Wednesday 2 November 2005

%5 Pseudo Operations in Iraq

Blobs: Pseudo Operations in Iraq
Monday 3rd October 2005, by Christian Mohn

THE two undercover British soldiers, disguised as Iraqis wearing mustaches and wigs and involved in a dramatic rescue by British soldiers where several Iraqi police were killed are part of the pseudo operations of the counter-insurgency being conducted by American British and Israeli special operations.

Pseudo operations, in which government forces and guerilla defectors portray themselves as insurgent units is a technique used in many odious counterinsurgency campaigns throughout the years dating back to the U.S.’s imperialistic conquest of the Philippines to name one example.

Where the basic idea is to win the counter-insurgency against the opposing insurgency, or, at least, that is what is portrayed in various military websites, many aspects of the insurgency and the counter-insurgency being waged in Iraq are suspicious. It appears as if the "coalition forces" or the special ops of those forces are deliberately waging a campaign of terror in order to provoke the insurgency itself- a deliberate effort to prolong the conflict and destabilize the region.

This is not to say there is no true insurgency being waged in Iraq against the invading force. However following the course of the counter-insurgency itself we see the use of psychological warfare being used upon the people of the United States in the form of the scarlet pimpernel Al Zaraqawi who is everywhere and nowhere and the avid internet geeks Al Qaeda of Mesopotamia who claim responsibility for every recent attack but no one can download their site. We are told of endless suicide bombers blowing themselves up in the crowded streets of Baghdad and killing innocent bystanders where there are never any American troops. The American public is told these things and it sees the pictures of the "deadly bombings." The managed public is allowed to draw two conclusions equally safe for the Master-State, the troops are causing the "insurgency" and should come home, or, if the troops pull out, Iraq will descend into civil war.

The appeals for the troops to come home may be getting louder but the special operation units, with or without the troops, will remain there and engage in insurgency and counter-insurgency warfare that becomes something that is only about itself, the goal becoming obscured in a deepening guerilla war that is likely to continue for thirty years.

Al Qaeda is a con game with real players who "turned" into guerillas where sums of money are doled out to the guerillas and cash rewards given to civilians to turn in insurgents who are themselves playing a double game. It becomes a matter of sleazy deals and profits, like the drug operations in Latin and South America where everybody gets a piece of a profitable pie and where civilians are crushed without hope of ever living again in a viable state.

The ever-evolving Al Qaeda Con is designed to exploit and control the American public, an amorphous, threatening spreading blob described by a former insurance salesman turned "cyber-warrior" as "mercury being hit by a hammer." This sort of fantastical garbage gobbled up by publishing companies and NPR programs is what we will be facing for what appears to be an infinite amount of time since it is endlessly conducive to generating more fantasy and more profits.

If the troops did "come home" what will they do here anyway? Just hang around until they are sent off to another country where they pave the way for the next "insurgency."

One could say, well maybe fewer Iraqis will die if the troops got out of Iraq. Perhaps.

While the left deals in "baby steps," others see the notions of the left as no longer competent in offering any viable solutions to the reality of what is before us.

OLD NEWS:This has been in active use since the 50s
(Score:5, Interesting)
by goombah99 (560566) Alter Relationship on Wednesday October 26, @09:57AM (#13880538)
The first sign the Fed's are listening to you is when they give you a nice small bust of lenin for your mantle peice. That's exactly what the British did to the russian ambassador back in the post world-war two era. They gave him a a gift of a small statue and inside it they had mounted a corner cube which is a passive device that enhances the retro-reflection of microwaves beamed at it. (read about it is Peter Wright's (banned in UK) book Spycatcher--wright [] was the science officer for MI5 and inventor of the technique [])

The second sign is when you feel toasty warm and the chair feels cold. In the 70's and 80's the carter and reagan administrations were perpetually complaining that the level of microwave energy measured inside the US embassy exceeded the OSHA limits for exposure. Eventually the US built a new embassy with enhanced shielding. UNfortunately the Soviet's put listening devices into the bricks. The embassy had to be knocked down and rebuilt. Of course, peter wright [] did exactly the same thing to the Soviet embassy in canada. Each night he snuck into the construction site and pulled wires up the inside of the walls to his microphones in specially made window sills. The soviet's learned about it from a mole in MI5 and had to build a second interior wall so that no rooms were near the windows.

Doppler microwave spying is quite old. As is laser vibrometry on windows.
TigerDirect [] is

Invest in AA
(Score:5, Funny)
by TripMaster Monkey (862126) * Alter Relationship on Wednesday October 26, @05:29AM (#13879242)

I think I'm going to buy stock in Alcoa Operations []...with shenanigans like this going on, they can only increase in value.

In the meantime, here's some telltale signs you might be under microwave surveillance:

* You feel slightly warmer than is normal.
* Your food seems to be cooking itself.
* Metal objects in your house give off sparks for no good reason.
* Your coffee remins hot for a very long time.
* Your beer remains cold for a very short time.
* All your CDs are covered with tiny cracks and will no longer play.
* Your house pets smell delicious.

Watch for these signs and protect your privacy...cause the government certainly isn't going to.

Re:Makes little difference
(Score:5, Funny)
by Talas213 (881991) Alter Relationship on Wednesday October 26, @07:06AM (#13879529)
A microwave device can be defeated by the good old tinfoil hat - by which I mean wallpapering in foil or otherwise turning the room into a faraday cage.

I'd suggest lining the walls with bags of popcorn. That way you'll know when you're under survellance and have a nice snack readily available.

Re:Fluff piece
(Score:5, Interesting)
by Ancient_Hacker (751168) Alter Relationship on Wednesday October 26, @06:50AM (#13879462)
>"You cant modulate a 3mm wave to record 0.001 mm changes." You're partially correct. It would be difficult to detect the modulations, EXCEPT that if you're also the sender of the original signal, you can mix the incoming and outgoing signals and extract the phase difference. Subtraction is a VERY powerful signal-extraction method!

There's an anecdote in the engineering field: where some poor sods at Racal-Dana had a phase detector at 50MHz that was so sensitive to vibration they had to stop their experiments whenever a plane took off from Orange County Airport (quite a few miles away). They eventually had to get special thick aluminum wall castings to enclose the phase detector to block the vibrations. And this was at just 50MHz. Phase detectors get more sensitive proportional to operating frequency, so a 5,000 MHz phase detector is *mighty* sensitive!


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