even though he is one of the main characters, Rodriguez now thinks the American people are ready to listen since distrust for big media and big government has reached epic proportions, even creeping into the hinterland and heartland of America where the elite count on a passive following.
But most importantly, Rodriguez hopes his story will finally be told, every last single morsel of truth, in memory of the 3,000 killed and the 200 friends he lost at Ground Zero, adding they "deserve nothing less than full truth."
A Nightmare for Government Officials
Rodriguez’s story, verified by at least 14 eye witnesses and a burn victim, has become a veritable nightmare for officials clinging to the official story, probably deciding the only way to handle him is to make the ‘boogey man in the bad dream’ go away.
And that’s exactly how Rodriguez has been treated by the so-called big shots in high places, being treated like the "bad guy riding the black horse’’ instead of being heralded as the ‘white knight’ for saving hundreds of lives on 9/11 and sticking to the truth.
In faith walks a man on a mission, but the government’s problem with Rodriguez doesn’t lie in his moral convictions but rather in corroborated eye-witness evidence which, in this case, is much stronger than any scientific proof offered to support the government’s burning jet fuel theory.
-------------James H. Fetzer
http://www.question911.com/links.php has: (and more!)
Broadband users should have no problems. Dial-up Internet users may have to leave this download running all night. Download the video from one of the following links.
Feel free to make DVD's of these videos and spread the word! These are highly compressed videos, so if you want to spread the word PLEASE purchase the original DVD versions and support these great filmmakers.
911 Mysteries The first 9/11 movie designed specifically for the mainstream audience, a theatrical quality movie-length DVD with a full original soundtrack that will rivet you to your seat and blast out of your home theatre system. Coming soon for DVD purchase and download. 911 Mysteries Web Site
911 Mysteries_Trailer (WMV 6 megs) (alternative)
A great quick Overview of the 911 Issues:
Secret Evil of 911 (WMV 12 megs) (alternative)
A fantastic 1 hour documentary with great footage and analysis. Purchase This DVD [Official Loose Change Web Site]
Loose Change - A Documentary on 911
Part 1 (WMV 47megs) (alternative)
Loose Change - A Documentary on 911
Part 2 (WMV 47megs) (alternative)
Loose Change Second Edition is not so much a sequel as a remake of the original with added footage. Also below is Loose Change coverage by Fox News' New York affiliate that was so popular it shut down their video server on the web. [Official Loose Change Web Site]
Loose Change 2E 1of3 (WMV 47megs) (alternative)
Loose Change 2E 2of3 (WMV 47megs) (alternative)
Loose Change 2E 3of3 (WMV 47megs) (alternative)
Loose Change 2E - Coverage by Fox News
12/01/2005 (WMV 10megs) (alternative)
Loose Change 2E - Coverage by Fox News
12/02/2005 (WMV 9megs) (alternative)
911 Eyewitness is a detailed analysis of the sounds of the WTC collapse as heard by a witness on the New Jersey shoreline. This is a stunning video. Purchase This DVD document.nsi_883.src="http://www.question911.com/911eye-banner.gif/adokay/"; } //-->
911 Eyewitness 1of3 (WMV 48megs) (alternative)
911 Eyewitness 2of3 (WMV 48megs) (alternative)
911 Eyewitness 3of3 (WMV 48megs) (alternative)
Professor Stephen Jones of Brigham Young University detailed how the collapses of the WTC were most likely caused by explosives. His astounding story was covered fairly by a local Utah TV station.
Professor Steven Jones on Utah TV News (WMV 7megs) (alternative)
But on a Cable TV news show, he was treated like a criminal.
Professor Steven Jones Shows WTC Demolition Evidence (WMV 29megs) (alternative)
And here is the footage of the collapse of WTC building 7 they would not show during the interview.
WTC7Collapse (WMV 1megs) (alternative)
Please click one of the following titles to find the ultimate Truth of your chosen subject. Or, if you wish, you can view previews of the subjects in this section by "CLICKING HERE" to visit the previews section or clicking on the preview icon -Winston Churchill is quoted as having once said: "Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had happened." Just as a bell that has been rung cannot be "unrung", the annoying problem with the Truth is that, once you learn it, you can not "unlearn" it.

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![]() America | The Heraldic Symbolism of the Presidential Seal and the American Coat-of-Arms. . . .The Eagle on the American Coat-of-Arms; which is very different from the heraldic-eagles (which are often two-headed) used by other nations; is the Emblem of Dan, from whom the Danes and Irish are descended and who have intermingled in America with their Anglo-Saxon brothers from the tribe of Joseph/Manasseh, whose Olive-branch and Arrows the Eagle holds firmly and safely in its claws. . . |
![]() Britain | The Heraldic Symbolism of the Unicorn on the British Coat-of-Arms. The British Coat-of-Arms is the Coat-of-Arms of the 12 tribed Kingdom of Israel and Christ their Rightful KING. The TRUE Israel People have, on their "Coat-of-Arms", a Lion and a Unicorn which is shown as a white horse "rampant" with one horn. The amber Lion "rampant" on the left-side is the emblem of the two-tribed "House of Judah" and the Unicorn or white Wild-Ox "rampant" on the right-side is the emblem of the ten-tribed "House of Israel", collectively making the 12-tribed "Kingdom of Israel". . . |
![]() Union of Jack/ob | The Celtic / Saxon flags with their upright and diagonal crosses are the flags of the ten "lost" tribes of Israel; of which the Union of Jack|ob / Israel's flag is Christ's own personal flag, just as the British Throne Jack|ob's Pillar / Bethel / the Lia Fail / Stone of Destiny is shortly to become Christ's Throne. |
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