#5 DeBunkers At Last
The Washington Note Archives
First Wilkerson, now Scowcroft. Who's next?
Okay, so I quote from the Rude Pundit again. (The naughty bits have been snipped!)
"The Republican, as he looks over this morning's news, wonders what it would be like to break ranks, to name evil where he sees it. To say, as other conservatives have, that this administration has failed, that it is a shit-encrusted assault on the very foundations of the things the Republican loves about America, about politics, about governing. The Republican knows that it would only take one - that once he turns, others will join him, like a branch that pushes through a logjam. And he could save his party from this amateur, this manchild, this pretender, this Bush. He could lead the way, showing that the Republicans put the good of the nation above loyalty to criminals. God, what a magnificent thing that would be: the hearings, the resignations, the housecleaning that would elevate discourse and set the country at least back on the proper path."
As Nelson writes, we could be witnessing the implosion of this Bush administration. My personal joy at seeing this corrupt and incompetent band of criminals (possibly, hopefully) face justice is tempered by the notion that we could be entering a very dark and dangerous period for our country. (I know, I know, many would argue we entered this period in November 2000.)
How will we emerge from the violence, bloodshed, death, and destruction occurring around us? Wars, economic collapse, social injustice, unemployment, inflation, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and, oh yeah, terrorism are perpetual threats. We need serious people for the serious work that lies ahead. A power vacuum in the Oval Office does not bode well for the weeks, months, and years ahead.
But the first step is to clean house. It's finally happening.
yes: --as if -- they
I've wondered for some time what GHWB really thinks of his son's performance, and I haven't been able to imagine that it has made him proud.
Although I'm sure he's been too afraid of Barb to say anything.
But it's got to hurt someone who really did see himself as a statesman, who was very knowledgeable and deeply involved in foreign affairs, and who was especially concerned about US NOCs not being outed, seeing his drunken son fuck it all up and not give a shit. Not to mention fucking up the whole succession plan of Jebby. In history, the name "Bush" will evoke W, and will have a worse connotation than Nixon.
Posted by: Ducktape at October 21, 2005 04:58 PM
I'm with John B.
How come all these folks didn't speak up before?
I mean... do they have to have a 18-wheel anti-Bush bandwagon in full motion before they dare step up and speak the truth?
If that's the case, those of us who have been spitting flames about Bush's Iraq mess for years... deserve presidential medals of freedom.
The funny thing about American democracy, is that it avows the individual, but gives all its power to cabals.
Cabals of pundits.
Cabals of lobbyists.
Cabals of bloggers.
Cabals of coporate executives.
Cabals of etc.
The individual's voice of protest doesn't count for fuck.
Thus, we are all supposed to get excited when some political celebrity turns on Bush?
Give me a break America....
Posted by: koreyel at October 21, 2005 05:20 PM
delayed conscieousness, har3:
What really bothers me is that it seems --say it with me--it only counts if you're republican.
When non-republicans talked about the Downing Street Memo, the MSM just yawned. When Rep. Conyers has hearings, they are ignored in the press.
Instead of going and finding all of us who were against the war in the beginning, the Washington insiders instead look to those republicans who are finally speaking out. And face it, they're saying now what John Kerry and most all the democratic candidates were saying in the campaign, and only when it's a republican saying it, does it mean something.
Alternative, wiser voices are out there. If only they were news.
Posted by: Vaughan at October 21, 2005 05:53 PM
Phredd -- your point makes no sense. Do you admire Daniel Ellsberg? Many on the left do. And yet he waited quite a while before copying the Pentagon papers. I wish Colin Powell had done something earlier -- but he didn't. That's life. The thing is that to end the damage this administration has done -- we need to bring over to the side of sane foreign policy some of the best practitioners who were part of the Bush machine.
I think you are being knee-jerk and somewhat sensational in your critique. Thanks for posting -- but wanted to make very clear how strongly I disagree with you and others.
I am grateful for any and all who come out and tell us how this nightmare happened -- and who will help us zero in on what caused this so as to generate the public will not to have it happen again with Iran or the next crisis.
Steve Clemons
Posted by: Steve Clemons at October 21, 2005 06:23 PM
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