Categories in Blogger =Hack @O'Reiley
Categories in Blogger: "BLOGGING HACK
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My blog is my Electric Monk. That's one of the reasons I chose Blogger, because of its close relationship with google. I save any usefull tidbits I come across into my blog, and then the google bot comes by and indexes them for me. This enables me to search just my stuff (using the google box on the front page). However, when I started using bloxsom (so as to use features like categories) I found the google bot wasn't visiting anymore. So, I decided to try to implement categories on my blogger blog. Options included using Blogger's ATOM API but I quickly determined that this would still require a lot of coding on my behalf to ensure a consistent look and feel across the site. After a bit of googling, I found some helpfull advice, which has provided a very good starting point. In summary, I now have a master blog, plus a blog for each category I want. I post entries on the category blogs (such as My Stuff - Code). In the Settings --> Email tab for my category blogs, I use the BlogSend Address to automatically mail the post to a gmail alias address. This is forwarded via a gmail filter to the Mail-to-Blogger Address for the master blog.
See also: More detail here.
================1. Go Daddy's ads are tasteless, which is their professed intent. They're also clueless and immature. I've already taken my business elsewhere ( Although Go Daddy was somewhat more economical, I'm embarrassed to have been a customer.
6. I like the ad. I like GoDaddy's top notch service. Their technical support should be a model for Dell, Verizon, and every other major corporations that make one go through an endless tunnel of automated selections on the phone that dont work.
Posted at 4:49PM on Feb 3rd 2006 by Eric----
16. It took them 14ish attempts to come up with something that would get approved and in all that time they never thought of coming up with anything good. Except Candice there was nothing here to see or laugh at.
Posted at 6:46PM on Feb 3rd 2006 by Dave--------------
There were a few quality quotes throughout, with the overall description of the situation as being "in limbo," and that the company had wanted to know what they had to do to make an ad that would be accepted, but never seemed to get anywhere with that. The company says that it has spent $1.2 million in production costs - through its internal production group - to create the 14 ads that have been rejected so far, and it's definitely good they weren't using a big ad firm, because your domain prices would have already gone up by now. For those who were present at the event, some clips were shown with ads that had previously been rejected. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see them, but did catch Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game" playing in one of them. We've been told that a copy of all the rejected spots is on the way to us here at AJ, and we will be sure to have it online as soon as it's available.
[update!] Well, GoDaddy has released the full complement of ads that have been declined by ABC, and they're all available here for your viewing pleasure. Commentary and screens after the jump.
Continue reading GoDaddy Press Conference: Super Bowl Ad #14 in limbo
Playboy's new watches you can't afford
Well, huh. I guess Playboy picked the right guy to design its new line of luxury "five time zone" watches. Jacob Arabo of JACOB and Co. gushed about being asked to design the watches, describing the Playboy "spirit" as "so much a part of the fabric of our world society" and that it "crosses all borders, demographics, and psychographics." I would say that's laying it on just a little thick, but whatever, the watches look cool. The three styles of watches will be available through JACOB and Co. and through Playboy.
- Read
PETA goes "wild" against milk
Warning: The videos on the site are on the edge of being Not Safe For Work but are, without a doubt, gross.
Milk is the latest target in the sites of PETA. The organization is out to warn all of us that not only is milk bad for us (they actually say beer is healthier. I now have to run and tell my wife) but that it is, of course, cruel of us to exploit cows for it. They've launched a website MilkGoneWild that makes that point but uses a parody of the "Girls Gone Wild" videos as a tool. The TV spots (one of which is "banned' - who do they think they are, GoDaddy?) show hot chicks at a party with big glasses or bottles of milk who are prompted to lift their shirts and reveal - and here's where it gets gross - udders. That's right, two big sacks with about three udders each. There's an additional video narrated by Alec Baldwin that's dryer and more educational, but the addition of Baldwin keeps the gross factor about the same.
[via MediaOrchard]
Series 60 tips and tricks
4. These aren't secret, but they're some of the best features of S60, and not as obvious to newbies as perhaps they should be:
1. Managing your running applications. A foreign concept to Windows Mobile users, S60 thankfully includes a task manager to view, choose, and close running applications. Just hold down the application key for a second (the one with the two-dots-spinning icon) to bring up a menu of open apps. Choose one to switch to it, or press the "C" (clear) key to Exit that application to free memory.
2. Related to the above... Know the difference between "Exit"ing an application and switching to something else. If you're in an app and choose the "Exit" softkey (or use the task-manager shortcut above) that will actually shut down that application, and take you to whatever you were doing before. But if you press the red end (hang-up) key to jump to the home screen, (or switch to another application,) the app stays running in the background.
3. Full text editing. To select text, just hold down the text (pencil) key and move the cursor. A "Copy" option appears - press it to copy the selected text to the clipboard (just like a PC). Then go to where you want to paste the text - even another application - and hold the text key for a second. A "Paste" option appears.
7. a few great applications: CtrlFreak(controlling your pc via bluetooth), TotalIR (IR remote control for... everything) . A great website (though a little messy) for apps and games: I really like my Nokia 6600, it gets a little slow sometimes, but a format once every 6 months cures that. Can't wait to get a N93 in a couple of months.
Posted at 7:09PM on Feb 6th 2006 by gtox10. Here is a tip:
as you will no longer be able to run any 'homebrew' apps and games on them due to the new "Symbian signed" DRM, erm I mean, security feature.
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