Tuesday, 4 April 2006

Creeping Egalitarianism [sub-senseless creeps]

The Loft » Blog Archive » Creeping Egalitarianism: "other than situations more severe to the minority than a few accidental deaths, the compromise should benefit the majority. Let’s call this modified version of majoritarian rule the “workajority.”"
[sorry: that item was scribbled by a child at GOP-USA, a megaphone for their best nearly-literate parrots; the barbaric decimation of "logic" here was typical, but the objective simply ordained. How can these people drive their cars backwards all week long and not notice the awkward inconvenience? It is truly a pestilence that fundamentalists are shouting their medieval "insights" from the rooftops.

An apt aphorism is "the Truth, Believed, is a Lie." There is NOTHING about a truth that is self-evident, only continually validated. Dismissing the enormous absurdities in the Bible violently condemns the entire incohesive message cherry-picked by Pharisee BAC "leaders".

Brick-headed folks are NOT the inheritors of the Earth. Usurpers they may be, albeit with the rustiest of bloody swords. The infantile needs of the GOPEagle writer are 'met' by a stern God, one that "chose" HER, and few others. THIS kind of sectarian thinking is intolerant of all scientific progress and humanistic or utilitarian ideals. These saps are programmed to be the "Manchurian Citizen." Willfully ignoring the crimes of any leader that is a "believer" and oblivious to the continually rancid FRUITS of that leader. These indoctrinated bumpkins are the enemy of all liberties because their calling is a 'jihad' against ALL INFERIOR FAITHS.

Paradoxically, they are WITHOUT Faith, because their kool-aid says ALL of the MIRACLE STORIES in the Bible ARE 100% ACTUALLY PROVEN HISTORICAL FACTS! Can you imagine how brain-less THAT is, to say "I am right" because xyz author "PROVED it to be true... despite xyz's initial claim to undertake this research to DISPROVE it all". Allelujah! Becomes terd-worship! This second-hand sub-scholarship makes the BACs giddy with pride, despite their abject failure to examine any of the contentious issues personally, with a skeptical mind, or even a non-vegetative mind.

Lordy! Pre-Fabricated 'religion' like this sure is a time-saver! And it also is so superior to all other religions, that it is an insult to even call it by such a name. It must be known as the "Ultimate Truth" and it towers above the inconsequential but derided 'competing' beliefs. This cowtowne rambling is but a first draft, and not composed for a national yellow-paper! In haste to adjourn, be VIGILANT to discern the 666 aka the INTOLERANCE of BACs towards ALL other humans, even their more-numerous but conventional Christ-worshiping brethren. The BACs are the most rudderless and BELLICOSE sect from all religions because their doctrine is no different from a fascist manifesto. "My Preacher says so, and we follow only the 'clear' TRUTH of the inerrant Bible" is such a subtle method for manufacturing infuriated yet robotic armies, better even than genetically-enhanced ape-warriors!

So, mein SHEET-HEADS, the reign of sanity requires an expulsion of all BACs from citizenship, because the blind-believers in ultimate absurdities are the complete TERRORISTS. Because they will justify any course of action to obtain power and 'dominion' despite JESUS having NONE OF THOSE Goals or qualities. Sad but Fact. Moo! Now it is Back to the HELL they have conspired to make out of this rapture-mad country! "Amen" says wtchoax, and the worshipers respond
, 'roger, wilco' || tag= BACrant1 , no-Antioch ]
One of the most disturbing areas today where egalitarianism is replacing the workajority is in the religious ambit. The optimal compromise, which should acknowledge Christianity as the prevailing religion permitting the majority to worship unimpeded, while tolerating other religions, is being displaced by a radical egalitarianism mandating that Christianity be permitted no more presence in society than other religions and even secularism. The absurdity of this tenet can be seen when it is considered that secularism means no religion. Since it is impossible to give both secularism and all the other hundreds of religions in the U.S. completely equal treatment, secularism has prevailed, resulting in the exclusion of virtually all religion from public life, as the secular minority rules under the guise of “egalitarianism.”

Using words like “equality,” “discrimination,” and “tolerance,” a divisive minority is fooling the majority into eroding the workajority optimal compromises that hold this country together. Using deceptive analogies, such as unrelated horrific events from past history, a hostile minority is able to frighten people into running from common sense.

horribly not relevant but linked:


Foundation by Seleucus I

Alexander the Great is said to have camped on the site of Antioch, and dedicated an altar to Zeus Bottiaeus, which lay in the northwest of the future city. This account is found only in the writings of Libanius, a 4th century AD orator from Antioch, and may be legend intended to enhance Antioch's status. But the story is not unlikely in itself. [1]


Early Christian-Byzantine period

The chief interest of Antioch under the empire lies in its relation to Christianity. Evangelized perhaps by Peter, according to the tradition upon which the Antiochene patriarchate still rests its claim for primacy (cf. Acts xi.), and certainly by Barnabas and Paul, who here preached his first Christian sermon in a synagogue, its converts were the first to be called Christians (Acts 11:26).

Antioch gave its name to a certain school of Christian thought, distinguished by literal interpretation of the Scriptures and insistence on the human limitations [theologicaly impossible, as is G-d having a 'son' ]of Jesus. Diodorus of Tarsus and Theodore of Mopsuestia were the leaders of this school. The principal local saint was Simeon Stylites, who lived an extremely ascetic life atop a pillar for 40 years some 65 km east of Antioch. His body was brought to the city and buried in a building erected under the emperor Leo.
Between 1932 and 1939, archaeological excavations of Antioch were undertaken under the direction of the "Committee for the Excavation of Antioch and Its Vicinity," which was made up of representatives from the Louvre Museum, the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Worcester Art Museum, Princeton University, and later (1936) also the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University and its affiliate Dumbarton Oaks.
The ramparts of Antioch climbing Mons Silpius during the Crusades (lower left on the map, above left)
The ramparts of Antioch climbing Mons Silpius during the Crusades (lower left on the map, above left)



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