Monday 17 October 2005

The Microsoft Protection Racket

The Microsoft Protection Racket

(Score:5, Insightful)
by MightyMartian (840721) Alter Relationship on Friday October 14, @12:53PM (#13792096)
And what is wrong with an individual INI file per app and/or per user? I mean, *nix has been using that for a long time, and it sure makes down-and-dirty administration ten times easier. The registry editor is a f**cking nightmare compared to your favorite text editor and *.conf or *.rc. Security is handled through the file system. The registry was a bad idea from the get-go, but you're right, Microsoft's incompetence will be with us until the world finally tells Redmond to take their crappy operating system and shove it.
The world's burning. Moped Jesus spotted on I50. Details at 11.


Both systems blow, and just as equally. It is the difference between any centralized and distributed system.

Clean standard
less flexibility
single point of failure
better security (advanced ACL support, not every app has it own parser)
OS maintained
Terrible portability

no standard exists
more flexibity
no single point of failure
weaker security (it is either put in user or etc, you do not have an option of put in etc but allow just this setting for users)
App maintained
Easy portability

Best solution is to use both and let app decide
but a nightmare for sys admins
Also why is this retard writing about Security??

He's not writing about security, he's writing about Microsoft security. He's obviously fully qualified.==================

I can nothing but agree with what Dvorak says, It is pretty disturbing that the company that lets the malware in also charges you money for fixing it. I do not think antivirus is any real solution either but one that comes from Microsofts unwillingness to fix the problem. Thus a void was created wich was filled by other companies. To see Microsoft trying to take over that market is obnoxious. They should have fixed the underlying design problems in Windows that lets all the malware in, not slap a new layer ontop of the old broken one.

Lets not forget that antivirus has a big problem. For it to recognize a virus someone must first dissect it and then create a signature. If someone would do 1000 versions of the same viruses you still have to dissect them all and create signatures for them. The hole that lets them in is still there and nothing is really fixed. All antivirus really helps against is getting a fix out for a specific virus in the wild until the vendor has time to fix the hole. If the vendor doesnt fix the hole quickly its pretty useless and creates and endless battle.

The antivirus companies ofcourse like this, and endless revenue stream. When Microsoft enters this market it creates a huge conflict of interest. This is why i agree with Dvorak. Now, im off to take a hot shower and cry trough the night.....
Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum.


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